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Trader Joe’s never seems to disappoint. Really enjoyed!

2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I found this in the cupboard and tried it again. Yep, wayyyy too sweet, and in the artificial sweetness way. I ended up doing a cup of this, and a cup of ceremonial matcha, over ice. That makes it tolerable, but it’s still artificial sweetness. I have like 25oz now in my tumbler, so I’ll go through this cup, and maybe decide by the end of this whether to keep or dump the rest of it.

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drank Autumn apple rooibos by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

Another sipdown of a nice no caff. option. I love this blend too, but it was getting older and I need to make room for my newest rooibos blends.

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drank Autumn apple rooibos by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

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drank Autumn apple rooibos by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

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drank Autumn apple rooibos by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

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drank Autumn apple rooibos by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

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drank Autumn apple rooibos by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

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drank Autumn apple rooibos by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

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drank Autumn apple rooibos by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

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drank Autumn apple rooibos by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

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drank Autumn apple rooibos by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

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drank Autumn apple rooibos by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

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drank Autumn apple rooibos by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

Medium quality rooibos that benefits from hotter steeps. Is also quite tasty cold brewed and brewed multiple times.

Sweet, rooibosy, natural sweetness of rooibos and apple, cinnamon in the background (but not too strong), caramelised brown sugar, wheat, spices. It all comes together well and makes for a nice cup for those who enjoy rooibos.

Flavors: Apple, Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Mineral, Rooibos, Spices, Sweet, Thick, Wheat

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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Sticking with my original positive review, but when they say “1 bag to 8 oz water,” they mean it. I tried this in my go-to-work tumbler, and it kind of fell apart. Less is more.

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Many of us have discussed at length the difficulty of finding a cherry tea that doesn’t smell and taste like cough syrup. While this still has a cherry-candy rather than cherry-fruity personality, it does not have any chemical whang to it. Perfect cherry-to-cocoa ratio, and licorice (which I generally dislike) serves as a sweetener rather than an interference.

A work buddy graciously hooked me up with a couple sample bags. Wish I were closer to a TJ’s, because I would be snagging myself a tin of this sweet and dessert-y stuff!


Trader Joe’s has some surprisingly good tea! This one sounds nice.


I may take the other bag home and try with a little milk to make it taste like a cherry chocolate.

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drank Candy Cane Green Tea by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

I finally finished this one up this morning. Our family goes Christmas on the 24th and then does a second Christmas with aunts/uncles/grandparents/etc on the 25th. I drank this Candy Cane Green Tea because it seemed fitting, and also because I need a few more sipdowns with the new teas I got. Anyway, this is delicious and I welcome it back to my cupboard anyway. I will likely buy a box if I’m ever in the US and go to a Trader Joe’s again.

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drank Candy Cane Green Tea by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

This makes a really nice chocolate milk latte. It reminds me of mint hot chocolate.

Flavors: Mint

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drank Candy Cane Green Tea by Trader Joe's
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drank Candy Cane Green Tea by Trader Joe's
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drank Candy Cane Green Tea by Trader Joe's
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drank Candy Cane Green Tea by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

This decaf green doesn’t taste like a green at all, I swear it is the same tea as Celestial Seasonings “Candy Cane Lane” repackaged. The vanilla + peppermint + candy cane really sell it for me. It is so smooth on its own, but also really good as a latte. It tastes so creamy…like those deliciously scented moisturizes that are melted sugar or candycane scented.

Flavors: Mint, Peppermint, Sugarcane, Vanilla

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drank Candy Cane Green Tea by Trader Joe's
2987 tasting notes

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