1598 Tasting Notes
Another one from Sil! (241)
(Yes, I do have other teas, but right now 1/3 of them are from her….)
And so this is a nice Assam. It’s a little richer than I expected, almost like it’s begging for a little cream to tone it down. But bold is good. I could use more energy! (And this is my 4th cup of tea, followed after my coffee – maybe I’ll never have energy? Maybe I’m just drained by the idea of how much left there is to clean in the shop. It’s chaos. Rubber gloves and silicone and glue and paint sticks scattered on every surface! It’s Friday though…. friday…. And I have three weeks worth of cheques in my purse to cash!)
242! Maybe I can hit 200 by the end of the month? Probably safer to aim for 225 though as my one-cup samples will soon be gone!
Anyway this was a decent tea. It was all bam!chestnut with a bit of comforting cinnamon. This would be a great autumn tea actually, but it’s spring! (yay) Chestnut seems like a good choice – it’s not subtle. It’s just there, doing it’s thing, much like 9.
Man, 9 had some really good moments! Why did he also have to have so many farting pigpeople moments too? /shudders in embarassment/
Thanks Sil! -(if you keep commenting on all my posts you will be VERY BUSY)
I looooooooooooooooooove chestnut so much.
And Nine, actually. I sort of forgot about him after not seeing his season in a few years, then went back to it in the fall for a pub quiz (my team came second, HECK YES) and that season’s really grown on me! It’s pretty camp at times (seriously the farting aliens, just NO) but it’s just so joyous :)
hahaha i might be able to keep it up. Work is full of production issues today, carried over from last night so no hope in getting real work done. Should have just stayed home.
Another one from Sil! Thanks!
So I have to agree with her on this; it’s not your typical oolong. It’s light and sweet and very refreshing. It’s also just a little bit grassy and I imagined a bit of peach in there too. Neat!
(I always think of Cecil from Night Vale whenever I heard ‘neat’ and I guess I’ve been using it more too. He has the effect on me I guess.)
Anyway, I would recommend this oolong to people who have not had much experience with them and want to dive in!
It’s 9:30 and I’m my first sipdown for the day! I’m hoping to get a lot in since I’m in the shop by myself today and have easy access to the kettle. I actually moved out of my office and set my laptop up in the shop and just made myself at home. Who’s gonna stop me? NOT YOU.
I came into work today and my boss was still here – two nights in a row! So, since Wednesday I think he’s slept for maybe 3 hours. Yikes. The movie biz is only PARTIALLY for me, you guys. Assuming he can drive home safely, I think he’s going to sleep for 5 hours and then head out to set. And this is why I’m alone today – all the prosthetics are built and the only thing left is a giant mess which I will clean throughout the day between cups of tea.
And onto THIS tea: The lavender and the EG are fairly muted, leaving some apple raspberry notes on the surface. It comes across as simple and sweet, but there’s a little more to it than you might expect. I nearly dismissed it at first, but by the end of the cup I found I was enjoying it more!
MUCH LIKE ROSE! No, not really. I actually really loved Rose Tyler when I first met her, but then as I moved on from her to other companions I looked back at her and realized a few things: I don’t like how she treated Mickey. Dump him, or don’t dump him, but make up your mind. Also, do I really want to ship her and the Doctor? Yes they were adorable but… let’s creep it up a little. He’s 900 years old. She’s… 19? Oh well they’re in love and they didn’t actually do anything about it, but… no…. Just… no. I guess the human version of the Doctor going off with Rose is less creepy because he’s human, but…
Whatever. I’m thinking too much about this! Onto MOAR tea!
if i makes you feel better… you have samples of the ones i liked least…since i’m trying to drink those first… so hopefully they’ll just get better in your opinion too!
I can’t judge on the ship front (seeing how I ship Six and Peri something fierce, and Three and everyone Three interacts with, and Two and Jamie, Five and Turlough, and One and his Aztec girlfriend Cameca, Adric and math…) but I actually really liked Rose until she kept returning in the middle of Donna’s season and I wanted Donna to get to do her own thing. But that’s not a reflection on the character, but the writing insisting on making her THE MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTER IN THE WORLD which really annoys the crap out of me. And she totally wasn’t good with the whole SERIOUSLY JUST BREAK UP WITH MICKEY SO HE CAN MOVE ON thing, but she was 19, and 19 year olds suck at relationships.
Whoops, don’t ever get me started talking about the Doctor Who. I won’t rest until I’m producing it.
It really is a great show, but the First Series was a little unpolished – they were trying to figure out what to do with the show after not airing it for so long. I can forgive them, but if you’re not sure you would, just start at a later series!
And Sami you bring up some great points. She’s 19 – she’s going to make mistakes that might not make sense to thoseof us who’ve learned better. :P
I also agree with you about it not being fair to steal the light from Donna. I thought I’d hate Donna and I was so wrong. She was so great and I love how she was decidedly NOT a love interest. Martha was so good, but she would have been stronger had she no been interested in Ten.
Yeah, I wish they’d dropped the whole unrequited-crush thing with Martha after maybe 2 episodes and just moved on. I thought she was a really smart, capable character, who just wasn’t always well-served by how they wanted to write that season’s arc.
