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drank Sour Peach by English Tea Shop
1179 tasting notes

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drank Sour Peach by English Tea Shop
1179 tasting notes

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drank Sour Peach by English Tea Shop
1179 tasting notes

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drank Sour Peach by English Tea Shop
1179 tasting notes

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drank Sour Peach by English Tea Shop
1179 tasting notes

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drank Sour Peach by English Tea Shop
1179 tasting notes

This is an easy reach for me when I don’t know what to have but want something that I know will go down easy.
It really doesn’t taste all that peachy to me but overall just rather fruity. The sourness is definitely front and centre which is what I would expect from a tea with “sour” in its title. The fruitiness brings in a little sweetness which counters the sour aspect nicely, balancing the blend out. There is a tartness from the hibiscus that adds to the overall experience and I really enjoy the sweet/sour/tart taste that this tea gives me.
It brews up with a beautiful red colour which resembles fruit punch, giving it a tropical look.
I bought a huge tin of this at Winners/Homesense for dirt cheap and don’t regret my purchase one bit.
Sometimes all I want is something simple and this is in that realm for me. It just makes me happy!

Flavors: Fruity, Pleasantly Sour, Sweet, Tart

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For once, a tea from ETS I am not disappointed about.
I got a tea bag somewhere from postcrossing apparently, but no idea from whom nor when. Today was a day to drink it…

It is pretty standard rooibos with some vanilla smoothness and some decent chocolate notes. Simple afternoon drink. No fuzz tea bag.

The rooibos was kind of drying but the other ingredients were complementing the flavour well.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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A tea bag from Izzy. I should finish that box faster, but somehow… it goes slowly. Thank you anyway!

I actually thought that this tea have black tea base, but nope… happens, but whatever. The aroma from the foilwrapping is indeed reminding a sour peach and other fruit taste.

While steeping, I realised it is fruit tea and not black tea… and well I let it steep for almost five minutes as ETS teas needs longer steeping time.” and well the flavour wasn’t one of the strongest. It was indeed peachy, pleasantly sour (glad for that!) but hibiscus tartness in the background and then some other, let’s say tropical, fruits. The peach was dominant, but not much. Overall, it was quite okay. I have hopef for a bit more to be honest, but I can’t point out what I am lacking here.

Flavors: Peach, Pleasantly Sour, Tropical

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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I had this tea for first time on 9th May when I was at my friend’s place. They had a pyramid sachet version of this tea — and probably a bit fresher.

I had this tea over an year in my cupboard in foilwrapped pouch. I don’t really remeber where I have received it at all!

Back then it was nicely fresh, I would even say peachy and fresh white tea taste, I can’t explain what it is. Hay a bit, but not wrong.

Today it wasn’t that great. Of course it was casued by “typical” tea bag shape, older batch… it was like hot hay and there wasn’t any that wonderful peachy taste. It was as well quite generic and honestly I would say boring tea. I don’t remember it much at all.

Flavors: Hay, Peach

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 30 sec

I am glad you did het to try a fresh one before!

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A tea bag from Izzy, thank you!

It’s a bit crazy drinking Christmas Night tea in the time, when everything starts blooming, there are no more snow and it is spring all around!

But, I don’t care.

This tea, when I opened from clear plastic bag (without anything on it!) I noticed fairly typical black tea notes with cloves. When brewed, and again, as ETS teas are like, for long, I got some other notes as well. I got light base tea and then lots of spices — cloves and cinnamon; cocoa and/or chocolate and oranges. Altogether very mixed and it wasn’t working well together; it was very weird flavour mix.

Flavors: Chocolate, Cinnamon, Cloves, Cocoa, Orange

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

I get tired of orange, clove, and cinnamon quickly.

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Thank you Izzy for this tea, although it is 3 months past Christmas. Searching on Google brings not much results, and your website is first — and then I found an ingredients list on LastDodo website (formerly catawiki).

I steeped it for 5 minutes, as Izzy did, and well it wasn’t steeping much. Flavour is quite weak and honestly not even much interesting taste. It was very light black tea, with hints of almonds but that’s pretty much all noticeable. And yep, it’s quite sweet — however just right for my tastes.

As I have no idea how is Christmas cake in the UK, I can’t tell if it is correct name for this tea. But honestly I expected something more complex, more flavourful and overall a bolder cup.

Flavors: Almond

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Teabag from Izzy and slowly drinking those winter related blends. And I wished for something highly in caffeine, so black tea with actual coffee in sounds high in caffeine! Thank you!

Brewed and steeped for 5 minutes; and result is quite typcial for ETS teas. It is correctly named, I certainly noticed coffee and creamy note; but that’s all. It’s not extremely flavourful, rather on the weaker side.

