Tea Forte

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drank Blood Orange by Tea Forte
3010 tasting notes

Being of the non-hibiscus camp, I wasn’t especially anxious to give this a try; most of the blood orange blends I’ve tried are so tart they make my eyebrows sweat. But I’m trying to sip down the remains of a Tea Forte sampler, so there they were, and I felt honor bound to sample them.

I fridge-steeped two pyramid bags overnight and was very pleasantly surprised. No tartness to speak of—just a pleasant, deep, almost grapefruity citrus peel and pith personality. Surprise!

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Flavors: Maple Syrup, Pear, Sugar

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 15 sec

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drank Jasmine Green by Tea Forte
1733 tasting notes

I’ve had this sample for a few years…and it still held up. Smelling it, there was a bit of a hot grass heaviness, so I cold brewed it in my tumbler throughout the day to hold off on astringency. The florals were brought out and quite creamy after about twenty minutes sitting in the cold water, and refreshing. Like the other reviews, this is a decent jasmine that’s unassuming and easy to drink. I was afraid it might be too strong and perfumy. Luckily, it wasn’t and something I’d have again if offered. No idea how much it would cost on it’s own, but I wouldn’t overspend on it personally.

Flavors: Cream, Floral, Grass, Hot Hay, Jasmine

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drank Earl Grey by Tea Forte
45 tasting notes

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Flavors: Bergamot, Lemon

Boiling 6 min, 45 sec

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drank African Solstice by Tea Forte
45 tasting notes

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Flavors: Nutty, Vanilla

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 30 sec

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drank Chamomile Citron by Tea Forte
45 tasting notes

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Flavors: Chamomile, Lemon

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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Flavors: Ginger, Honey, Lemongrass

3 min, 0 sec

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drank Cherry Amour by Tea Forte
2586 tasting notes

Tried this tea from another Reddit TTB. It sort of tastes like beets. It’s too savory. I guess I could see cherries, but it’s just kind of tart and bleh. Maybe with a shorter steep it could be better, but I’ll save the last bag for someone else to try.

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drank Vanilla Peach by Tea Forte
3010 tasting notes

While this was a gentle and desserty afternooner, neither the peach nor the vanilla was a standout. I didn’t concentrate on it much (I was zoned in on a “25 Words or Less” episode) so inattention may have contributed. I’ve got one more little pyramid to try; we’ll see if conditions improve.

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drank Sweet Orange Spice by Tea Forte
75 tasting notes

Sipdown #7

I’m alive! Been busy packing for my move, and just not ordering any new tea until the move is completed.

I like this one. Not artificially sweet, but sugary sweet. The clove, orange, and cinnamon just mesh together really well for me and I’d like to try similar blends in the future.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Clove, Orange

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Mango Melange by Tea Forte
261 tasting notes

#tiffanys2021sipdown Tea #100 overall / Tea #16 for March

Friday 3/12 (WRITTEN 3/16/21) — Tea Forte Mango Melange. YAY A TIN IS FINISHED!! I made this a week or so ago as full cold-brew pitcher I think but then had 3-4 PS left in bottom of tin, so I put them in a 20 oz glass jar with water for cold-brew in fridge & sipped it down 3/12. I had gotten this when I made my only ever (and large with a ton of different teas) order with Tea Forte, I think in 2019? (maybe 2018?) I can’t remember to be honest. I know my boyfriend love mango (the fresh fruit) so I remember this being one I picked up for him but he must not have enjoyed it or I wouldn’t still have the tea around. It was okay, not anything memorable writing this note a few days later. I’ll have to figure out something nice to reuse the tin for, I do like the tea forte tins.

#tiffanydrinkstea #tiffanys2021 #tiffanysfaves #tiffanyinthe614 #tiffanysteasipdown #sipdownchallenge

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drank Caramel Nougat by Tea Forte
3010 tasting notes

A tea with such a tantalizing title shouldn’t oughtta taste chemically…but I was picking up some kind of metallic tang with this blend straight-up. Wasn’t sweet enough to register as caramel on my taste bud spectrum. Milk helped a little, but not enough for me to seek this out again.

Your results may differ. Other reviewers had very kind things to say.

Mastress Alita

I know the metallic tang well. I seem to pick it up from decaffeinated teas, and random flavorings. Always off-putting when it happens.

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drank Hazelnut Truffle by Tea Forte
75 tasting notes

Sipdown #5.

I’m motivated to get through a lot of old teas since I’m moving apartments next month. I know tea doesn’t take up much space but it just feels good to get rid of things for a move. Especially since I’ve held onto this for a whopping 7 years.

