Steepster's Ultimate Holiday Tea Contest!

561 Replies

What a prize package!! Set for winter, for sure… lol.

I would probably throw a tea party to share my winnings & begin by steeping my Teavana Peach Momotaro Artisan Leaf blooming tea in the Sorapot. It would be beautiful. You’re all invited! =)

Steepster rocks!

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voidPortal said

I would love this set!

I would make a pot of Kenilworth Orange Pekoe.

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I’d definitely be brewing the golden monkey first!

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What a tough decision, which one of the wonderful teas to make first! I think it would be 1001 Nights, from teafrog. The mix of sencha and black teas, with highlights of jasmine, rose, sunflower and marigolds sounds enchanting!

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flavorful said

This is awesome. I didn’t realize how many different flavors of tea there were! If I win, I’d try the coconut first cause I love coconut :)

Cofftea said

There are teas in almost EVERY flavor!:)

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Sniffle No one is mentioning our teas because we have a new one every week, so they don’t know what they will be. sob sob.

Cofftea said

I think that’s only because the not knowing scares them as much as excites them.:)

Ha ha. We only did ONE maple bacon tea, you know. Most of our teas aren’t quite as crazy as that.

Squee said

Aww, 52teas, don’t feel bad. One of yours probably would have been on my list if I’d known which ones they would be… I’ve been eying a couple of your blends, but this close to Christmas I’m trying to spend money on others rather than myself (and I know no other tea drinkers!). I see you have a cola flavored tea now… spiffy! You sure have some interesting ones. Your maple bacon tea cracks me up.

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Spencer said

The first tea I would make is Rishi’s Peach Blossom White!
Thanks so much for hosting the contest!

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Ben Sima said

First up would be yerba mate for breakfast! Tengo un kilo del Rosamonte Especial. ¡Está muy delicioso!

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Harfatum said

I’d make Ceylon Kenilworth OP – classic of classics among black teas.

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auroragb said

Always wanted to try Great Red Robe, it would definitely be my first!

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