I think I had a tiny sample of this once before but I think it was possibly stale as I didn’t really get much from it.
THIS one though, smells amazing. And, after drinking Brioche and thinking that is a tea I should drink all the time, now I’m drinking this and thinking the same thing. But I can’t have 100g of ALL THE TEAS.
Can I?
I do think this is one I would like to stock up on at some point. The base is really nice, even though I don’t have the words for it, and the strawberry cream notes are a delight. I’m bumping this up.
Thanks Sil!
205 °F / 96 °C
4 min, 30 sec
I didn’t get strawberry cream from this one! Oh, it’s tempting to see if Holt Renfrew has some left…
I should really try this when I go back sometime to the shop that stocks Mariage near me.