Trader Joe's
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I love TJ’s dearly, but their teas are mostly a let down. I should have known better and resisted, but the lure of a spicy tea was too much for me to pass up. I cold steeped this overnight in the fridge and woke up to a tea who’s first taste is of alkaline, which I always equate to dirt. Dirt tea, mmmmmmm! After the alkaline washes away, I am greeted by some heat and the flavor of fruit. Over all, it was a let down. I might try adding some creamer to see if that helps with the dirt, but I’m worried that it will tame down the chili which was the selling factor for me. :/
An excellent, soothing winter time tea. It really does taste like a candy cane in tea format – very little green tea taste present. I even know people who typically hate tea that enjoy this one.
I always stock up on this when the winter season rolls around at Trader Joe’s, since it’s not sold during the rest of the year. Great tea for a calm December evening or a rainy day!
Flavors: Peppermint
We are surprised that this tea hasn’t been specifically reviewed here.
It’s part of a collection of 10 teas available at Christmas time at Trader Joe’s. This black tea is (in my opinion) the best of the 10. And surprisingly, it seems to be just as good as some of the “higher end” flavored black teas on the market.
You do need to be aware that this is a “flavored tea”, so if you have an intolerance for that kind of thing, this tea won’t change your mind.
Flavors: Raspberry
This was one of my favorite jasmine teas for a while there when it was still in stock. It was before I was super into loose leaf teas, but I was pretty impressed at the quality considering it was bagged. It was my first pearl/ball tea and I was super amused at the preparation. I have had a bag or two kicking around for YEARS now and steeped one up today. The bag had a slight rip in it, so between that and the age I’m not expecting top notch flavoring. The instructions on the tag say to steep it for five minutes, but I steeped for only two since it is my standard for green teas. This still has quite a bit of flavor, although it is more muted than I recall. It has a slight sweetness to it and a nice aftertaste. I do wish TJ’s would bring it back because it would be a great jasmine tea to travel with.