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This tea is so fresh and has a very grassy quality to it, but it is absolutely delightful. It is a truly unique tea and it lends well to being rebrewed multiple times. If you are looking for something very refreshing and completely different to any other tea out there, this one is for you.
Flavors: Bamboo, Grass
This is the first flavoured puerh I have tried. The sweet orange flavour is definitely subtle but it takes a bit of the smokey harshness off the puerh. Its probably a very good tea for puerh beginners who arent used to really smokey teas.
To me it is disappointing that the tea is called Buddha’s Tears. This is only because this tea is extraordinary and there should be nothing to be sad about. As a Zen Buddhist I often indulge in an extravagant selection of teas. Now most of these teas aren’t listed because they do not have a brand name so I can not rate them, though as I will return to China in the early hours of March, I will be sure to let you know about the teas I have.
I’d herad good things about this tea from friends, so I decided to try it.
It smelt and looked abseloutely wonderful, but the taste wasn’t so great. I found it to be a little sickly, even though I didn’t add any sweeteners… I’ve made one pot of it, and probably won’t be making another. ):
I have gotten used to it now, but when I first tried it, the cloves in this chai just overwhelmed me!
It was somewhat unpleasant at first, but after a few more teaspoons of honey, I enjoyed this blend just fine. Picking out a few cloves probably wouldn’t hurt, though.
Was quite underwhelmed by this one. The smell was amazing, but the taste did not match my expectations once brewed. Couldn’t place my finger on the problem, but thinking it might be the yoghurt drops. These work much better in something like DavidsTea’s southern belle than this one. Won’t repurchase.
My Mum doesn’t like Strawberries & Cream either – you might want to try Strawberry Sensation by T2 it’s not my cup of tea because it’s not as sweet as Strawberries & Cream and lacks the ‘creaminess’ but I find people are searching for a strawberry tea really like it. It’s quite nice iced too.
So I tried this again (can’t say I give up easily!), iced this time, and I think I’ve worked out my issue. Its the hibiscus. I usually like it in teas, but I think this time its wildly out of proportion with the strawberries. Will try Strawberry Sensation when their store opens in my city next weekend!!!
And Sencha Vanilla makes two.
So it looks like my whole disliking green tea thing is getting thrown out and I thought I was unsaveble in this area – what a relief to find out I was wrong and that there are green teas I like.
Sencha Vanilla is just opening up the box to get some out of the box is like sticking your nose into a honey pot and never wanting to leave – it’s such a fresh vibrant scent and the leaves are so long and green – adding the water makes them unfurl into these beautiful large deep green leaves that are so intoxicating to watch. And the aroma oh the aroma! Beautiful big waffs of vanilla as though vanilla essence has been sprayed in the room it’s just so inviting it’s like a vanilla cupake is awaiting you.
The taste is very light and sweet – it’s a lovely green tea that takes a long steeping well and takes a long time to taste bitter. The vanilla floats on top leaving you with a sweet after-taste but definitely not sickly or over top instead it simply invites you to have another sip. Very easy to never stop drinking this tea it’s so refreshing!
Highly recommend for people wanting to dip their toe into the green tea world and vanilla lovers everywhere.
Another vanilla tea? I am feeling jealous!! I love green tea but it seems that I haven’t tried it with vanilla yet. This tea is going to be a satisfying but healthy post-dinner treat! :)
Yes when it comes to vanilla I’m definitely and addict – no idea why it just always works on me whether black, fruit or as it appears now green.
It is a really nice desert tea there’s something strangely satisfying about green teas (which is news to me).
Definitely worth a try next time you get your hands on a T2 store.
You’ve sold me with that wonderful descriptive tasting note! Adding to the shopping list right now…thanks!
Having a crappy Friday (blaming the date) so I’m sneakily reading tea reviews at work. This one sounds great, as do some of the other T2 teas you’ve reviewed. They’re apparently working on opening a store here in Hobart so I’ll be able to sample to my heart’s content minus the return flights to Melbourne! Decided I have to make a list based on your reviews!
Hi CHAroma, so glad to hear you were swayed… because this is an awesome tea, hope to see a review from you on the tea (and that you liked it!)
Hi TassieTeaGirl – thanks so much for your comment. :) And seriously what better thing is there to do at work on a Friday? :)
I hope they do open a store in Hobart – their stores are awesome, they’re like candy stores for adults. And in summer their iced tasting tables are just divine – but be warned it’s VERY hard to not buy something (or a million things) once you’re inside because everything just smells and tastes so good.
