On a recent trip to Australia (from the UK) I stumbled upon this chain of tea shops and immeditely believed I had found heaven. I ended up buying 12 of the regular sized boxes of tea to bring back with me, and of them all, it’s Melbourne Breakfast that has worked it’s way to the top of that list as my go to brew in the morning.
I use the large infuser cups, so my brewing advice is always based on that.
This tea has a real depth of flavour, and while the most obvious note is that of vanilla – like other reviewers have said – it doesn’t overpower, and to me tastes more like a very mild chocolate, especially towards the end of the cup where it sometimes even tastes a bit like a hot chocolate to me.
Despite that, for most of the cup it is very much a tea – and although there is a slight smokiness, it doesn’t come out too strong against the sweet vanilla.
for my infuser I use a tablespoon of leaf, and infuse for the instructed three minutes. Being a Brit, who adds milk to every black tea, getting a deep flavour and colour is essential. Using less than a tablespoon gave a weak and grey murk.
As an introduction to flavoured tea I would say Melbourne breakfast is perfect for those who don’t find vanilla flavoured products distasteful.