A tea bag from Izzy and I have tried long steeps as she have suggested me. I don’t know how long, it could be somewhere between 5-10 minutes; and I have used a boiling water, which is heresy for a whites, but whatever.
I haven’t found any information about this tea, but ingredients on one website, it’s transparent pouch with classic tea bag in. I don’t usually collect those, but when I have tag with it, it goes to my collection. I don’t like them too much though, but what I can do, right?
This tea I selected today, because it was wonderful sunny morning, and all the snow was shining, maybe even dazzling me; but I am spending time at home, studying for Forwarding exam on Wednesday, an oral one, no preparation time, just here is my question and you answer for 10-15 minutes.
The tea is interesting in terms of ingredients and not that bad in taste. The longer steep certainly helped, and the aroma going off the mug was honey-ish. The flavour was, hard to describe instead. I think I get a bit of that honey, then some common herbal, covered in honey => probably the chamomile in, and overall somehow; hard to describe as I wrote. It was pleasant and smooth, but not sure about the flavour profile. I just couldn’t point to anything. At least it was nice.
Flavors: Herbaceous, Honey, Smooth
I love the look of the outdoors when it’s sunny the day after a big snow and the sky is a brilliant blue contrast to the white on the trees and the ground. Everything looks sparkling, clean and like it’s been touched with tiny diamonds. Me jealous?! Nooooooo. LOL
Dazzling white snow! What an image! Enjoy it.