Not amazed in any way; though it is tasty cup, again something I miss. Probably longer taste and stronger base tea, because it felt quite weak, even after 5 minute steeping mark.

Flavors: Coffee, Creamy

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Received from postcrossing, from Canada.

And honestly, never heard of this blend from ETS before. Naturally cautious about superberries an things like that; chocolate flavoured teas are usually miss than a hit… no idea what to expect. Apparently it is rooibos based too.

It is said it should be brewed for 5-6 minutes so I did, with a known fact about ETS that it needs long steeps in mind too.

But now to actual tasting note. Honestly, it’s better than I have hoped, though somehow mild and not super great. It is rooibos. In taste that note is certainly present. But as well the fruits. I would say acai berries; but none of them there. Blackcurrant/raspberry — none of those there. Vanilla — certainly not. Roasted cocoa was nice though and present. At least it wasn’t watery.

Flavors: Berries, Cacao, Rooibos

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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A tea bag from Izzy and I have somehow missed it here on Steepster? Nevermind, here it is! Thank you.

Well, green base. I think it kinda suits well the flavours — if they were better. I mean both, peppermint and melon are there; but thin (after 5+ minutes steep!) and somehow not interesting at all. Like washed out flavours; and peppermint tasted like only added flavour than actual peppermint, it does not linger in mouth at all. Base tea is weak too…

Flavors: Melon, Peppermint

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

I’ve never seen that combination together before. Interesting!

Martin Bednář

It is interesting and quite good combination, if only the flavours were stronger.

Cameron B.

I’ve made a melon salad with honey and fresh mint before, and it was tasty!


That’s interesting. I brewed this one today and found the melon to be really strong and bitter, with almost no peppermint flavour :/

Martin Bednář

It seems that ETS doesn’t have any standards while manufacturing teas. Sometimes they are great and full of flavours and then… bang, boring cup.

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A tea bag from Izzy and I have tried long steeps as she have suggested me. I don’t know how long, it could be somewhere between 5-10 minutes; and I have used a boiling water, which is heresy for a whites, but whatever.

I haven’t found any information about this tea, but ingredients on one website, it’s transparent pouch with classic tea bag in. I don’t usually collect those, but when I have tag with it, it goes to my collection. I don’t like them too much though, but what I can do, right?

This tea I selected today, because it was wonderful sunny morning, and all the snow was shining, maybe even dazzling me; but I am spending time at home, studying for Forwarding exam on Wednesday, an oral one, no preparation time, just here is my question and you answer for 10-15 minutes.

The tea is interesting in terms of ingredients and not that bad in taste. The longer steep certainly helped, and the aroma going off the mug was honey-ish. The flavour was, hard to describe instead. I think I get a bit of that honey, then some common herbal, covered in honey => probably the chamomile in, and overall somehow; hard to describe as I wrote. It was pleasant and smooth, but not sure about the flavour profile. I just couldn’t point to anything. At least it was nice.

Flavors: Herbaceous, Honey, Smooth

205 °F / 96 °C 10 OZ / 300 ML
White Antlers

I love the look of the outdoors when it’s sunny the day after a big snow and the sky is a brilliant blue contrast to the white on the trees and the ground. Everything looks sparkling, clean and like it’s been touched with tiny diamonds. Me jealous?! Nooooooo. LOL


Dazzling white snow! What an image! Enjoy it.

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Another tea bag from Izzy and yep, she wrote me “long steeps are needed”; so I did 5, maybe 6 minutes long. And it wasn’t steeping much at all (based on colour change).

This tea isn’t bleh, but I agree with the other rater here. They almost all taste the same. It wasn’t very sweet, just a little of vanilla and certainly no pastry! Pretty much meh. I wonder if I shall do even longer steeps.

It was just average. It doesn’t deliver promised taste. It was like slightly vanilla flavoured water. Not much even from the black tea base. Sad.

Flavors: Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

I was really disappointed with this one too :( Also, don’t be afraid to steep for a veeeeeeeeeery looooooooong time for all of the ETS teas I sent you. Even 10+ minutes. I’m not sure what’s wrong with them (usually ETS are my favourites) but even the “delicate” green tea blends are weak when made with boiling water rather than 80c water. They don’t even get bitter.

The only one I have really enjoyed is Coffee Cream, although it’s not overly creamy.

Also, I checked the Best Before Date on the box: 16/10/2022. So, definitely not stale. Maybe I just got a bad batch.

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Another ETS tea from Izzy, so thank you! :) She recommended me longer steeps, 5+ minutes so I did that with this tea, while it is rooibos.

