Ladies and gentlemen, I am a fucking star.
Why, you ask?
Because yesterday I got a call out of the blue from a gentleman I met at a networking event about a month ago. He had just been nominated for a local business award and needed someone to edit the writing in his nomination package.
The nomination package was due in less than 24 hours.
So he sent me the document he needed edited around 2 PM, I got to work, called him once or twice to clear a few things up, and then sent the whole edited shebang off to him around 7:30.
And thus, I was able to invoice for a few hundred dollars that I didn’t have when I woke up yesterday morning!
I spent the rest of the evening in this kind of dazzled, exhausted high, as I’ve never done rush editing like that before. Whoo!
I ended up having this tea to cap things off, since I’ve never had it straight. It’s okay, but quite woody. This is one I’ll definitely try to finish off quickly since it’s not really my thing.
Hah, I laughed out loud when I read Marzipan’s response. So true though! Congratulations on being amazing! :)
You are super star!
Sounds like a good reason to buy tea to me.
Hah, I laughed out loud when I read Marzipan’s response. So true though! Congratulations on being amazing! :)
Heh! Much as I’d like to, I’m gonna stick to my tea hiatus. Only about 3.5 weeks to go…