This smelled lovely right from opening the tin! It has a very natural peach aroma. Steeped, I would say the flavoring level is equal to the strawberry tea rather than the delicacy of the apple tea.
I liked it. Ashman liked it. It was quite good and very peachy. I bet it would make marvelous iced tea.
I am accustomed to Lupicia’s peach flavored teas which usually have other things going on as well, like Merci Mille Fois or Momoko. So this seems a bit plain beside those, but if you are looking for a single note tea, this is good.
Much milder I think than Harney and Son’s Midsummer’s Peach which is decaf, but still plenty, plenty, peachy.
Thumbs up!
I adore a realistic peach tea! Glad to see this one was tasty!
I love Momoko, especially iced!