467 Tasting Notes
I swear I smelled bergamot in the dry tea. I couldn’t taste it at all and it’s nor listed in the ingredients. I didn’t enjoy it much but I only had it warm. I’ll try it again cold brewed and see what i get. I’m not going to rate this now.
Nice minty flavor. Not real strong on the China Gunpowder, which is alright with me. Great as an iced tea. Just sit back and relax and enjoy the summer. Oh, and of course, it makes the tummy feel good when its a little wonky. :-)
I need to try Morrocan Mint some time. I have read about it repeatedly. Never tried Gunpowder before in any form. On my to-do list!
I’m drinking the Tea Spot’s Moroccan Mint this morning. It’s just such a nice tea blend. Arshess, I could send you a sample of that one, if you wanted.
I’ve had Tea Spot’s Moroccan Mint before and really liked it. I haven’t ordered from them in a long time, maybe when this one runs out, I’ll re-order.
Cheri, that would be lovely! Thank you so much for offering.
I’m happy to return a sample if you see anything in my cupboard you’d like (that I have enough to send a sample of, which is most of them, but just to say…)
I made this as a cold brew. I’ve been doing that a lot lately. Wonderful blend of chai spices. No spice overwhelming the others. A little sweet and spicy. The coconut adds a bit of creaminess. Altogether a very nice cup in my tumbler!
Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cloves, Coconut
I’ve been sort of up/down on my luck with Republic of Tea. This one is better than some of the others so I’m glad. I taste the orange, ginger, mint and anise. It seems to have a lingering ginger/anise aftertaste. It is quite pleasant.
Made this as a cold brew. 3 teabags and 500ml water. I put it in for about 9 hours. I really have no idea how long I should cold brew things. Any suggested guidelines?
Flavors: Anise, Ginger, Orange
Thanks for sharing TerriHarpLady! I loved the scent as soon as I opened it. Very peach-y! I was a bit disappointed to not see any actual peach in the ingredients. I guess that’s the ‘and natural flavorings’. Still it is a very nice cuppa tea. The peach is the prominent flavor and it doesn’t seem artificial to me. I can taste a touch of raspberry. It really is lovely. But i seem to say that of most fruity dessert teas. I like that this is a rooibos/honeybush blend since I can drink it in the evenings. Many fruity teas seem to have other tea bases. This is a nice dessert. I wonder if it will resteep at all?
Flavors: Fruity, Peach
Thanks to the TTB-C R2 I was able to sample another lovely tea. I love toffee and this is only mildly toffee. It is good and the white tea base is a change from the common black dessert teas. I would love a little more toffee, but I’m crazy. I added a bit of stevia (Ah, my old friend) It’s nice and the toffee flavor becomes a bit more prominent. I probably wouldn’t keep it in my cupboard but I would always drink a cup if it were in a swap or TTB.
My husband and I got back from our mini vacation. I did a LOT of walking and my sprained knee handled it well. I’m not sore at all. I am still wearing a brace but more for additional support. YEAH!!! I’m so glad to be back to being able to exercise. And yes, I’m still taking breaks and being careful with it. I don’t want to have to start over again!
I made this as a cold brew. Yum yum! We are finally have a string of lovely weather. It feels like summer. Perfect weather of the iced teas. I finally got some easily removable labels to put on my iced tea pitchers. since I often have several in the fridge. I always tell myself I’ll remember what it is but I never do. They are blackboard stickers that you can write on with chalk and then erase. I’ll see how they do. :-D
Combined some Almond Plum Perfection (Teavana) and Nutty Almond Cream (TiestaTea). Terrific scent. Lovely almond cream with the mild tartness from plum/hibiscus in almond plum perfection. I am not a hibiscus fan but it adds a little punch so the tea isn’t bland. Loving it!
I’ll have to try this cold.
I had some old friends just “drop-in” OMG! The house wasn’t clean and I was so embarrassed. I really played up my sore knee as the reason why the house wasn’t clean. ;-) After they left, I cleaned the house like a crazy person. It only took about 20 min. so I felt even more guilty that the house was so messy! :< But alt least now it;s lovely. Now I want my friends to come back to the house now that it is looking lovely.
Interested to see what your rating is hot steeped. My local grocery is carrying this and a couple other Tiesta loose blends :) So glad to finally have a couple to buy locally.
I like their Nutty Almond Cream and Hubby likes the Fruity Pebbles.
I like the Nutty Almond Cream and Fruity Pebbles so I was all set to like the Lean Green Machine. I’ll try it a couple times and see what turns out like. And it is great to get get a quality loose leaf at the grocery store. :)
There is bergamot in this!