2987 Tasting Notes
For some reason I remember this tea being kinda “meh” but as I’m drinking it now, I think I was mistaken. It is a lot smoother and creamier than I thought it was. It tastes like a black tea with a strong aroma and flavour of creamy caramel. I don’t taste any bitterness in the black tea. You don’t need to add milk or sugar because of the chocolate chips. The second cup is not quite as nice because the chocolate has already melted, however it is still very tasty zero calorie dessert.
Flavors: Brown Sugar, Caramel, Chocolate, Creamy, Milk, Toffee, White Chocolate
These are quite expensive for tea filters, however they are only of the only ones with drawstrings that actually close. I use these when I put put in a travel mug and take it to school because it each bag can be resteeped several times without disintegrating and they very convenient.
It steeps a tan colour and the aroma is mostly banana, but there is so much more once you take a sip.This tea tastes like a banana bread muffin. The loose leaf has pieces of dried banana of candied fruits and nuts in it, so I guess that shouldn’t be surprising. You can really taste the fruity banana and lots of different spices. The tea is sweet, but I think that is a given for a blend called “Banana Nut Blend”.
Flavors: Banana, Brown Sugar, Cake, Cinnamon, Fruity, Raisins, Spices, Sweet, Walnut
It is dessert in a cup!
I let my cup steep about 5 minutes. It steeps a sort of reddish ale colour. It smells very creamy and sweet and tastes the same. I do like the berry flavour because it is not acidic and I think it goes nicely with the white chocolate flavour. My only problem with this tea is how expensive it is because it is super chunky. There is also quite a bit of sugar in with the tea, which is ok, but unnecessary due to the white chocolate chips and rooibos base. The rooibos was a good choice in this blend because it increases the smooth sweetness or it, however it might have been stronger with a bit of black tea in it as well.
Flavors: Berry, Cream, Creamy, Fruity, Milk, Raspberry, Rooibos, Sugar, White Chocolate
I drank this as a latte after dinner. It is a bit too spicy for me, however I like how fresh all the spices were. You could really taste the pepper, nutmeg, ginger, and cardamom (and I’m a cardamom nut, so this was very welcome). I found it very spicy because it brews strong, but this is a refreshing change from run-of-the-mill chais.
Flavors: Brown Sugar, Cardamom, Ginger, Nutmeg, Pepper, Peppercorn, Spices, Spicy
The teabag smells very sweet and fruity. I can smell vanilla and rooibos as it steeps. By about three minutes it is a dark amber colour. I buy my teas from Murchie’s in paper sachets for convenience, but you can’t taste paper or packaging at all. The pomegranate flavour is very nice. Sweet, but no hint of acidic or tangy notes. Overall this tea is super smooth and well rounded. I very much enjoy the creamy vanilla. II didn’t add milk or honey but it tastes like it is a latte.
The second steep is just as flavourful, which isn’t surprising for a Murchie’s blend or for rooibos drinks. I’ve tried re-steeping this tea 4 times over about an hour without any loss of flavour.
Flavors: Cream, Creamy, Fruity, Honey, Milk, Red Fruits, Smooth, Sweet
Very tasty mixture of white tea and berries. I can still taste the white tea under the fruit, and it is strong but not astringent. The tea gets sweetness from the berries and the tea leaves themselves. I appreciate that the berries do not make the tea acidic or tangy, that would not work with a white tea in my opinion.
Flavors: Berries, Berry, Fruity, Sweet
Very delicate undertones, which made the tea taste weak to me. I do appreciate that the tea is organic and fair trade, however I wish my tea had a bit more flavour.
Steeps a pale yellow colour but has little smell.
Flavors: Astringent, Fur