The aroma is indeed berry like, maybe even blueberries and raspberries are there. They are present well even in taste. As well “savoury” because they are kind of sour. But no pie at all. Missing the pastry at all. The rooibos base prevails a lot too. Ehhm. Not a bad tea, but lacking few notes. How sad.

Flavors: Blueberry, Raspberry, Rooibos

205 °F / 96 °C 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Oh well. Why is Silent Night a green tea blend?

And why this tea tastes exactly as my Halls spearmint chewing gum?

There is nothing much else to notice. It’s green tea, and as a base almost non-existent. It smells mosty of spearmint and in taste it is even more translated to. And hints of swimming pool air. Not yuck, luckily, but, nothing to look for again. No cinnamon, ginger and spices.

This name reminded me a singing of Silent Night Christmas carol in my High School. There was a tradition to sing it in all common and studied languages. So: Czech, English, German, Russian, French, Spanish and Latin, once as there were lots of Vietnamese students even in Vietnamese. Good memories! It won’t happen this year sadly due to Covid.

There is no video of it unfortunately. There are my classmates in the third photo though (with our headmaster) :) https://www.gymnct.cz/skola-v-mediich/vanocni-zpivani-0

Flavors: Spearmint

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML
Cameron B.

Aww, that’s really nice! I love Silent Night, it’s one of my favorite carols. :3

White Antlers

What a sweet Christmas memory.


I love that story!


Did all of the students sing it, Martin, or did just the school choir do it? Were you in the school choir?

I was going to do Silent Night with the girls I am teaching German. (Don’t be impressed. I am teaching very, very basic German. I am so rusty!) But they have to take two weeks off so we won’t have time now.

Martin Bednář

Thank you everyone for a positive vibes. I actually didn’t liked it that much first or/and second year, but I think I just needed to “grow up” on it.

Ashmanra: I was sure you would love that story. It was all of the students, all teachers, even secretary and accountant. Imagine 400 people singing Silent Night!

Martin Bednář

Missed out the question. No, I wasn’t in a choir :)


Silent Night is one of my favorites too. I bet it was beautiful with 400 people singing it together. <3

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Drink in the afternoon. Received from postcrossing, from Germany, half an month ago. Postcard was nice though. See here: https://www.postcrossing.com/postcards/DE-9522879
After few hours spent with programming, I wasn’t able to do anything what would working as expected. And I need to learn it good enough till Tuesday. Worse is, that even my brother, who is programmer have no idea how to do it. Or he managed it, but it’s confusing for me.

The tea is unfortuantely dismal as well. Aroma was full of blueberry, but after brewing, all blueberry is gone. Elderflower wasn’t present at all, both aroma and taste.

Tastes actually like an another white tea, classical bagged stuff when it is rather light hay taste and nothing much more. Blueberry… maybe there was something behind all the hay, but… expected it being much more present. Expected floral notes of Elderflower. Nada.

At least new tea bag to collection.
Tasting note NUMBER 700, too bad it is so…boring tea

Flavors: Hay

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

I am so old (creak, groan, squeak) that in college, training was not yet available for simple computer apps like word processing or spreadsheets. If you wanted to take a computer class, you had to take programming because that was all that was offered. So I tried. My brain is not laid out that logically! Oh, yeah, and I have actually used 5 1/4" floppy discs. Hope you can get the glitches worked out!


They still had manual typewriters when I was in school….


I learned to type on computers in elementary school gifted class. When I got to 8th grade maybe ’96?, my public middle school was still using manual typewriters for the keyboarding class.

Martin: you’ve been here a year less than me and have surpassed me by a handful of tasting notes! Congrats. That’s a lot of tea-drinking, my friend. I hope one day one of your notes will be about a tea we shared in person :)


Wow, derk! What a cool thought! That would be awesome. Should we meet Martin in Prague or should he take a train across America and come see us all? :)

White Antlers

Martin always has a place to bunk here on the East coast.

I just donated my IBM Selectric to a non-profit a few years ago. Used it for decades and it was still in good working order when I passed it on. My cell phone? Still have a 25 year old Motorola flip phone. No GPS. No camera. No monthly plan. No internet on it. A young friend told me I had a burner phone…


White Antlers – you have a phone that has actually not broke in 25 years?!? Put that in the record books! I guess they don’t make them like they used to.

