Yunnan Sourcing

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Lewis and Clarke TTB

I oversteeped my first infusion of this. Oops. Work is distracting and crazy busy as of late. But I could tell this tea has a lot of potential.

I resteeped the leaves for a couple more infusions, short and sweet this time, not getting distracted. Much better. Mild, fruity, almost floral.

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actually, this tea is a bit more spicy than I first thought :P

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another lovely tea! nice grassy/honey/spicy taste b:) not as spicy as some of the other ones

thank you to Scott Wilson and Yunnan sourcing for this tea :)

Flavors: Grass, Honey, Spices, Spicy

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec 5 g 25 OZ / 750 ML

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a lovely tea :) nice and sweet with a grassy/honey taste with heavy spicy notes

thank you to Scott Wilson and Yunnan sourcing for this lovely tea

Flavors: Grass, Honey, Spices, Spicy

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec 5 g 25 OZ / 750 ML

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I’ve got about two, maybe three steepings left of this tea. A very unique black that is well worth adding to your cart on your next Yunnan Sourcing purchase. The tea is astringent, and the dry leaves remind me of Jin Jun Mei, but the flavour is closer to Golden Monkey than it is to Jin Jun Mei. There’s more of a sweet potato flavour to it than a nutty or chocolatey one. Works well as a post lunch/dinner tea.

Flavors: Sugarcane, Sweet Potatoes

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I don’t remember drinking so much of this tea, but I’m well on my way to running out. This is another one of Yunnan Sourcing’s solid, interesting Chinese blacks. If you’ve only had Assam and Ceylons, go to Yunnan Sourcing, randomly pick a few black teas, and sit back and enjoy the ride. You can’t go very very wrong with their black tea selection, and the prices are more than decent – allowing for quite a bit of experimentation, without having your bank manager pick up the phone.
This tea seems very delicate and innocuous when dry, but through the magic power of hot water turns into quite a beasty. On the more powerful scale of Chinese teas (weaker than Assam, so don’t run away if you’re scared of strong teas), it is malty, fruity, with spice and seduction in the recesses. A tea to sip before an adventurous evening in an exotic part of town, or to have with a new foreign delicacy. Just be very, very careful not to overgrew it. It does bite.

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I used a little too much leaf and let it brew for a bit too long, so it came out quite aggressive. Regardless, there is a sweet maltiness to this tea even under unfavourable circumstances, so I look forward to brewing it again, properly next time.
I am very, very tired, and on the way to work today a siren blared while I was on a bus. The driver stopped the bus and we all alighted to find shelter nearby. Instead of running off in a “each man to himself” attitude, everyone kept their cool and helped each other find shelter. A nice twist to a very unpleasant experience.

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Tea #2 from the (Mostly) Unflavored TTB
While I guess I should’ve resteeped the Mao Feng I just had, I have too many teas I want to try today (so I just set the leaves to the side, now I see the benefit of having multiple brewing baskets).
I only used a tsp in about 8oz since it seems a special tea and I’d hate to ‘waste’ it if I didn’t like it.
Wow. This has a super malty/bready/honey sort of smell to it. Maybe a bit of cream mixed in. It’s mouthwatering. And I haven’t even taken a sip. Lol.
The first sip is very bready (almost reminds me of eating pita chips weirdly enough), but I don’t think I steeped it enough, or else I used too much water since it was slightly watery tasting to me. I probly pulled a major fau pas and just dropped to steeping basket back in for another 30 or so seconds and that seemed to help. Definitely got rid of the watery taste.
Wonderfully malty and a nice fullness to the sip.
I think I’d like to have this in my cupboard if Yunnan Sourcing wasn’t so daunting to order from. But maybe I’ll bite the bullet and finally place an order.

Flavors: Honey, Malt

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Yeah, I’d love to place an order just for this tea. :D


It’s on my hit list too. Going toorderin September, thinking about a group order…..


well, just made me want some LOL! too bad i’m not due for a YS order for another 6 months or so (or until i finish the delicious oolongs i just rec’d from them…which will take a while…).

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i’m all out…. all i can say is… yummy yummy yummy in my tummy, and i can’t wait to get some more!

