Know what? I like having enough of this on hand so that I can drink it whenever I want without worrying that I’ll run out and not have it on a day that I really crave it. Thank you for reblending it Frank. :)

Yum. Yum. Yum.

As I said in my Butter Pecan Post, I am not normally a big fan of bananas. I do like bananas with ice cream (cold stone), I like chocolate covered frozen bananas (but they aren’t really a favorite treat, they are more like a treat that I have when I’m someplace like Disneyland more because its a “tradition” than because it’s my favorite), I like bananas in smoothies and now, I like banana flavored tea… (I have a banana green tea that I haven’t yet tried from Tea Farm, going to have to actually crack that one open and try it soon). But, as for peeling a banana and eating it… well, I’d rather eat just about any other fruit. I like bananas ok… but they aren’t my favorite fruit, not by a long shot.

And, I’m not particularly crazy about rooibos. I don’t DISLIKE rooibos, but, I prefer honeybush (or even green rooibos) to red rooibos. And sometimes I do dislike rooibos if they happen to have been blended in such a way so that the saccharine-y taste comes out. Because that is just icky. I don’t have to drink saccharine sweetened drinks anymore because I don’t live with my stepmother anymore… (cue the little munchkins to sing that song when the house landed on the witch)

I actually probably wouldn’t have tried this tea if it weren’t for Frank’s explanation of how it came to exist in the first place. I felt sorry for Chelsea. So I ordered this tea.

And I LOVED IT. It is my favorite from 52Teas…. well, that I’ve tried thus far.

Chocolate. Bananas. YUM. YUM. YUM.

Boiling 8 min or more

lol about your stepmother!! :)

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lol about your stepmother!! :)

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I am obsessed with tea!

I am a co-founder of the SororiTEA Sisters:

I no longer write for the SororiTea Sisters but I am still the admin for the blog.


The reason I’m no longer writing for SororiTea Sisters is because I am now the Mad Tea Artist for 52Teas:

I’ll still be posting occasional reviews on teas here on Steepster, mostly backlogged reviews because I’m way behind on getting reviews posted. That’s why I’m keeping two accounts active at the current time – so that I can get those backlogged reviews posted.


My favorite teas are Yellow Teas with most Oolong teas at a close second. As far as “flavored” teas go, I love Earl Grey, Chocolate and Jasmine teas.

I also am intrigued by flavored teas with an unusual or unique flavor combination, which is why I was very excited to be the Mad Tea Artist of 52Teas!


Vancouver, WA


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