1598 Tasting Notes
I’m drinking this again! It’s so great. Just make sure you have at least one mulberry before you steep it or it loses all the magic.
This has lots of magic. It smells delicious from across the room, but didn’t stay that far for long as I’m happily sipping away.
It’s so cool and refreshing (while hot) that I strongly suspect it would be nice iced.
Oh man, I haven’t had this in TOO LONG. I’m on my second cup now and it’s great. So great.
I just posted a rant about my teavana online ordering experience here (http://steepster.com/discuss/6267-my-teavana-experience?post_id=118682#) and it’s ok actually because I have this lovely tea. I don’t need Teavana tea. Their blends are mostly additives anyway – there’s not much actual tea there. I just wanted to try them out so that I could say for sure how I felt, but NO THX.
But hey, how do you know? Some people don’t like Adagio tea as they’re too entry level or whatever (like DAVIDs and Teavana) but I’m happy with them! So I have no regrets.
Ok, so everyone has been posting this one lately and it reminded me I was due for a cup. I think I still have about 2 oz of this left in my pretty, keep me forever TARDIS tin! But I bought this in April, so I had better get sipping!
It was a great cup, as always. 2 min is enough to bring out the flavours so they can dance in my mouth and take me to different places through time and space… Now if only I could land in August 2014 to see the new Doctor Who Season. Or, Christmas next year for more Sherlock! :O
(I guess to be specific, they were talking about THIS Tardis tea: http://steepster.com/teas/custom-adagio-teas/42029-tardis but I don’t have it and never have. So, it’s time for this one! Some day I will switch from Cara McG teas over to Aun Juli Riddle. I’ve heard good things and for some fandoms I like the art far more!)
Haha. They’re both good, but I like the other one better. :) Although, knowing Adiago fills tins by volume, and the fact it has white tea in it… I’m not sure I want to buy more. IDK.
So, the verdict is that tere IS hope for this one. Mewakeling suggested I steep it for at least 20 minutes, so I left it in for 30, and it was still warm enough that my mug (colour-changing) hadn’t faded yet. Excellent!
It tasted a little ‘barky’ but still with a lot of chocolate. :D
I added a little milk to it too. Yep. This is much better. It’d almost make a hot chocolate substitute, if only I could get more chocolate in here. :P
Sipdown! (158)
I’m especially happy to finish this one as I bought it last February and it’s time to clear it out. Sure, I didn’t open the bag up until a month or so again so it was fresh but I’m pretty happy with my recent efforts to keep my tea rotated! So when I log a tea that I already have in stock, it gets a seperate entry on my sheet so I know how old the oldest stuff is and how new the newest. (Thanks Sil for that tip)
We were talking about tea earlier (right? who does that?) and I realized that 90% of my teas were purchased AFTER July 2013. So, that’s damn fresh.
Damn fresh.
Addict – someone who uncontrollably buys tea and considers themselves a heffalump. A-D-D-I-C-T Addict.
Haha. My earliest teas are August, Cavo. Now I just need to drink them up soon (or send them away, that also has helped) to ensure my stash remains at maximum freshness.
VariaTEA – that’s pretty awesome too! I try to rotate between my newest exciting tea, and my oldest nearly forgotten stuff.
The spreadhseet makes it so easy to track though. I love sort. (excelnerd)
I think I will have to add a column to my spreadsheet to mark when I got things. Typically I drink swaps first though and then go back to my own tea. Though I do make exceptions for cravings and for sipdowns.
I do he the same variatea….try to get to sample swaps first, then on to my teas. My oldest tea is from march at the moment but there’s only 1 and then it jumps to May….not too shabby, and of course I don’t count puerhs
I should probably try to drink my sample sizes down. Usually I rush through as many as I can when I first get them, but if I get a lot of new teas at once it’s hard to do it, and then some end up getting pushed to the back. I don’t like to let them sit more than a month. Maybe two?
Sil – You not counting puerhs makes more sense than me not counting my ‘guest’ Tetley Orange Pekoe box that just won’t go away (for ppl who don’t want loose tea), and my eucalyptus/mint/ginger blend for colds that I only drink 2-3 times a year if I’m lucky! At least puerh ages nicely.
You changed your picture!!!
“Addict – someone who uncontrollably buys tea and considers themselves a heffalump”
I’m not a heffalump……does that mean I can buy tea….?
Heee. slightly tempted to change my pic to a woozle, but…
I’m a sucker for this cat. And this is my fav pic of her.
A heffalump or woozle
Is very
Geez. Between that, Fantasia, and some of the super weird cartoons on TV when I was a kid, it’s amazing I didn’t turn out weirder.
I have a lot of this tea, and the last time I had it, my throat prickled. I had a different rooibos and no prickly issues from it, so maybe it is from a spice in this that I got too much of in that steep? I hope it was a fluke, cuz this one is sooo good, and one of the few rooibos I like.
Hmmm. Did you buy any this year? From what I hear this blend is slightly different than the one from last year, so that might be part of it.
That sucks though. I get that once in awhile with rooibos, and I don’t know what it is, aside from the rooibos that triggers it because it’s not consistent.
