Mariage Frères
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I absolutely love this tea whenever I’ve been lucky enough to have it (never bought any myself, just acquired it from swaps), but its not something I see myself able to drink every day. Still, strawberries and cream tea is fantastic every once in a while!
As is the fact that every time I have it I like to imagine what really is in this, since it’s ingredients are so secretive and all.
Ah well, it will be missed but I am sure I’ll see it again someday soon. :)
A sample from Sil – and a welcome tea back into my cupboard!
This is the best strawberry tea ever. Perfect without milk or sugar (though not bad with), it is smooth strawberries and cream on a strong black base. I imagine there may be other “red fruits” in there, maybe a bit of raspberry is noticeable if I think about it? And its more the velvet texture of raspberry than the taste, because yuck. Raspberries are gross.
Yum, I am glad to have a few cups of this left to enjoy!
SIPDOWN! This is the last of my sample from momo – it will be missed, but not for long as I definitely will be getting more of this one! Like last time, it is all strawberries and cream. I had a touch more leaf than I wanted to use for 12 oz., but there wasn’t any bitterness despite the extra tea… yay!
I’ve had both Strawberry Zabaglione by 52Teas, and Strawberry shortcake by DAVIDsTea, and both of those are similar in taste profile to this, but this edges both of those out on three points. One, it’s actually available for me to buy again. Two, it was consistently good both times I had it – both other teas seemed to be touch and go, sometimes when the parameters didn’t even change. Three, it has a good resteep where the others did not. Definite must buy!
And now for something only marginally related to tea:
There are so many things I’m happy about right now that I think I’ll list them:
1.) Payday
2.) 4 days off – all on a weekend, no less!
3.) It’s raining.
4.) My tea station has wheels!!!
That last one is especially awesome, and I really need to be extra nice to the boyfriend for it. I didn’t think I would particularly NEED the luxury of just moving my entire collection/set up into another room but it is REALLY awesome to just sit it near the couch and lazily reach over for refills.
Aside from a quick grocery store run and some laundry, this is probably what my day will look like: couch, books, Steepster, and bathroom. One more day until Taurus starts – I can’t think of a better way to welcome it!
Haha I certainly will ashmanra! As for pictures, it’s the last one in the photo album below:
I love it so hard.
Oh, it’s so well organized and nice! I love the setup and I’m getting pretty jealous of the Breville. The wheels make it even more epic.
You had posted this a little while back…i totally went to ikea and picked up 3 solid doors to hide my stash behind since my tea is also in an expedit bookcase. :) However mine lives in a 2×3 lol someday i’ll condense it down to 2X2
Thanks guys! @ Sil, I love the Expedit so much. I haven’t seen a 3×2 though – the one in Atlanta only has 2×2 or 4×2 options. You’ll have to show pictures! :)
Nice! It was great before, but the wheels add a lot of style in addition to making it easier to move. I think it looks really great with the added elevation!
haha oopsy i meant 2×4 apparently i’m having issues counting today :)
I really would prefer what you’ve done, but right now we don’t have the space for a little one in the house. the 2×4 is actually a room divider for us too heh.
the first tea cupboard looking picture is how it’s all stored, i just left the 3 doors open so you can see behind them. the two next pictures is 98% of all the tea in my house on the table, had to go int two shots lol my tea takes up 5 cubes.
Awesome! In the pic with everything on the table, where’d you get the tiny square tins? I think they’re orange
teaopia when it was closing down. there are 16? little ones that go into a big one and because they were closing out it was like 4$
This is a sample from momo – one I’ve had on my shopping list forever so I am beyond excited for it! Thank you!
This one’s been on my shopping list for so long that I forgot part of the reason I wanted it was the mystique in the description. I took a huge whiff of the dry leaf and came on here to see what I was smelling (bad me, for not forming my own opinions) only to realize that nope – gonna have to use my brain cells on a Saturday morning.
The answer, if you’re wondering, is strawberries and cream. Juicy spring strawberries, and whipped cream with vanilla. 2/3 of a strawberry shortcake that’s heavier on the strawberry without additives, and heavier on the whipped cream with some milk and sugar. The black tea is smooth and plays well with the strawberry. Even though it’s a black tea it still manages to have a delicate balance to it – this isn’t a “bold” tea like I consider most blacks to be.
One thing I’m not getting is any florality, but I am not very attuned to floral notes anyway, given that I don’t particularly care for them.
Overall, this is going back on my shopping list for once I’ve pared down my cupboard. It is perfection and the mystery behind it makes it that much more fun – I imagine this would be a blast to serve to guests!
When this tea works, it works SO WELL. When it doesn’t, it’s bitter and undrinkable. Because of that, I’d never buy any, but because Sil gave it to me, I am enjoying a cup now, and have enough for one cup later on. Today it’s almost perfect. I’m getting jammy strawberries and other warm fruits, and it’s only slightly bitter. I count that as a win.
It’s so disappointing! When I first had it, it was SO GOOD. I would have been very upset if I had bought a tin based on that cup!
I liked this and now it’s gone and onto my shopping list. :)
Thanks Sil! (167)
I’m watching one last episode of SPN (4.08) before we have company over and then I won’t have control over the tv! Oh noez! :P Happy Holidays.
(cheaper tea an option too since this will go to a good home. i like it but i always lean towards other teas first)
I think I had a tiny sample of this once before but I think it was possibly stale as I didn’t really get much from it.
THIS one though, smells amazing. And, after drinking Brioche and thinking that is a tea I should drink all the time, now I’m drinking this and thinking the same thing. But I can’t have 100g of ALL THE TEAS.
