1118 Tasting Notes
Earlier today I read bluebelle’s review of this tea, and it reminded me that I had one serving left that I’d tucked away. Yay! This is very nice. Deep chocolate, malt, and grain notes in a thick tea. As happy as I was to have it in my cup, I’m also glad I had that last serving because it made me realize that I have several teas in my cupboard with the same flavor profile, so saying good-bye (for now) to this one isn’t so hard.
Drinking my last bit of this. This is one of the only Assams that I drink straight. There is a nice fruitiness to it that adds some sweetness. It is also full of wonderful malt notes as well as caramel. The last time i had this I noted that it was a touch astrigent, so I lowered my water temp, and that fixed it. No dryness, just a nice smooth sip.
I’ll definitely pick up more of this at some point. It’s a very reliable and tasty Assam.
Flavors: Caramel, Fruity, Malt
Poached pear and cinnamon with the slightest bit of a lemon-y kick, that is this tea. It’s nice, and the fruit and spice are well balanced. Very tasty and perfect for fall.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Lemon, Pear
I have every intention of being in bed by ten o’clock tonight. I will turn my alarm off, and I won’t get out of bed until my body tells me that I’ve actually had enough sleep. It’s going to be glorious. Because this is my wild-and-crazy-Friday-night plan I’m drinking caffeine free teas this evening. Nothing will get in between me and my pillow!
This was amazingly delicious tonight. Lots of coconut but with a smooth and creamy texture. I actually drank this much faster than I intended because I gulped it down rather than sipping it. The next time I order from 52 Teas I’ll purchase a full 2 oz of this. I like fruity herbals quite a bit, and this is a good one.
I had this earlier today. I needed something lighter and brighter, and this hit the spot. The rose is strong, but the base tea holds its own next to it. Both are smooth with the rose flavor’s giving me the lift I need on such a gray, drab day.
Drank this while watching the launch of the Orion test flight. So.Very. Cool. As an added bonus I got to watch the liftoff with my daughter, and that was a pretty cool moment. If the test flight continues to go well (it’s four hours long) then deep space travel for people will be one step closer. Like I said, very cool.
The tea… I am liking this more and more. It’s so malty and full of grain notes with a touch of sweetness. There’s a light smokiness which adds another layer of flavor. It’s robust and strong but not bitter. As the days get colder I think I’ll have this in my cup more and more often. It’s a very nice winter tea.
Bumping my rating up a bit (previously 88)
When I saw that CS had a new holiday tea out I had to grab it. I love cranberry and vanilla, so into the cart it went. It turns out this isn’t a cranberry vanilla tea, but rather a hibiscus vanilla tea with a good pinch of cinnamon thrown in. Since I’m not a big hibiscus fan I was sad when I realized the fruity cranberry tartness wasn’t gonna happen. I did find that when I drank this while hot all of the flavors blended, and it was actually a pretty tasty cup. As soon as it starts to cool however, the hibiscus flavor overwhelms the cup.
Oh well, I guess you can’t win them all. I’m sure I’ll drink a few more cups of this, but there’s no way I’ll finish the box. If anyone out there would like to try it let me know and I’ll send some your way.
I actually saw this in the grocery store but put it down as soon as I realized hibiscus was in it. :-/
Yeah, I should have looked at the ingredients as well as the pretty words and picture on the box. :) One day I’ll learn!
Took this with me while I ran errands today. Added milk and sweetened it with some honey. I really like this spice blend because it’s so light on the cinnamon. I’m a huge fan of the spice, but I feel like it dominates too many chais. The blend strikes a really good balance between the tea and the spices. It can get bitter very quickly, so I really have to keep an eye on the time while it’s steeping, but other than that I think this is a decent everyday chai.
This is one of my older teas, and I still have quite a bit of it. In an attempt to sip it down I’m drinking it iced. The peach flavor is ok, and I still enjoy the woody note, but I’m definitely not as in love with this one as I used to be. It’s alright, but there are other peach teas that I enjoy much, much more.
A peppermint and vanilla cup of Christmas. Bonus points for being a decaffeinated green tea and still tasting good.
I was hoping to find this one, but my Target only seems to carry Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride, Gingerbread Chai, and Harvest Pumpkin. :(
My boyfriend made fun of me last night for having this and “Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride” in my tea cupboard :)
Cameron, I’d be happy to send you a box! My grocery store carries all of the CS holiday blends but none of the Bigelow. Strange.