I’m not going to lie. I chose this tea because I was thinking about Dean, and then realized I had a SPN tea for Dean! (Well for Destiel, but… but… what’s Dean without Cas? :O Let’s hope I never find out).

Anyway, I watched Catching Fire on Monday and it made me think that about how Dean and Katniss are both stubborn pigheaded dicks who are determined to die so that their siblings can live. Or others who work their way into that ‘honoroured’ position like Peeta did. (And probably Cas). Anyway, could you imagine if Dean and Katniss existed in an AU and were each others codependent weakness?

They’d be pushing each other out of the way so they could jump directly into whatever possible danger there was. They’d probably do more damage to each other with all the pushing than the actual thread could have.

And that’s my tea note for today. :P (so far at least)


Oh, Dean. I Understand you, I really do. True Understand. So let’s be really thankful I have no siblings.


I would read it. LOL


I wonder if it already exists?
/dashes off to AO3/

And note to self – do not mess with anything Anna holds dearly…


This isn’t quite what I meant, but it does have Katniss AND Dean facing off in the Hunger Games: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1085422. Too bad it’s a WIP.


LOLOL. I try to avoid WIP’s…been burned too many times.


Yeah, I hear you. I’ve slowly learned that lesson! But I’m happy that someone else took the Dean/Katniss comparison and ran with it, at least for a bit.

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Oh, Dean. I Understand you, I really do. True Understand. So let’s be really thankful I have no siblings.


I would read it. LOL


I wonder if it already exists?
/dashes off to AO3/

And note to self – do not mess with anything Anna holds dearly…


This isn’t quite what I meant, but it does have Katniss AND Dean facing off in the Hunger Games: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1085422. Too bad it’s a WIP.


LOLOL. I try to avoid WIP’s…been burned too many times.


Yeah, I hear you. I’ve slowly learned that lesson! But I’m happy that someone else took the Dean/Katniss comparison and ran with it, at least for a bit.

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