Sencha Vanilla is definitely a favorite of mine, in fact it’s my favourite green tea. I think T2 did really well this, I’ve tasted this from different makers and T2’s stands far above the crowd.
T2’s shipping can, in my opinion, be a bit slower than others despite the fact that we’re in the same state. But I find I get it at the tail end of their estimated shipping times. However, the wait is always worth it! They package them up so good like little presents, and they always include samples – it’s such a luxury getting a package from them. When they offer free shipping I always take advantage of that even though I can go into store because it’s such a nice present. :)
I completely understand the lure of the store, I had a very similar problem in Canada last year with DavidsTea. Bright clean stores, giant tins of tea across one wall, and so many gorgeous accessories and kits to play with. I always walked out with at least one purchase, even if it was just a take out tea. I’ll definitely need to set s more stringent tea budget when they open here!
oooh… DavidsTea sounds so good from the all the reviews – lucky you for getting to go. :) And I mean you could totally justify that ‘you were overseas’ – who knows when you’d get to try it again? ;)
My friend has family in France and she goes a lot and everytime she books days in Paris just to go to Mariage Frere and now jokes that she goes more for the tea than the family. I have to admit after getting to have some of the tea that she brings back with her I can understand why – their vanilla black tea is hands down the best I’ve ever tasted.
I still order from them frequently, international air freight be damned! I figure there are worse and much less healthy things I could be spending money on! If you ever make the leap across the Bass Strait I’ve got a bit of a supply you could try.
Wow that’s dedication! Shipping charges form North American can run really high. :(
That’s so sweet, thank you. :) I’ve actually never been to Tasmania – beautiful green isle that it is.
T2 Sencha Vanilla – my favourite breakfast tea. Toast with a cup of this just doesn’t get old.
It is best to brew not too hot, it tends to change flavour with every 5 degrees above about 80 degrees C to bring in slightly more bitter notes. It can be disconcerting how light the colour of the tea is after only a few minutes steeping, but it doesn’t need long. Happily around the same time that toast takes to cook.
The vanilla is a natural scent, not a cheesy one.
Generally when I get it from T2 I get a foil pack. Yes, dangerous shop that it is. I’m in Adelaide, the T2 shop is a lovely large open shop in Rundle Street with many Ts to try. It does suit the street, it’s one of the more upmarket areas and a lot of care goes into the store. I hate to imagine how much rent they are charged, but long may T2 reign there.
Thanks for this site, by the way, it rocks.
T2’s Earl Grey has to be the boldest Earl Grey I’ve tried. It’s very malty, and the bergamot flavour is very potent. The latter part is good because I love bergamot! Earl Grey is normally my afternoon tea (cos the delicate and elegant bouquet of bergamot always remind me of Victorian ladies!), but T2’s is too heady for peaceful, relaxing tea time. Will make a good breakfast tea though!
I also find this way too overloaded – like you earl grey is an afternoon tea for me and for the exact same reason! And this never works as an afternoon tea for me so it’s a bit of a let down.
Haha it’s funny to know that you think earl grey is an afternoon tea for the same reason!!! What would be your choice of afternoon tea from T2? :) I don’t have much experience with T2’s range but I think Arctic Fire is pretty nice.
I know it’s nice to share my tea-taste with someone I’m pretty out of sync with everyone I know every time I offer tea they all reach for something else.
Afternoon tea? Without even blinking I have to say White Rose – accompanied by cucumber sandwiches and macaroons hee hee. It’s such a dainty tea it’s crisp and refreshing and very, very light allowing you to enjoy whatever afternoon treat you’re having.
But if I wanted an afternoon tea in place of an afternoon treat I’d have to say Choc Chip Chai with warm milk and a dollop of honey – it has enough black tea bang to pick up you up and is literally like drinking a chocolate chip cookie.
If I wanted a black tea to pick me up and be sweet – without the effort of making chai then T2’s Citrus Sensation is the winner.
Yeah I’m not very helpful I could go on all day ;( …. I’ve never tried Arctic Fire but you made it sound very nice. :)
Oh my this is good.
I am not a fan of green tea in general. There are very few green teas that I like and even fewer than I love so I never expected to like Gorgeous Geisha.