Martin Bednář

gmathis: I managed. With a help of my brother. Then we found it is incredlibly easy (I have solutions, but want to find my way). I did nothing about that today though. I need to make my brain rest a bit as well. But Tuesday is so close!

derk: Writing with all 10 is necessary today. Many of my classamates aren’t able. I am not able to follow the course, because I have learned otherwise. On my own! Thanks. Indeed I would love to write a note that we share in person. And honestly I write about every single tea I drink . No matter if it is bagged stuff or loose leaf. And usually it is every tea session as well. I have to save money to travel to US (getting ESTA would be another tricky stuff)!

ashmanra: Indeed cool thought! You are always welcomed (all of you) in my country. Prague? How about Pardubice, or my hometown? Haha. But I can be in Prague in two hours anytime. Just say you have landed, I will jump into train and we will met at main train station while I will travel 164 km and you from airport to train station. No. It’s not that bad from the airport. But you would not wait much for me.
I want to take the train across America. But North Carolina and East Coast (you White Antlers) and then to Cali? Whoawhoawhoa… it is getting bit pricey. But certainly unforgetable. Drinking lots of tea along the way, I guess two suitcases will be necessary. One for tea, second for everything else. And I will have to bring some beers to my friend.

White Antlers: If I ever happen to be over there, I will let you know! Thank you for that wonderful offer. It is amazing ot own that “old stuff” but honestly I can’t imagine it. But I am different generation and that’s why I guess.

All: How much I need for flight tickets? Probably New York would be safe bet to arrive? Or should I travel to CA first and then travel on ground back to East, then from East back to Europe? Right now cheapest tickets are for 366 USD to San Francisco and back. Well. I don’t have that now. And trains there are expensive as well, as well “the life”. But I am sure I won’t be able to eat whole BigMac menu on my own. The portions for US kids would be enough. Haha.

White Antlers

Martin, look for deals on flights. They crop up all the time. Traveling cross country in the U.S. by bus, like Greyhound, might be cheaper than train travel. My city has lots of craft beer and I would feed you. No Big Macs, either. Hoagies, pizza, cheese steak, TastyCakes, soft pretzels, food in Chinatown, barbecue, Mexican, Thai and Indian food. Seriously. Start saving your Czech crowns. : )

White Antlers

tea sipper, I grew up poor and thus learned how to take care of things because I had to. It’s a good phone. I have only had to replace the battery once in 20 some years. I have to do triple tap texting on it, which is a pain, but that encourages me to interact more in face to face time and waste less time tapping with my face in a screen.

Martin Bednář

White Antler: But I am railway buff, that’s why I want travel through with trains :) On East coast it shouldn’t be hard apparently, but crossing the US is actually for same price as a flight. I will start saving :)

White Antlers

Ah! A railway buff! I love trains as well, Martin. Maybe we should start a GoFundMe here on Steepster for this big trip. : )

Martin Bednář

Haha White Antlers. I would prefer to save on it on my own. Mybe some tiny little help would be nice, but not funding it completely by the awesome community. It would be lovely to see everyone who follows me, but well it means jumps to Canada as well (maybe next visit across the pond?). We weill see. Need to finish University first!

White Antlers

It’s my fervent hope that by the time you finish University, COVID will no longer be a pandemic; just a very bad memory. Travel should be easy again or at least easier than it is now. BTW, Canada is a beautiful place and the people are so polite (or at least the ones I met there) it’s wonderful. Of course, you’d need to visit both central Canada as well as the west coast of it, specifically British Columbia. Oh, to be so very rich with infinite time to travel…

Congratulations on 700 reviews by the way!!!!

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175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This was weird tea.

It was maté for sure, but… all other notes I just did not noticed! Cocoa? Nope. Coconut? As well nope.

Maybe bit of ginger was noticable as it was little bit pungent. But certainly I have not had rest of notes. I wonder if I have brewed it for just short time (they suggest 3-5 minutes, I did 4)

It should not be very old too.

And if you think it should be in aroma at least – nope, not even there.

No rating.

10 OZ / 300 ML

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I know, I am drinking old teas. But I think they should not go so bad.

This is one bad one probably. When brewed (on upper limit) it brings nice grass seed aroma and tropic fruits as papaya and mango. Maybe little of kiwi or yellow melon was there too.

When sipped, it was actually pretty similar, with little earthy flavours. I thought I maybe overbrewed it or just used too hot water, which is kind of true. I wasn’t using 80°C for sure. And then it comes – room temperature and… yuck, it became so dirty, earthy and paper. It was really hard to finish it at all!

Quite high rating, because at first it seemed like a decent fruity green tea. Otherwise, I had to go much lower.

Flavors: Dirt, Earth, Grass Seed, Mango, Paper, Tropical

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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This fruity rooisbos tea has a typical reddish colouring, as well as a pleasant fruity taste.

Flavors: Fruity, Rooibos

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 12 OZ / 350 ML

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This is a rooibos tea with a typical rooibos colour to it. It has a lovely, slightly fruity taste to it that is neither too weak or too strong.

Flavors: Fruity, Rooibos

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 15 sec 12 OZ / 350 ML

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