Thanks to Ost for this sample!
When I checked out the brewing instructions on Teavivre’s website, I was really surprised: 2 tablespoons for 2 cups of liquid? That’s about 3 times as much as I normally use when brewing that amount of tea.
I used up all of Ost’s sample when brewing it, and even after 1.5 minutes in hot water, this tea was DARK. It was rich, strong, smelled of malt and sweet potato and bread, and a pretty decent cup. I got at least 3 steeps out of that single batch of leaf, and the 3rd steep in particular smelled citrusy. However, I really do wonder if the western-style steeping instructions on the site are correct.
I use between 1.5 t and 2 t (it’s fluffy) for an 11 oz mug.
I think Teavivre changes the parameters when the harvests change.