2987 Tasting Notes
I bought these on Amazon a while back and then forgot about them for a long time. I’m trying to finish them up because I still have 10 sipdowns to go this month and only 9 days to get there haha
This comes in a flower shape as a condensed “drop it in hot water” sugar cube. I am drinking it with vanilla soy milk, making it too sweet overall but still delicious. I also appreciate that the company is all fair trade and donates money to clean drinking water in less prosperous countries.
It is advisable to dissolve it in a little bit of hot water before adding the rest of the water or any milk. Otherwise it likes to sit at the bottom and may not dissolve if your water isn’t boiling. It has a strong black tea flavor and some bergamot. I get the floral rose in the aftertaste which is perfect with the milk and vanilla. Sometimes I encounter a stray (tiny) gritty piece of rose petal or tea leaf, but it isn’t taking away from the experience for me.
If you are curious about these instant teas/tea drops, I found the sampler on Amazon.com or Amazon.ca (can’t remember which) and it comes with 5 different flavours. They might be a bit of a novelty, but the tea is good and suits a traditional English method (sweetener and milk).
Flavors: Bergamot, Earl Grey, Floral, Rose, Sugarcane, Sweet
I just got some of these from someone as a late christmas gift. This is the only one I’ve tried so far. I’m a bit confused on what sampler I have since the brochure only lists some of the shapes/flavors I see. The label on the bottom on the other hand has many more flavors not listed in my brochure.
Yay my 52Teas order came last night!
I really like the honeybush and raspberry combination. Luckily, there wasn’t a strong almond flavour (because I’m not a fan of almond), but there was lots of raspberry. I would have liked more vanilla and cookie/cake notes, but I can’t really complain because it was still a great evening cup.
Special thanks for 52Teas for being so kind and understanding. I received replacement teas for the 12 days of tea box that got lost in the mail. I sincerely appreciate this act of kindness and continue to support the company for their amazing teas and the excellent customer service.
Flavors: Brown Sugar, Honey, Maple, Nutty, Oats, Raspberry
I’m not sure if I got this from a TTB or from an exchange, but I was glad to sip this down because I can’t keep buying tea until I make room.
I used ~5g (2 tbs) which was all of the sample that was left.
The brew smells floral but not like orchid. It smells a bit sweet and fruity also.
As for taste, this is very fruity, like raisins and dried fruits. Prune, plum, dark and sweet with some tannic undertones. No floral or grain notes. I really enjoy how strong the raisin flavor is, I’ve never had this much dried fruit without Earthy or toasted grain flavours present.
Flavors: Dried Fruit, Fig, Fruity, Raisins, Sweet, Tannic
This is a sipdown on a sample from JK7Ray of the 2016 harvest of hairy crab. I like this oolong because it is sweet, floral, and creamy. The smooth creamy mouthfeel makes it a really nice tea general drinking. This is an unroasted oolong, and it isn’t very oxidized. It doesn’t have the mineral or toasted barley notes of a roasted oolong and instead the sweetness and complexity comes in the form of cream or floral nectar tastes.
Flavors: Cream, Floral, Milk, Orchid, Smooth, Sweet
I think this is a sipdown of an older tea. Hopefully I don’t have yet more teabags stashed in other purses.
I really want to like this tea, but because I bought a box (25 ct I think?) I’m really sick of it. Also, it is bitter. Therefore, it is not drinkable unless you have soy milk on hand which I only do at home and not on campus (then I’d have to pay). I find it difficult to finish off flavoured black teas that go well with milk because I spend most of my time out of the house with only hottish or cold water.
Anyway, it tastes like pumpkin spice: cinnamon, clove, nutmeg. The bitterness and tanicity is off-putting. There is a natural sweetness and warmth from the spices.
Flavors: Bitter, Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg, Tannic
This review is for a red and white teabag from Paisley Label (a brand from Two leaves and a bud) so I hope this is the right listing.
I drank this with some hazelnut coffee creamer (Silk brand hazelnut soy creamer) so I didn’t get the full array of subtleties this tea has to offer. However, I find most E.B. blends are fairly boring and I wanted something richer. I got some brisk tannin and malt with a bit of honey in the aftertaste, similar to honeysuckle. It is made from a blend of Indian black teas, so I’m thinking it is probably Ceylon and Assam types. It is a bit generic (as most EB are) but was a solid cup.
Flavors: Honey, Malt, Tannin