I don’t like this. I think the worst part is that it smells like vomit more than it does chocolate and that’s all that I’m thinking about as I sip it. Not nearly chocolatey or nutty enough. But not so bad that I won’t finish a cup. It’s just blergh. And it’s been blergh since I first tried it in 2014.

Edit: Reading other reviews, I realized I must have gotten a bad batch. Only one other person seems to have an experience similar to mine.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Mastress Alita

When I moved in 2019, my tea collection took up two HUGE boxes… and that didn’t include the teaware! (Or the shelving unit that housed all said tea…)

Mastress Alita

Also, I see there is coconut in this tea. When coconut goes rancid (which it does rather quickly… for me, usually within a year unless I’m very fortunate) it definitely tastes either like vomit, or suntan lotion.


Good to know! Guess it was rancid to begin with. :(

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drank Caramel Nougat by Tea Forte
2586 tasting notes

Last traveling tea box sample from 2020. Hmm this is much more mildly flavored than I expected. Hot, it tastes like rather plain black tea. I’m not really getting caramelized sweetness here. I imagined it being much richer than this. Once it had cooled, the base was a bit more metallic than I prefer, but I also got some burnt caramel hints, which were pleasant. I feel like I did get some nougat in the end, but I wish the flavors were stronger.


Now I’ll have to go prowl through my TF sampler box to see if there is one more … I think I’ve tried this one but forgot to review it.


I’ve never ordered from them before, but their flavors always sound tasty and are fun to try when I come across them!


Revealing my OCD side here, but I can’t bear to get rid of the cute little triangular boxes the pyramid bags come in…I just turn them over to the unprinted side and put them right back in the box. I am bound and determined to figure out a kid-friendly game or art project to use them with!


P.S. Have you ever seen Tea Forte for sale at a mainline grocery or chain store? Last time I remember seeing some at a store, it was a fancy-pants little touristy gift shop in the Ozarks.


I totally agree about the packaging! Nope, I’ve never seen them anywhere!

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drank Spiced Ginger Plum by Tea Forte
3010 tasting notes

18 below (F) when we got up this morning! After that, the balmy 12 degrees we’re expecting tonight calls for beach party drinks.

But instead, I’m capping off a long day with Spiced Ginger Plum. While we’re still frozen sounds like a good opportunity to knock out all the chai stuff I didn’t get to around Christmas.

It leads with too much hibiscus, but there is something plummy and fruitcakey once you get the hibby out of the way. It might be better sweetened, but I’m near the bottom of the cup and I’m just too (spiced ginger) plumb tired to get up.

Bundle up, y’all.

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drank African Solstice by Tea Forte
75 tasting notes

Sipdown #2! Glad to finish this one off. I loved this blend as part of a sampler I got waaaay back in college, so I got a tin of it a little while later. Definitely got a worse batch of it as this time it felt way too fruity, artificial, and kinda thin. The sample on the other hand was creamier, earthier, and rich with that vanilla rooibos flavor I’m usually so in love with.

Flavors: Artificial, Blueberry, Fruity, Rooibos, Rose, Sweet, Tart

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Chocolate Rose by Tea Forte
3010 tasting notes

From the sampler box. There is chocolate (not quite enough for me); there is rose (a little too much for me), but it performs exactly as advertised. Tea Forte recommends it with milk. I recommend it with a Russell Stover chocolate cream. Adds a little elegance to a glumpy afternoon, the highlight of which has been vacuuming cat hair and folding far too many loads of laundry.

Lexie Aleah

Breaking out the Valentines Day chocolate already? haha I’m trying to wait a little longer.

Cameron B.

I made sure to not have mine delivered too early so I wouldn’t eat them… o.o


Leftover Christmas in preparation for a new supply next week ;)


I am also finishing Christmas chocolate in preparation for Valentine chocolate! LOL

Cameron B.

Wow, I’m impressed that you have any Christmas chocolate left! I definitely would not… XD


Cameron B.: I bought THREE JARS of the Quality Street assortment from BJs, one bag of Hershey’s assortment (I only ate the Reese’s cuz Kisses cuz jump in a lake), and was gifted a box of See’s and two bags of Lindt truffles. Fortunately, I am not eating these alone.


I usually have holiday candy leftover from one holiday until the matching holiday shows up the next year. So my Christmas candy will last until next Christmas. :D

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drank Harvest Apple Spice by Tea Forte
3010 tasting notes

Could’ve been the sheer pleasure of sitting down after a full-press curriculum writing day and not having to think, but the scent of the both the tea pyramid and the steeped cup was so crisp and delightful, my eyes rolled back in my head.The flavor reminded me of crisp Granny Smith slices, and neither the rooibos nor the spices interfered with the apple-y goodness. Just had one pyramid from a sampler box, and I’m regretting drinking it so quickly.

