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drank Citrus Punch by T2
37 tasting notes

I tasted this in store and bought a big tin because I having tasted T2’s Turkish Apple and Strawberries & Cream in store and using the small orange boxes up almost instantly I thought best to buy big and enjoy and not have to go back for more – such a mistake. Loved it in store and absolutely cannot stand it at home – I made it as per the store’s directions which are usually spot on but it came out like thick citrus flavored syrup – I tried watering it down but even with a drop in the cup and covered in water and ice it still was completely overpowering and the tang rather than being refreshing is sickly sweet (and I have a sweet tooth!). I went back to the store and tried to see if I followed the directions wrong – I hadn’t but they suggested using less and infusing for a shorter period – unfortunately same result.

The other day I was in T2 and they had an ice tea of this mixed with Turkish Cherry to try which I did and it was more palatable. I think the cherry somehow balanced out the tartness as opposed to Turkish Apple which I tried with it and that seemed to highlight the ‘tang’ quality.

I would only recommend this to people who really, really, really love citrus flavours and want a tissane that is full flavoured and sweet on its own. I personally love orange and lemon in most things but find this tea is just too overpowering for me. I have tried it hot and again did not like it although it did seem less intense hot, iced seems to highlight the ‘tang’ of the tea. Would definitely recommend adding Turkish Cherry if you’re making this iced.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Melbourne Breakfast by T2
37 tasting notes

Looking for vanilla & caffeine but don’t want a sweet drink for breakfast, look no further, Melbourne Breakfast manages to smell and taste like vanilla without being overpowering or too sweet. It really is the perfect breakfast tea because you can have savoury (say Vegemite toast) or sweet (cranberry toast) or anything in between – eggs and bacon, cornflakes, everything goes with this tea. I find it’s best when left to infuse for about a minute. I don’t like anything added to it because as is makes for a satisfyingly decadent light drop.

I tried this after loving T2’s Crème Brulee – Melbourne Breakfast is far less sweet than this and therefore more suited to first thing in the morning, it’s also not as strong a black tea and is able to be infused for longer without turning bitter.

It really does feel like having a sip of Melbourne – it’s decadent, refined and perfect as is. (Perhaps I’m a little bias being from Melbourne :) ).

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec

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drank Milky Oolong by T2
338 tasting notes

I finally opened my precious box of Milky Oolong purchased in Australia! It’s still as good as EVER. This time the tea even had an aroma resembling that of milk chocolate!! It’s just amazing. I am now officially a fan of milky oolong!

180 °F / 82 °C 6 min, 0 sec
Winter Salo

I share your love for this tea, it’s awesomeness itself. Well done on such amazing self restraint and waiting to open it – I don’t think I could ever do that!

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drank Milky Oolong by T2
338 tasting notes

I am now in Melbourne! The first thing I did here was, of course, checking out the T2 shop nearby! I bought a box of Melbourne Breakfast and wanted to purchase a pack of Milky Oolong as well. I could not make up my mind because I was dying to try milk oolong but T2’s milky oolong is pretty expensive. In the end, I asked the cute guy at the counter if I could try the tea. I thought he would give me a small sample to taste right away but instead he gave me a generously-sized sample to take home! I was pleasantly surprised indeed!

Ok long story short… so how was my first encounter with milk oolong? I don’t know how much this tea tastes like the “typical” milk oolong, but anyway I enjoyed it. :) It’s amazing that a tea can be light yet milky at the same time! It’s not really very milky (the ignorant me was actually expecting a “cloudy” tea but it was nothing like that), yet the creaminess and softness unique to this tea was unmissable. I love the slightly sweet, milk-tea like aftertaste! The weather is crummy today but this tea has brightened the day :)

I think I am going to buy it this Sunday!

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 15 sec
Ashley Bain

I just tried my first milk oolong not too long ago, it was so interesting how it was clear yet milky creamy; you do expect a cloudiness. If I didn’t look at it while I was drinking it, I’d swear I was drinking a tea latte.


Yup isn’t that fascinating? I look forward to trying the milk oolong of other brands!

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drank Strawberries and Cream by T2
37 tasting notes

Strawberries and Cream is a sweet tasting fruit tissane. It tastes of strawberry (there really is no cream taste to it) and by itself is not overpowering or sickly sweet, instead it has a light almost refreshing taste. It is closer to a soda drink than a herbal tea as it has no lingering after taste.

It makes a desert in itself if had warm, but is really best enjoyed icey-cold – it is satisfying, healthy and deliciously refreshing. If making as an ice-tea you should leave to infuse for a minimum of 30 minutes preferably overnight in fridge. It is well complemented by T2 Turkish Apple (dissolve in boiling water) with strawberries and cream to infuse, this is a really lovely ice-tea.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Yunnan by T2
1 tasting notes

Fine tuning the brew time. 3 mins was just a little too much, this one 2 mins 50 is delicious!

