630 Tasting Notes
This is a very bergamot heavy earl grey, which is not my cup of tea. However, with a dash of milk…awesomeness happens. I find plain earl grey to taste a bit soapy on it’s own when it is this strong, but that just means a bit of creaminess is needed to help mellow that sharp flavor a little. The bergamot still shines through with the dash of milk so I can taste it, but no soapy aftertaste. Very good.
Ok so disclaimer – sugar is sugar to me. This definitely tastes more like the raw sugars that have more of a mollasses taste, but in the end, it is just sugar. Recommended because it is basically impossible to screw up sugar, but whether or not I would ever purchase it would depend entirely on whether the price is competitive with similar brands of sugar.
This was very good – it has distinct spicy flavor that frankly doesn’t remind me of any other chai I have had, and I have had many. I wish I could pinpoint what it is. I had it with a sprinkle of the sugar that came in the sample pack, as well as a dash of milk, and the spiciness still shone through. I could have used more milk and it would have made it even better.
The best way for me to describe this one is hearty. It is a full tasting tea that is a hair astringent but not bitter. It has fruity tastes, but is most definitely not light to me. Great for a chilly cloudy spring morning like today.
I enjoyed this, but think it might be better off iced. It is very fruity but that bit of cinnamon is definitely there. I couldn’t taste many flavors specifically besides mostly fruit and a bit of cinnamon. It was very pleasant, but not necessarily super unique, if that is something you are seeking.
This was tasty, and definitely had an element of cake to it. I received it for ordering near to my birthday, and am enjoying it. I don’t know if I would pay for it per se, but I will enjoy what I have very much, and it will probably be even better with a bit of milk and agave.
This was not at all what I was expecting. It tastes HARDCORE like cooked green vegetables, with a floral taste that is secondary. It is very strong on first steep, even only having steeped for a minute. Next time I would start with a shorter one to see if I could tone down the steamed veggie taste. It borders on bitter but isn’t actually bitter, it is just the strength of the tea taste coming through. Recommended for those who like a nontraditional green, who love strong flavors, or really love veggie flavor.
I enjoyed this – it was very full bodied and had some astringency that I was worried would turn bitter, but it did not. I don’t think I am the biggest fan of such strong bold black teas in general, so I don’t think I would buy more of this. But anyone who likes bolder blacks or really strong tea taste would probably like this.