Steepster's Ultimate Holiday Tea Contest!
Awesome prize !
Seems that the leaves would unfold well in this teapot, I’d try making a Concubine Oolong from Tea masters in it !
Thanks steepster
If I won I’d be making the Coconut Pouchong in it. It’s one of the teas on my Shopping List that I’ve been drooling over. Or maybe Tea Frog’s Bamboo Shoots, that looks wonderful too.
I’m not sure I’d have enough room in my cupboards for all that tea so I supect that on the off chance I win I might be sharing the wealth (if I don’t I’m sure my non-tea-drinking boyfriend-creature will). ;D
The first tea I would make with that amazing Sorapot would be Jasmine #12 from Adagio Teas. I would sit there and watch the pearls unfurl and release their delicious, floral flavors. It’s mesmerizing. :D
O Steepster Overlords, thank you for making my brain explode nicely before finals. All formulas and constants previously held in the recesses of my cranium have now been replaced with, “WANT SORAPOT.”
If I won this [and I am trying very hard not to hold my breath, because I am not a person who wins things] I would, after doing a freakish amount of jumping around and then probably make the Jade Oolong from Pearl Fine Teas because I like the oolongs and I would want to watch that sucker unfold whilst weeping tears of joy.
I’d make some of the great Oolong I bought in Taiwan (and of which I can’t read the name on the package). i have a pretty good idea of how it should taste, so that’s my ultimate test.
I was dreaming of this teapot yesterday and here it is before me. Okay, I kid, but I really was looking at it yesterday and I thought it was amazing until I clicked on the price tag and BAM, $200. That’s quite a sum for a teapot.
I’m with Auggy…I hate to say it, but I’d be hunting everywhere for the perfect artisan display tea to put in that sucker…white, of course. I know that’s probably verboten to tea purists, and I’ve never bought any of the pretty unfolding display teas, but LOOK at that thing, wouldja? The former interior designer in me wants to bust out swatches and a tape measure for the ultimate display.
Definitely would make some sort of artisan tea, or pearls, to be able to see them brew so beautifully. I think Black Dragon Pearls from Adagio – tastes great and so fun to watch!
What AMAZING prizes! Beautiful (and fine) selections!!!
Frankly, I’d have a hard time coming up with what to try first… I suspect there’d be an all day tea party to let folks try things and to just keep the tea flowing. :) But most likely, I’d make the coconut pouchong first. This one has been on my list for a little while now, and I’m itching to try it. :)
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