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drank White Ginger Pear by Tea Forte
1324 tasting notes

DO NOT under any circumstance stick your nose in the tin. Let me save you the pain of having ginger straight up the nose. It is not the most pleasant experience but with how COVID can rid one of their sinus ability maybe it’s not such a bad thing. Take a look and you’ll first notice how very broken the leaf is. Sad to see for a white tea. But seeing as how it’s organic one doesn’t have to worry about them using a pesticide-induced leaf on the bottom of the bush. The flavor is very interesting. The ginger adds a nice spicy kick, but not too spicy, it doesn’t make your mouth pucker like ginger sometimes does. The pear adds a lot of sweetness. There is a bit of earthy flavor when you first take a sip but the lemon immediately follows with a wham of pear and the flavors. Suddenly I am reminded of the green sour gumballs. It’s not bad but I honestly don’t think I could have another cup. It’s a bit too much in my mouth. Unfortunately, the white tea is too muted.


Oh man, sorry about the nose-full of ginger! :(

Lexie Aleah

I am so guilty of doing this with everything from tea, to candles, to essential oils… lol


It’s so hard not to! Aroma is my favorite part… I mean, don’t get me wrong I love to taste tea but something about aroma just makes me excited!

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drank Cherry Amour by Tea Forte
3010 tasting notes

Well, hello there! Long time no steep.

It doesn’t look like this blend is available loose yet; it was an entry in the little pyramid gift box I received for Christmas. (I am in love with the little triangular Tea Forte boxes and refuse to pitch them until I can figure out how to recycle them into a game or craft for my Sunday kids). But I digress.

I approached with great caution, since the ingredients consist largely of two things I don’t like—hibiscus and licorice. Strangely, they cancel each other out, and what is left is a reasonably neutral fruit tea. I am not sure I completely got “cherry” out of it; if I did, it was fruit-cherry and not candy-cherry. Not bad for something I probably wouldn’t have selected on my own.

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drank Apricot Amaretto by Tea Forte
3010 tasting notes

The dry leaves had a nice apricot scent which translated nicely into fruit flavor that lasted throughout the whole cup. The almond/amaretto was secondary, but detectable. That’s OK; I have terrible luck with almond stuff getting bitter, so less was more.

Good for a bedtime that I’m going to have to adjust to accommodate going back to work come Monday.

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drank Raspberry Ganache by Tea Forte
3010 tasting notes

Using up the last little pyramids in a sampler box. When it was new, I mentioned that it didn’t have much scent, but had a reasonable fruit-to-chocolate balance.

I don’t know what I did differently, or maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been drinking primarily straight black tea for weeks upon end, but this morning, it tasted a little bit like a Russell Stover raspberry cream right out of the box. Wasn’t strong enough to wake me up, but it gave my taste buds something different to think about.

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drank Raspberry Ganache by Tea Forte
3010 tasting notes

I couldn’t pick up much scent from the little Tea Forte pyramid sachet. (But they are so cute and I am in love with the little triangular boxes…) So I went overboard and started the cup bag-in. You pick up the raspberry first; sweet, not tart, with the chocolate following very subtly in the background.

Then I got distracted (imagine that!) watching “25 Words or Less,” my vacation game show addiction, and it started heading toward bitterness. So between rounds, I removed the sachet, added some milk and reheated. With a little creaminess added to the mix, I think the bottom of the cup was better than the top.

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drank Rum Raisin Biscotti by Tea Forte
3010 tasting notes

Evidently, I only drink this on holidays…previous review was on Christmas a couple years ago, which tells me that it’s high time to steep it up. (And Happy Thanksgiving, by the way! We’ve already been out and about to find an open grocery store because, ahem, somebody forgot we were out of baking powder.)

This has held up well. The cookie aspect takes the lead today—very almond-y and pleasant. Sadly, Tea Forte has seen fit to discontinue it, so this is a sweet sipdown.

Wherever you are, and even if you’re not in a locale that’s officially celebrating, hope you take a little time to be grateful, even if it’s just for clean socks. I’m thankful for you Steepsters—you are a gracious and truly interesting bunch of people!


Happy American Thanksgiving! Yes, Steepster is something to be thankful for. :)


Happy Thanksgiving!

Martin Bednář

Happy Thanksgiving! Indeed, Steepster is something to be thankful for as said before.
A curious question — have you found open grocery store? :)


We had to hunt a little. Walmart, which is plentiful around here, actually closed this year. Dollar Generals also pop up like mushrooms in our suburbs and rural neighborhoods, but were sold out. We finally found a Cash Saver across town that was very busy with other forgetful shoppers!

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