Can I?
I do think this is one I would like to stock up on at some point. The base is really nice, even though I don’t have the words for it, and the strawberry cream notes are a delight. I’m bumping this up.
Thanks Sil!
Sipdown! (So I guess I’d better review it?)
This is my third cup and I think I finally got it where I want it. The first two attempts were too strong and astringent for me, but this last one was at a lower temperature and for less time. I’m getting a nice floral black with a touch of astringency, and lots of fruity notes – mostly strawberry?
It’s good, but I’m not freaking out about it. I wonder if I should have steeped it differently? :| Or maybe this is just one where I and the Steepster community will go our separate ways? I feel like I’m a disappointment to you all. :P
Thanks CrowKettle for letting me try this!
farewell my dear friend! I had this tea today as my first cup of the day in latte form. I’ve been meaning to do that for a while now, and since it was my last cup of this deliciously wonderful tea, it was the right time. It was a really nice deliciously creamy start to my day. yay!
only a single cup of this is left….but since it’s friday i splurged and drank the second last cup of this. So there. No moar hoarding! but i will be rebuying you….oh yes i will.
other morning tea. No sipdowns today…so much tired, frustration…. loved this one…will be sad when it’s almost done (maybe 3 more cups left!)
Final Count: Still 138.
backlog from yesterday since my internet went poof! trying to work from home today so here’s hoping it doesn’t go poof again. I seriously hate internet providers in canada. all of them.
This was my pick me up tea yesterday and it was a good thing i had it. I LOVE this tea…the deliciousness of it always makes me feel better :) So glad to be back with my cupboard! (even if it IS still unorganised)
tuscanteal – my parents picked it up for me when they went to France after i received my sample from ysaurella and NEEDED to have it… when i run out..i’ll likely just bite the bullet and order from MF
i love this tea. And is getting close to being one of the oldest teas in my cupboard and so i need to stop hoarding it and drink it, love it, enjoy it. But i will be terribly sad when it’s gone. There is something comforting about the smell of this one in both dry and liquid form. It’s just totally yum. But i still have enough for a bunch of Sil sized cups…so i won’t cry…..yet.
Sil size! Also I have a lot of this, plus an MF dealer right down the road – just ask me if you want some. If you tell me before I leave for NOLA mid-March, I can drop it in the mail while I’m over there.
no worries Anna if you move near Napoli, I can continue and send any MF tea to Sil :) but Sil…is it reasonable with all the teas you have in cupboard ? ;)
No, I meant I’m going on holiday to New Orleans in March! (I’m shipping a whole bunch of tea then, anyway.)
Shhhh ysaurella!
Anna…oh man. I think you just got yourself a deal heh. I’ll poke you when I get back from Floridian d we’ll see what we can figure out. Lol
I had this last night, in an effort to end the night on a more positive note. I spent more than 12 hours working on christmas eve – a night when most are going home early. As a result we didn’t get out to the store to pick up last minute things for today. Not the end of the world but it made for a super long day. So i bust out two of my favourite “treat” teas to have last night. I’m almost out of this one and it WILL be a reorder. Great tea base, nice flavouring (unless you’re Justjames). it’s one of my happy places.
I had this one tonight – we went out to visit friends who had a baby about a month ago. He is adorable! I have pretty much not accomplished any sipdowns this weekend, which is a sad, sad, thing since i know i’ll be picking up a couple teas at winners/holt’s tomorrow simply because the opportunity to pick up french teas are far and few between here in canada. While that means an increase in cupboard size, i’ve been pretty good about not buying teas recently. I still love this tea, and i’m sure that once it’s gone, i’ll find some way of restocking it :)
If you get the chance, try Mariage Freres´ American breakfast – it hits a few of the same spots Wedding Imperial does (chocolatey! malty! caramelly) but is IMO even better and far easier to brew right.
i’ve added this one to my list….. maybe dependent on marks after exams, assuming i don’t behave to badly in between, lol.
Cteresa – hmmm I don’t think that one is at holts but I’ll keep it in mind. I was going to pick up French breakfast to try
French Breakfast is on my shopping list. When I was fussing around all the World Breakfast samples, it was the the only real contender to my choice – second pick for sure (Parisian Breakfast was not for me). But American Breakfast was even more wow-ish chocolatey. I am quite in love with it, and sort of replaced definetely Wedding Imperial in my affections!
well if i can find a way to get american breakfast in canada i will do so! otherwise it’ll go on my shopping list for someday when i get to go to france…
I’m really enjoying this conversation! As a lover of breakfast blends (when they are good, anyway), I want to try all of these, when I get the chance.
Sil, although I can’t go with you in body, I’ll be with you in spirit when you go shopping today, :)
If you should see a tin of Pleine Lune, please grab it for me! I recall that I really enjoyed that one!
soooo delicious. I had this in the morning and it was a fantastic cup of happy for a super busy day in which i was still exausted (am…) from the weekend’s activities. I’ll be sad when this is fully gone from my cupboard.
Backlog from yesterday. For those of you not aware of the random weather going on – we had flash floods last night in toronto which meant it was a bit of crap shoot getting home luckily i had this tea with me. sooo delicious! i’m super glad that my parents were able to pick up more for me while they were in paris and thank you again ysaurella for sharing it with me so that i would know that i loved it :)
I made it home around 11pm last night….power outage until 4?am….at which point the fire alarms went off in the building for an hour. And then I had to get up….for work. Haha