Continuing with the tribute to Mr. Harney (a great idea from mj1851!) I decided this would be perfect with my late lunch. I made a Kenyan dish called Sukuma Wiki (braised collard greens and ground beef). I’m not sure the flavors in the food and the tea pair perfectly, but I like that they’re both from Kenya. :)
The tea is fruity with a tobacco flavor at the finish. As the tea cools there is a bit of a woody flavor – maybe some leather – and a bit of astringency. I like this one a lot. I can see the comparison to Assams, but this is unique enough that I can see myself buying a tin of it and enjoying it as an afternoon tea.
OK, that does it…I need to expand my leafy green horizons! (I am a very late bloomer when it comes to eating vegetables.)
Never tried collard greens—do they taste spinachy or cabbagey?
They’re a bitter green, so more like kale.
OK, that does it…I need to expand my leafy green horizons! (I am a very late bloomer when it comes to eating vegetables.)
Kale is awesome. I think it’s one of my favorite veggies, and I tend to put it in everything during the winter months (just ask my kids :)) I like the Sukuma Wiki with collard greens because the meat is highly seasoned, and i think the greens help balance out the spice.