I’m not sure. Miss B sent me a packet, I think, and I had some from before. It may be that it happened with the tea from her packet.
OMGsrsly: Kids shows are weird. I remember being super freaked out by many Winnie the Pooh movies. And I cried when I saw Finding Nemo in theaters…
This was a surprise form OMGSrsly!
And yay! Numi Teas! Yes, they’re bagged, but they seem to pack a lot of flavour in each bag. This one delivers exactly what was promised – dark chocolatey notes mixed with earthen wonder. I like it!
Also, I missed removing an earlier sipdown so I’m actually at 159 now! WOO. I won’t hit 150 by February though. I could push it, but I won’t.
Ok, so Yezi Tea has a sale going on and then reminded me that I have 3 lovely samples that have slowly made their way over to me and that I should have sampled a month ago. But I grabbed them when I grabbed like 30 other teas from Sil (swaps/split purchases/freebies) and it sorta got lost in t he shuffle.
Poor Yezi tea.
I like this. It’s a nice rich black. It’s malty and it has depth. Sadly I feel like I haven’t had enough straight teas lately and I’ve lost all my vocabulary to describe it. And to taste the nuances. I like this, but I’m not sure what to say about it.
It’s a little like Laoshan Black. Not as much cocoa notes though. I’d recommend it though to anyone interested in trying Yezi Teas.
Sipdown (161) (after I resteep it)
Mmmm… This was supposed to be my breakfast, instead of the Tim Hortons. I love it. I had to pull it out and see that I had enough to share with Roswell Strange, and I do! But since I had it out, why not make some cold brewed with milk for the morning.
Why not indeed. Yum.
I’m not sure I’d want it without milk though. It’s just so good with it.
Courtney – i can send you some of mine as well if you’d like to try it first. it’s one of the many i have that are currently unopened :)
That’s so generous. :) Maybe check my cupboard to see if there’s something I can send in return Sil!
:P You guys are awesome. I was just gonna volunteer to send you a few scoops while I pack up Roswell’s but Sil was ALL OVER this.
Time for French Breakfast!
I’m not really good at actual breakfast – I had a danish, and a medium double-double from Tim Hortons. Sugar, yes?
So I don’t need any additives to this. Just pure black tea.
I used to do that kind of thing all the time. On campus, there are often leftover donuts and cookies from meetings! The last breakfast thing we had, I stole a tray of strawberries because they were the only thing I could eat. I got some funny looks. :)
It is! I can’t believe how long Tim Hortons has been a staple for me. A very unhealthy staple.
Man, I remmeber that they were THE LAST COMPANY to embrace debit machines. OMG YOU GUYS. #shakesfist
And that’s goodbye to this. (162)
It smells so amazing, like a strawberry milkshake, but the flavouring is just too weak. I steeped for 10 minutes and then added a little bit of I’ll after a few sips, but I still wanted more. Hmmm. I keep feeling like I need to fiddle with it more, but I did get a few cups of it to play with…
Boo. I’m thrilled you sent me this one though, I didn’t have the highest hopes and it turned out great for me.
This smells so appealing to me but I can’t get past the cacao. One day I will have my strawberry milkshake tea!
i’m still so jealous… stupid tea. never going to get here..
Mmmmm, I like this one cold. Still waiting for mine too, Sil! We can be impatient together ;P
This tea is calling to me. I may have to place a RiverTea order soon. Hopefully my purchases today will hold me over for a little while at least. I got Gold Rush so that should help.
I was gonna send you more of that one once I had money for another swap, heh :P
haaaai! i wanna swap with R.Strange toooooooooooo
Haha I like how we are already planning our next swap :P. I swear we are going to get to a point where we just know what to send the other and have packages ready to go for when we decide it’s time. And Sil, she is a pretty great swap partner :)
I wanna swap with you too, Sil! When I have money! @VariaTEA – I had a list on my laptop of things on your shopping list I own/have similar to that I was gonna send you as add ins if you didn’t request them (which I guess I’ll now have to remake because of the lack of a laptop). I don’t think the loss of my master spreadsheet has really hit me yet…
Oh me too! I want to do a trade someday too! :P
(No rush though)
And yikes. The loss of your spreadsheet is rough! There’s no way to salvage any of your date? And keep it on dropbox?? :(
I can’t even get my computer to boot up – let alone access the documents on it. I haven’t brought it in though to be professionally evaluated because I don’t have the money – but my technologically minded friend from Regina says that if the hard drive is salvageable, it’ll likely cost more than getting a new one and since there’s only a couple word documents that I’m missing having, it’s likely not worth the extra cost. I definitely want to do a proper swap with you too, though!
VariaTEA – it’s funny you talk about you and RS getting so you’re ready to go right away. Sounds like you two might be tea sisters! Terri and i both have standing boxes at our respective houses that get filled with anything we think the other should try, might want to try etc… when it’s full, it goes out. so it’s less a swap at this point than just a standing agreement to share tea whenever. heh
Tea Sisters indeed. We’ve found a couple of near scary similarities outside of tea, though :P
Haha. We are kindred spirits in tea and life :P