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Ru Yao teapot gongfucha.

Dry leaf smells slightly musty and sweet

Wet leaf smells of campfire smoke, honey and spices

Light steep: I taste medium campfire smoke. I also taste very light honey and spices.

Medium steep: I taste mild honey and spices. I taste Light minerals. I also taste medium campfire smoke.

Heavy steep: I taste strong campfire smoke. I taste medium spices, light honey and mild bitterness

All in all a great tea. Great for beginners (western style and gongfucha. )

Flavors: Campfire, Honey, Mineral, Smoked, Spices

Boiling 7 g 6 OZ / 165 ML

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all out of this tea now :( but i will get more for Christmas! yay!:D

what a wonderful sheng! what a lovely sheng!

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for once this tea got a tad bitter :O

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this is too good for others not to try: does anyone want to swap a tea for some of this?

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I have about a quarter of this cake left.

its a great tea to brew via cup and strainer, and grandpa style

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this tea never goes bitter if steeped in a strainer with a 250ml cup for a while. Even with 10g of the tea :D

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 10 g 8 OZ / 250 ML

grandpa style! :P


Yeah you pour more water in when the pitcher is 3/4 empty


but this one was not done grandpa style


I love grandpa style for roasted oolongs and dragonwell


scribbles did you get my messages via steepster mail system?

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still an awesome tea even though it was sitting in my grandma’s living room for a few months

the best sheng puer in the world


This is a good one. And a good one for people to try puerh with.


Yeah man :)

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what a lovely tea! if you have tried it, what do you like/dislike about it?

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 8 OZ / 250 ML

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so i got my new gongfu set today. as well as the rest of my order and all is well with it.

gong fu style:

first steep 10s: the tea was very smooth and sweet with smokeyness and honey tasting.

second steep 20s: the tea was very sweet with sugarcane notes as well as honey and mild smokeyness.

third (final) steep 30s: this was the best steep with all of the above notes.

the lingering taste was of sweet hay like taste


new score
Score 85 —> 100

Flavors: Honey, Smoke, Sugarcane, Sweet

Boiling 5 g 4 OZ / 130 ML

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a nice pu-ehr tea that tastes like honey and campfire :) smooth and tasty too

Many thanks to Yunnan sourcing and Scott Wilson for this tasty tea

Flavors: Campfire, Honey, Smoked

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 25 OZ / 750 ML

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This is an excellent ripe puerh from Menghai Tea Factory. It is one of their best numbered cakes without a doubt. I have this one in 2008 and 2012 and I think 2011. It is excellent with a moderate amount of fermentation flavor left. It is not for those who can’t stand a little fermentation flavor but it is good.

I brewed this once in an 18oz teapot with 8.8g leaf and boiling water for 30 sec. I most often brew this in the morning so it doesn’t often get gongfu brewed but it is good western style too.

Flavors: Dates

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec 8 g 18 OZ / 532 ML

The 2007 from Yunnan Sourcing is excellent also.

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This is an excellent ripe puerh that I certainly hope gets better with age. After all I bought a tong of it about a year ago. It has developed a bit of a dates note to it. I don’t notice much in the way of chocolate notes but there seems to be a little behind the tongue. This tea is an overall winner of a blend.

I steeped this once for my morning tea in a 18 oz teapot with 10g leaf for 30 sec. No time for a gongfu session before work, I wish there was time. I may resteep this tea later.

Flavors: Dates

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec 10 g 18 OZ / 532 ML

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This tea is really good in the first steeping, a little too bitter in the second steeping and good after that. It is a tea I like. I did not want to try something new tonight as I knew I could not give it my full attention. It is too late and I don’t want the caffeine tonight. Tonight I steeped this only twice, in a 350ml teapot. First for 15 sec then for 10 sec. I used 12 g of leaf and boiling water. In the first steep I noticed some interesting notes, I would describe chocolate for one and there were others but I was too tired to pay attention. There is a definite bitterness in the second steep, I think I should have given it only 5 seconds. I know from drinking this tea that that bitterness soon disappears. But overall it is a strong tea not for the weak of heart.

Flavors: Chocolate

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 12 g 12 OZ / 350 ML