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec

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drank Buddha's Tears by T2
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185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 15 sec

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drank Gorgeous Geisha by T2
12 tasting notes

Now matter how I brew it, I find it to be too bitter for me. Of course, there are days when I crave such bitterness, but more often than not it is a disappointment. Furthermore, the strawberry addition, although fragrant, is negligible – another disappointment.

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drank Sencha Sensation by T2
76 tasting notes

Now this is a T2 Tea I really like. Its nice to occasionally have a non-fruity flavoured sencha. The floral flavours are beautifully uplifting.

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Gorgeous Geisha by T2
76 tasting notes

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drank Plum Blossom Green by T2
76 tasting notes

This is possibly the most tasteless tea ive ever tried. Ive tried brewing it for several different times and with different amounts of tea. I just cant get it to taste like anything but hot water. I like a subtle tea but this doesnt even reach subtle.

170 °F / 76 °C

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Similar to T2’s Turkish Apple, I found it to be rather sweet. Indeed, some would find it sickly so. Still, it is nice as an iced tea and helps to brighten up a gloomy day.

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drank Milky Oolong by T2
76 tasting notes

Delicious. Not exactly what i would call the most affordable tea by T2, But it definitely is good. This is one of my favourite oolongs by T2 (Oolong berry is my absolute favourite tea from T2). This tea is very light (in terms of the oolong) and has a very subtle creaminess to it. usually i like my creamy teas to be super creamy, but this its delicious even though the creaminess is definitely understated.

175 °F / 79 °C

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drank Snow Dragon Jasmine by T2
76 tasting notes

Ok firstly, my packet doesnt look all twisty and curly and stuff like it does in the picture. very disappointed. but all the same the tea is good. its actually very good. Its a very delicate tea. delicate is definitely the perfect word for it. This is probably my favourite jasmine tea.

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drank Oolong Oriental Beauty by T2
76 tasting notes

This is a nice unflavoured oolong. Its quite a dark oolong with a bit of a black tea taste. cant say i really taste the caramel or sweetness like they say but but all round very refreshing and oolongy.

175 °F / 79 °C

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drank Melbourne Breakfast by T2
1 tasting notes

This was the first box of tea I purchased from T2 many many years ago. Since then I have started combining it with T2 chai for an extra special cuppa. I enjoy it as a rich morning tea with milk or in the afternoon with no milk but usually accompanied by something delicious to nibble on. Delicious!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Buddha's Tears by T2
4 tasting notes

This tea is one of the first green tea’s that I tried at T2’s Macquarie centre tea house. I was pleasantly surprised. With a sweet aroma and a crisp green tea taste, Buddha’s tears is both a great starting point for people who want to get into green tea AND people who know a high quality green tea from a sip.

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Is it an expensive tea?

Winter Salo

Yes it’s currently $45.00 for 100g. This is a lovely green tea and Georgettie is right it is a great starting point for introducing people to green tea as it doesn’t taste ‘grassy’ but it would be very expensive to make this a regular tea.

Sunny Ig

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drank Black Rose by T2
4 tasting notes

I would recommend this tea to those that enjoy T2’s French earl grey. It is moreso on the fruity side but really shocks guests with its fun flavours

Boiling 1 min, 15 sec

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drank Monk Pear by T2
4 tasting notes

I live in a house of very picky tea drinkers and this one is definitely a household favourite

Boiling 1 min, 15 sec

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drank French Earl Grey by T2
4 tasting notes

This tea is infact one of my favourites from T2. Unlike some sickly sweet tea’s which you may get over quite quickly, this tea keeps you coming back for more

Boiling 1 min, 15 sec

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drank Buddha's Tears by T2
1 tasting notes

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drank Buddha's Tears by T2
3 tasting notes

Rather than being flavoured with perfume or flavourings, these balls of tea are exposed to 3 parts Jasmine Blossoms per one part Tea at a heat which imparts the lovely Jasmine scent into the leaves before they’re hand rolled into balls of perfection. Only the best leaves are used for this high quality brew. When infusing, don’t worry about the balls unfurling, that will happen over a long period of time and doesn’t affect the nature of the infusion. Yes, these are a little on the pricey side but think about how much you’d spend on a bottle of wine, and you definitely get more out of these than that! Also, the balls can be reinfused up to 5 times in the same sitting.

165 °F / 73 °C

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drank Earl Grey by T2
3 tasting notes

Wonderful example of an Earl Grey. Traditionally an Earl Grey is a tea which is flavoured with Bergamot essence, extracted from the Bergamot orange. I find most Earl Grey’s to be flat and uninspired, whilst T2’s version is rich with refreshing and uplifting Bergamot scents and taste which trumps its competitors. If you like real Earl Grey, and not the piddly stuff with extras added to it, this is your brew. Recommend a shorter brewing time so that the Bergamot does not become overpowering.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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drank Terrific Toffee by T2
76 tasting notes

So this tea really smells amazing. It smells like toffee but there is also almost a candied cherry smell lingering somewhere in there too. It also tastes quite like it smells which is definitely a good thing.

Its quite strong tasting, which is what i like in a sweet, creamy tasting tea. Im really enjoying this.

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