English Tea Shop

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drank Super Berries by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

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drank Super Berries by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

I made this iced in my tea press and oh my goodness, it was so good! I used 3 tea bags to make sure that there was lots of flavour. It was naturally sweet and bursting with so much berry flavour. So refreshing! Berry, berry good!!!

Flavors: Berries, Sweet

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drank Ginger Honey Tea by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

I bought this tea at Winners for a great price. I really enjoyed the soothing effect of the ginger mixed with the honey. In my opinion, one does not outshine the other. Thoroughly enjoyed!

Flavors: Ginger, Honey

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More spring flavors to distract me from the fact that it’s dandruffing outside. (Too dry to be real snow :)

Last shot in a gift-pack from a friend. Leans a little toward the perfumey in scent and flavor, but still very drinkable.

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drank Peppermint by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

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drank Peppermint by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

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drank Peppermint by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

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drank Peppermint by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

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drank Peppermint by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

A straightforward, simple and uncomplicated peppermint tea. I’ve never had a peppermint tea that I didn’t like. Comfort in a cup!

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drank Earl Grey by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

It’s an average Earl Grey tea. A little light on the bergamot flavour for my liking. I would prefer the bergamot to be a little more pronounced. It’s not the best Earl Grey I’ve ever had but it’s not bad either.

Flavors: Bergamot

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I really enjoyed this. Sweet in a very subtle way. Definitely helped me calm down after I was super frazzled, and didn’t knock me out like chamomile (which was what I was looking for).

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drank Ginger Peach Tea by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

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drank Ginger Peach Tea by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

The smell of this tea as it steeps is delightful. A lovely, fresh, juicy peach aroma. The flavour is of delicious peaches with a background of ginger. Really nice. A satisfying, soothing tea that I’m sure would taste just as good iced as it does hot. I drank mine black but I bet this would be really good with a touch of honey added as well.

Flavors: Ginger, Peach

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A really nice soothing tea. A lot of teas with citrus, lemon, or ginger in them tend to have overly pronounced flavor, but this is very mellow in a nice way. I really enjoyed this one.

Flavors: Lemon

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I’m normally not into sweet teas but this was really pleasant. It doesn’t have an artificial taste, just a nice, smooth, subtly chocolate/vanilla feeling. I really enjoyed it.

Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla

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drank English Breakfast by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

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drank English Breakfast by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

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drank English Breakfast by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

I was surprised at how much I liked this tea. I wasn’t really expecting much. It’s a solid English Breakfast Tea. This is one of the better English Tea Shop teas. Once in a while, I just want a decent cup of black tea and this does the trick.

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Another find in the office kitchen. I’ve had (probably) the world’s worst cold this last week, and all I wanted today was some normal tea. It’s a thing with me when I’m ill, and I can’t taste anything particularly well at the moment anyway, so…

I used one bag for my cup. They’re individually wrapped in the cutest red, white and blue envelopes. I gave it a good 3.5 minutes, and added milk. To taste, it’s pretty much as you’d expect. It reminds me quite a lot of Bluebird’s Great British Cuppa, in that it has a waxy roast white potato aspect to it. There’s also a hint of saltiness in the mid-sip, which works well with the potato note. The maltiness comes out mostly towards the end of the sip, and in the aftertaste, and adds a pleasant sweetness to round off on. It’s robust-tasting, but not as strong as some I’ve tried – just a pleasing, everyday kind of cup. Just what I was craving!

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

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drank Black Tea Chai by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

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drank Black Tea Chai by English Tea Shop
1183 tasting notes

Not bad. Drank it with a little vanilla almond milk. The spices are mild and not overpowering but I found the black tea base to be a little bitter. I think I’ll add honey or maple syrup next time and see if that helps.

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This was a disappointing tea from the English Tea Shop, especially with such a grand name; boasting a tropical punch. For lemongrass flavours, I would recommend The English Tea Shop’s Lemongrass, Ginger & Citrus.

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The English Tea Shop teas I’ve seen and tried are generally part of a gifty-pack thing, the kind you find at TJ Maxx around Christmas time; teas that are generally enjoyable, but maybe slightly less in character than hardcore tea-ophiles like us prefer.

But I’m a sucker for a pretty package, and a dear friend set me up with a 12-pack of fun little cardboard pyramids containing various flavors of English Tea Shop offerings. (I’m keeping the pyramids. There’s got to be a game in there to play with my fifth graders.)

Of the ones I’ve sampled so far this is my favorite. It’s just a standard Ceylon that’s not bitter, not acidic, just right in the middly comfort zone. Took work microwave water abuse well. Prepared a little more carefully, I think it would be a nice afternooner with a little milk.


I purchased a tin of this for $5.99 at TJ Maxx yesterday.

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drank Rooibos by English Tea Shop
681 tasting notes

I am so over this. One more and it’s a sipdown. It’s just a plain, one-note rooibos, and not even a good one at that. It’s got a sort of chemically taste which I find really odd. On top of that I bought it in a rooibos four-pack, the other three being flavoured, and every single one of them, despite being individually wrapped, has always tasted the same. It’s not exactly foul spit-it-out-immediately tasting, but it’s boring my tastebuds to death and I’d be happy never to drink it again.

Boiling 8 OZ / 236 ML

I’m falling out of love with rooibos too. I do have some great rooibos blends, but I’m kind of tired of the flavour these days (especially plain/rooibosy tasting blends).


Tell me about it. I can only think of one rooibos blend that I really really like. ):


Which blend is that? I’m big into cocoa chai rooibos right now (David’s Tea). It isn’t high in the rooibos flavour category though.


I’ve never tried that. The one I was talking about was Della Terra’s Lime Chiffon, but I forgot about another I really like which is Bluebird Tea Co.‘s Rhubarb and Custard. Neither of them are available any more, though, so once I’m out I’m out!

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