818 Tasting Notes

Got this sample from Bluebird Tea Co! I couldn’t wait to try out their teas, but it was later in the day, so I decided to go for one of the caffeine free samples. I have to caveat this with the fact that I’m not a big fan of mint. Minty teas are great for when I’m not feeling well, but for pleasure….eh. So, I can’t compare this to any other mint chocolate rooibos teas, because I’ve never had one before. The dry leaf has these really cute little chocolate hearts in it. I steeped it for 5 minutes and decided after one sip to add a little sugar. Well, the mint definitely overpowered the rooibos, so if you don’t like the medicinal taste of rooibos, no worries! Overall, it was enjoyable, but I would have liked more chocolate. I think those who like mint teas will it enjoy it though.


I missed out on their sample promo. Did you get the fireside toffee? I’m so curious about it. What ones did you get?


Bummer! Ya, it’s called bonfire toffee. I also got love potion, earl’s paradise, and pandalicious liquorice as samples…but they’re only one cup samples. I bought a full bag of Vicky’s sponge cake…had it this morning, but I’m still deciding what I think about it, so didn’t log it. Plan on drinking a few more of these tomorrow since I’m working from home!


Let me know about the toffee one. I’ve come close to ordering it several times but am scared it’ll be too smokey. I don’t like smokey. Love roasty though… I’ll wait to hear your comments before i order.


I’m with you on that! I’ll let you know!

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Did a little experimenting with this one today. I had the brilliant idea to add pumpkin pie spice! I thought, you know, I really like getting a pumpkin spice white mocha at Starbucks, and I happen to have some pumpkin pie spice I bought and have yet to use, sooo…thats it! I know, it’s supposed to be spring and all, but it was foggy and rainy most of the day. And why can’t I have pumpkin year round?

Turns out, it was kinda good, but it left a silty residue on my tongue and a bunch of silt at the bottom of the cup. I don’t care! It was fun!!!


Nice! Creative!


I used to do that with coffee. Definitely need to try it with tea!


I really need to start experimenting with my teas like this. It sounds yummy!

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I’ve had a cup of this tea almost every day since I got it. Now that was only late last week, but hey, that’s saying something! I love this tea! Perfect morning tea. Smells like you just made blueberry coffee cake too! Today I tried two steeps. The second steep wasn’t bad, but it was a little weaker. My next order will definitely include a large amount of this tea. I was planning on bringing my mom some of this to try when i come visit her this weekend. Now, to hoard or not to hoard? ;)


Yum. Yum. Yum.


Me too, I LOVE this one!


I love this one at night as dessert. I got the big bag since it was 30% off. I have to ration the rest of my taster pack until my new bag gets here. It’s been hard. I’d say share with your mom. Then you can ooh and ahh over it together. That’s always fun :-)


Lol! Ooh! Ahh!


After talking about it so much I had to make some. Only 1 8oz cup left. I hope by order gets here soon!

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Was in the mood for some chai, and now that my sample of laoshan village chai is all gone, I was left with this chai. I did get some yogic chai from TastyBrew, but i want to take the time to do it properly on the stovetop. ;) So, this one…you know, it’s really not a bad chai. The coffee adds some earthiness, which I enjoy. Overall though, I like laoshan village chai better.

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drank Mulberry Magic by DAVIDsTEA
818 tasting notes

I was really looking forward to trying this tea, as I’m still searching for a perfect evening tea. The dry leaf smelled sweet and nutty. How can anyone not like that? Once steeped, I was a little taken aback by how green the tea was! It’s dark green! Okay, so I’m sure there are other teas that are dark green, but I’ve not had any. The green teas I’ve had we’re actually more yellow. Anyway, it was VERY GREEN. After one sip I decided to add sugar. I do have a sweet tooth! The taste at first was a little different than what I’m used to, but as I continued to sip, I started to like it more. It is sweet and nutty, but I think the fact that it’s mulberry leaves and not traditional tea leaves is throwing me off. I reserve full judgement until my next cup! ;)


I had this last night too! Mine tasted pretty sweet and didn’t turn green at all just a light yellow. I wonder if I’m drinking something else???


That’s weird! There are two teas with mulberries it it. I think the other is gold rush. I steeped this one for 4 minutes, and it was definitely green!


Did it have macadamia nuts in it?


^^ This tea doesn’t actually contain mulberries, only Gold Rush and Caramel Spice do. It’s just mulberry leaves here. As for the colour (and flavour), I really think it just depends on the leaf:water ratio and infusion time. I’ve had both rather light/yellow cups, and also those that are a darker green; the leaves are kind of curly so sometimes even 1.5tsp isn’t necessarily the same amount of leaf.

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Had 3 infusions of this on Saturday, but I had the first and third with pizza, which kind of ruined my ability to discern specific flavors in this tea. Garlicky white sauce…yum! So, I had another two infusions (new leaves) on Sunday.

This tea did not turn out as expected, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like it. To tell you the truth, I’m still unsure about whether I like it! It has a very thick creamy quality, which is nice. The taste reminded me of a creamy cheese with a slight floral note. I think one of the reviews said it tasted like havarti cheese, and I think I agree. I thought maybe I’m getting cheese because the water I used was too hot? I don’t know, any recommendations? Or is this how a milk oolong should be? I steeped it for 3 minutes each time.