Then I shall henceforth refer to you as sill, which means herring.
No, but it’s daunting tackling a show that is so widely criticized for failing its female protagonists.
Thing is, Moffat is not an intrinsic sexist – I’m a HUGE, OBSESSIVE fan of his first show, Press Gang, which is a phenomenal 80s series with one of the most thoroughly enjoyable (and badass) female leads ever (my current laptop is named for her – if I tell you my desktop is named Ripley, I’m sure you understand the level of her badassery). His problem, though, is that he’s always completely devoted to and invested in his main character – if he only wrote female leads, that would be amazing, but, alas, no.
That’s an ineresting point, Anna – one I really hadn’t considered in that way, but I see it. And he’s not as misogynistic as a lot of angry fans paint him either, though I have my qualms about his writing as well. I haven’t met him, but we have mutual friends, so I give him the benefit of the doubt as a generally good person. No writer’s perfect.
As far as female characters go, I still think Barbara, Nyssa, Leela, and Ace have been a few of the strongest, best served female characters in the show. Whoops, I keep hijacking this thread! I’m going to go for a walk :p
I thought I’d try another Kenyan tea! Sipdown! (246)
This one is less harsh than the others I’ve had. It’s a little smoother, and a bit more golden. Tasty!
Thanks Sil!!
i really like the keemun from london tea room…but i don’t think there was enough to share of that one… if there was…it’s tasty.
Oh, I have that one! I’ll be sure to give that some special attention.
Also, I looked in my purse yesterday and realized I missed a sample for you. :O I should stick it in an envelope for you. hahah
Another one from Sil! (247)
It tastes like a creamy lemon tart! :D
Don’t even think it VariaTEA……
Anna… hell i might be tempted to slip you some….fancy non north american teas? YES! oh YES!
I SHALL PREVAIL!! I did it once before and I can do it again. (Anna, how much to load her up with tea? :P)
Nice, I was just browsing DF’s site with my mom on Skype last night and this one caught both our eyes. :)
Thank you Sil and Terri for letting me try a cup of this!
I’m not usually into rose teas but this one is nice. The floral notes aren’t too strong and they are nicely balanced against the sweet caress of vanilla.
Sipdown (248)
Ok. this is another one from Sil-zilla. giggles
It’s really nice! I don’t get much chocolate from it, but it’s creamy and a little sweet. It’s almost mocha-ish, instead of chocolate. Odd! But good.
lmao three weeks worth of chequeS..plural? lol
One of my fave things about North America: the sheer amaze of cheques. I have neither seen nor touched a cheque since 1987.
Haha. We get paid when our boss remembers to sign the cheques. :P So now that I work there I make sure everyone gives me there invoices at least once every two weeks, and then I can total everythign up, write out the chequesan stick it in his face so he can sign them. :P Of course if it’s urgent he’ll do it sooner, but he’s just not great at that sorta thing. (Good job security for me!)
And this is the first job I’ve had in 10+ years where I’ve had to deposit my own cheques. Seems like a lot of places do direct deposit, but because this is such a small business and we’re all essentially contractors, it’s just easier for my boss to do cheques. I guess. ;P
I think it’s so cool. I wish I got cheques for stuff, I really do. It makes me think of Melanie Griffith movies from the 80s and ‘She Works Hard for the Money’ and all of that. Haha. It’s such a grown-up thing, a cheque!
Hahah. It is! I can get that, but on the other hand you need to physically pick it up, and then physically take it to the bank and what if you lose it or you don’t have a car and you have to bus and it’s a pain in the butt? :P Actually I jsut saw an add for a mobile app that lets you take pictures of cheques with your phone to cash them – THAT’S AMAZING.
Anna…..it’s mostly a US thing….Canada cheque volumes are dropping at a significant rate, while in the us, they have actually gone up in some instances
Cavo…it’s called remote deposit capture and in Canada it’s a bit of a silly thing given how few chequers we have. That’s a huge thing in the US esp for businesses. An I understand it, it doesn’t eliminate the hold period in Canada, making it more gimmicky than it should be…..
Yes, I saw that app ad in the US this fall and was SO impressed! The future is here.
Siller, do you know why the cheque volumes have gone up in the US?
it fluctuates in the US, last time i had to look at the numbers ofr a project. Mostly, there hasn’t been a major push by the financial industry to stop accepting them…since it’s not federally regulated across the country. check 21 initiative helped but there’s still a ways to go before the US gets to volumes that other countries have…payment processing needs to fundamentally change first…there’s nothing like the european environment with sepa payments/wire payments etc… i remember being thoroughly confused when i had to learn about +1 day and +2 day…and how timing was really different from the way it works in canada haha
I need to read more about this. And I also need to find out if those personalized ones with pink unicorns and stuff are still a thing.
Crazy! I never knew all that!
And I can see the app being a little gimmicky/too good to be true. They don’t want to risk too much fraud, etc.
Pink unicorns! I can’t remember if we had anything silly like that to choose from. I just chose a basic cheque because I didn’t want to pay for it, and the ONLY time I ever write cheques are for rent and daycare so it didn’t seem worth it.