I was at Chadstone’s T2 shopping for my sister’s Christmas present and they had Gorgeous Geisha iced and it was oh my God so good. Iced it reminds me of T2’s Strawberries & Cream but without the sweetness. It smells and tastes like strawberries drizzled in cream with a refreshing after-taste of generic sweet fruit. The green tea element seems to make the tea less sweet and more refreshing without any actual ‘tea’ or ‘grassy’ taste making it a really refreshingly sweet iced tea perfect for a hot summer day. I think I would actually prefer this iced compared to Strawberries & Cream because it is less sweet and more refreshing.
Dry you are greeted by very large green tea leaves and small little freeze dried strawberry pieces – the smell is quite unusual it’s like walking into a strawberry field – very strong aroma of strawberries surrounded by an earthy-grassy scent.
Hot a very sweet (almost sickly sweet) strawberry aroma greets you with only the very slightest hint of a grassy smell. The taste is incredible it’s like drinking a strawberry Martini – a very strong strawberry taste with a coating of creaminess chased by a light bitter-grass after-taste.
Oh so good and oh so surprising.
I highly recommend this for fans of T2’s Strawberries & Cream and for people wanting to edge themselves into the world of green tea. It is yumilicious.
A delightful after-dinner surprise! I didn’t expect to find T2 tea in Hong Kong, not to mention in a hospital canteen! I love peppermint tea, especially after a dish of creamy risotto. As a peppermint tea, it is on the sweet side – makes me wonder whether it is really just peppermint or blended with a bit of spearmint. A refreshing cup of tea. And all of a sudden I miss T2 so much!
This tea is surprisingly and delightfully sweet and is reminiscent of lemon and sugar dusted pancakes.
Prior to having this tea the only T2 citrus tea I had tried was T2’s Citrus Punch, a fruit tissane that is way, way, too tangy and strong to have by itself. So when I was able to smell the heavy citrus smell wafting from the unopened box I feared it would be a black version of citrus punch. However, I was not to be put off and opened it up to reveal that the smell minus packaging is both sweet and tangy. So curious as to what was to come next I made up a pot for myself and wow… the hot version of this really impresses. The aroma that greets you is a mingling of lemon and sweet black tea it’s very inviting and not at all strong and signals what’s in store for you.
The taste is really special there is no ‘tang’ rather you are greeted with a sweet lemon and mild black tea taste and the after taste is more of the same it’s like swallowing a piece of a lemon and sugar dusted pancake. If I didn’t know better I’d swear I had added sugar to the tea because it really is quite sweet, it’s a natural sweetness that suits the tea and really makes this a quite addictive drink – I’m already onto my third pot for the night.
The black tea itself is quite mild and unlike a lot of T2’s black teas it seems very unfamiliar with the word ‘bitter’ I got called away from second pot and didn’t go back for about twenty minutes and it hadn’t turned bitter at all in, it was quite nice actually.
Dry the leaves are quite large and you can see small pieces of orange and lemon peel scattered throughout – there’s a very generous amount that’s not reflected in the picture it’s definitely heavy on the peel. Wet the leaves expand massively as does the peel it’s lovely to see them all unfurled.
This is a very good quality that tastes amazing. I thought it would be like adding lemon to a cup of black tea and while in some respects it is, it really is so much more than that the sweetness that accompanies this tea is really lovely and adds a layer that is both unexpected and welcome. Indeed adding a piece of lemon to this tea made the citrus flavour ‘pop’ out but still allowed the sweetness to remain intact. Delish!
I imagine this would taste wonderful iced.
I highly recommend this to people who already add lemon to their tea I’m sure you’ll fall in love with this, also to anyone who likes fruit flavours as it’s fruity without being overpoweringly citrusy.
A big shout out thank you to T2 – I received this tea along with an Olipot and silly accessories as a prize in their fruity song competition. The competition was to name a fruit song to kick off the fruity iced teas of summer. I submitted Lemon by U2 and won, this is the first time I’ve won anything so I’m bubbling over with happiness.I thought the happiness of wining might cloud my judgement of the tea but I’ve had three pots already so either my taste buds are as happy as the rest of me or I really do like this tea. ;)
Congrats!!! Can imagine the excitement of winning the competition~~~ and what can be better than getting a nice tea + lovely teapot (T2’s teaware collection is just awesome!) as the prize? ;)