I didn’t get cheese out of it! Just buttery deliciousness. Though I suppose butter and cheese are practically siblings. What temp did you use?


I would definitely try cooler water to see how it changes the flavour. I’ve only had this one once (and I didn’t brew it), but the other milk oolong I have isn’t very vegetal, and is more straight up cream, not so much cheese or frittata.


I don’t really know what temperature, because I don’t have a thermometer…kind of just fudge it! I know, I should get one. Well, I’ll try cooler water next time and see how it goes. Thanks!


I have instructions on some of my teas. ‘Wait 5 mins for water’ or ‘wait 10 mins for water’ :) Everyone’s kettle is different though.

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Sipdown of my sample. I must get more of this! YUM YUM YUMMY! Best chai ever. Even my coworker wants me to get her some of this and she hasn’t had any yet! I’m just very persuasive. ;)


I love this too. Sooo good. I think I got like 5 steeps out of this last time by just leaving the leaves soaking for 30 minutes at a time or so.


30 minutes?


Yep! I had to go do things for the kids and just kept resteeping for ridiculous periods of time! I’d add water to the pot, bring it to a boil and then cover it an turn off the heat and walk away. Did it over and over!


Wow! That’s pretty neat! Good to know!


Hehe, I’ll have to try that too when I get mine! :) So excited for it to get here. I love Laoshan Black, and I love chais, so it stands to reason that I’d love a laoshan black chai too :D

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I managed to get two cups out of my little sample. Today, I had the second. Is it a sipdown if it was a sample? I say YES! I’m still trying to decide whether to get more of this or not. I really liked it, but I’m not sure I loved it. I’m getting kinda picky lately. Ha!

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drank Paris by Harney & Sons
818 tasting notes

Delicious as always. This is really a great earl grey-like tea for dessert tea lovers. Honestly, I think I prefer it over any other earl grey.


I’m intrigued. I love earl grey, so I might really like this too! :)

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drank Vanilla Orchid by DAVIDsTEA
818 tasting notes

So, I was feeling bummed out about work stuff, and decided to make myself feel better by going on a tea shopping therapy trip to DavidsTea during my lunch break! I had a few things on a list already, so I would have bought them eventually, but I upped it to TODAY!

I started with my list, but had to kind of urge the salesperson forward. They always seem to assume you’ve never been there before and try to provide recommendations, but I just wanted what was on my list! She was nice though, and measured what I bought to the exact amount requested. I asked about the April tea of the month, Bollywood chai, and the other salesperson got interested and brought out the canister. She let me smell it, but said she couldn’t sell any yet. Poo! It smelled really spicy hot though. Not sure if I’ll like that.

So, I picked up some new teas to try: vanilla orchid oolong, quangzhou milk oolong, mulberry magic, and a little matcha. My husband requested the matcha because he likes the Jamba Juice matcha green tea blast smoothie and wants to see if he could create it at home.

On to vanilla orchid: the dry leaf smells like a delicious vanilla cake! Yum! Steeped, it tastes more floral, but the vanilla was still there. Not really a buttery oolong. I guess this is a floral one. Anyway, I enjoyed two steeps of it this afternoon. I will be enjoying the rest of the little bag, but I’ll have to see if I’ll want more at the end of it.


Ooh! Nice order! Let me know if you like their milk oolong, I’m just getting into those.


Will do! I’m excited to try that one!


I see you are in San Francisco. Have you ever tried T-We Teas?


ashmanra – I’ve never heard of T-We Teas. Are they in the city? I work downtown, but live out in the East Bay.


ashmanra – I just looked them up, and they’re not far from my work! Oh no! Another temptation!! Guess I know where I’m going during my lunch break next week!!

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Another profile facelift! My tastes have changed a lot from when I first discovered loose leaf tea.

I can trace my tea journey back to October 2012, when I discovered DavidsTea. Before that, I had the occasional cup and enjoyed high tea at An Afternoon to Remember, which has since closed.

I went through a period of wanting to try all the teas, and was really into flavored teas, especially dessert blacks, but my tastes have substantially changed over time.

I still enjoy the occasional flavored black or rooibos, but I’m more into unflavored black teas right now and recently, puerh. Chinese black teas are amazing…with their notes of chocolate or sweet potato, who needs a flavored tea? I had a much steeper learning curve when it came to puerh. I used to dump out cups of puerh for tasting like leather. Now, I am really enjoying them. I think it took finding good quality puerh and steeping them gong fu style to really enjoy them.

I also, on occasion, enjoy a good oolong, white, or green tea.

Favorite tea companies right now include: Mandala, Teavivre, Butiki, Golden Moon, Lupicia, and DavidsTea (for teaware mostly).

Just a note: I don’t rate my teas numerically because my iPad doesn’t like the scroll bar. Maybe someday that will change…hint hint, steepster! ;)

P.S. My profile picture is of one of my 2 cats, Holly, who is a little princess but very photogenic, and she loves boxes, including those that bring me tea! :)


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