Mulberry Magic

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Mulberry Leaves, Natural Flavours
Butter, Herbaceous, Nuts, Soap, Spinach, Nutty, Sweet, Umami, Vanilla, Green, Smooth, Creamy, Cookie, Seaweed, Kale, Vegetal, Vegetable Broth, Caramel, Coconut, Asparagus, Brown Sugar, Cake, Earth
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 3 g 12 oz / 341 ml

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174 Tasting Notes View all


Soothing and smoothing

People have been buzzing about mulberry leaves for all sorts of reasons lately, but we just can’t stop talking about how good they taste. Combined with macadamia nuts, they make for a tea that is sweet, complex, and slightly earthy. Do they really have tons of other benefits, as the health freaks claim? We’re too happy to care. Caffeine-free. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Mulberry leaf, organic macadamia nuts, natural flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

174 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

So my new roommate moved in yesterday, but I was in the lab until 1:30am dealing with samples, so only got to meet her this evening (since I then slept until 5pm, haha). Of course, she came in to find me sitting at the dining room table watching ‘How I Met Your Mother’ with no less than 5 cups of tea :D Naturally, she asked whether I like tea…. :P Apparently her and her friend had been at the mall today and stopped in at DavidsTea (although they are mostly teabag girls, not looseleaf), and she told me that they were offered a sample. Curious as to what they drank, I asked and she told me it tasted like a white chocolate macadamia nut cookie. The only DT I know of with macadamia nuts is Mulberry Magic, but that didn’t sound right… however I looked up DT’s Tea of the Day and sure enough, one was Mulberry Magic! Naturally I then started craving it like crazy, so here we are. I’m not certain I get ‘white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookie’, but it’s pretty darn good. And because this one never goes bitter, it’s no-fail for me. So much love. Upping the rating because I love drinking this one :D

Boiling 8 min or more

If I ever make a David’s order this will be on it.


Hahaha, anytime I send you a swap I should include a bunch of this :D


Yup lol – there is always the list :)


It is so good as a latte!


Yummm sounds excellent!

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807 tasting notes

Ironically I just started a diet AND just got done after a shower putting this wonderful soy oil in my hair for shine and repair. I then decided I had not had a David’s Tea in a while and I grabbed this one out of a box. Lo and Behold I totally forgot all about this being “slimming” and “good for hair” and whatever all that jazz said but I love the irony and coincidence of it all.
Still really enjoying this blend.


i totally read that as “i put soil in my hair” :)


Haha but ya know I WOULD do that probably. :)

Emily M

Same…did a double take. =P


Haha awesome I love it when that happens :)

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1792 tasting notes

Why am I sick for the third time this semester? My immune system fails at life.

I’ve had this a few times already but kept putting off gathering my thoughts on it. The dry leaf is creamy and sweet, and it’s great to see some chopped macadamia nuts.

Make sure not to oversteep or overleaf this one because the mulberry leaves give off a dark leafy green flavour which covers up everything else. For me, I prefer this steeped for no longer than three minutes. The liquor can easily turn into a muddled green. Nothing wrong with that, but the more muddled the liquor looks, the more like dark leafy greens this is going to taste, understandably.

The flavours are matched very well. I can detect hints of cocoa butter and macadamia nuts. This is the type of herbal I would ideally reach for when I’d like to cut down on the caffeine. I DO prefer Gold Rush however, as the mulberries themselves unsurprisingly have a more favourable flavour profile, but the price is right on this one.


You should try using a tea bag for this one! It’s my favourite way to drink it.. somehow it changes the flavour and instead you get a cup of vanilla cake or something.


Ohh, I can see that really helping, filtering out a bit of the leafiness. Thanks for the tip!


Hope you feel better, this tea is good for that, love sipping on it when I’m under the weather :-)


Thank you. :) You’re right, this one is great for when you’re sick. It’s easy on the stomach.

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1598 tasting notes

I don’t even know what mulberries taste like outside of tea nut this is so good. Maybe this deserves a tin?


We’re twins. I just drank this but have been too lazy to review it yet haha.


With the amount of tea we consume, I think it’s hardly fair to expect reviews with each cup. Sometimes it’s just time to relax and enjoy the cup.


This is good, but it’s mulberry leaf, not berry! I think the leaf tastes rather spinachy (like, more than spinachy green teas). Gold Rush and Caramel Spice have (had?) mulberries in them, and they pretty much taste really caramelly. If you’re curious about the flavour of mulberries though, last time I was at Bulk Barn, they totally carried them in the dried fruit section!


Thanks for the tip!


Gold Rush made me seek out actual mulberries (dried) and they taste like dessert! Not at all tart, really sweet and yummy!


Bulk Barn is where I got them ;)


This one made it to a tin in my cupboard :) I actually preferred it over Gold Rush – just slightly.


I haven’t tried Gold Rush, but I like Mulberry Magic as a great decaf option – it’s different than all my rooibos, mint or chamomile blends.

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1764 tasting notes

I was so looking forward to this being a sipdown. Even though I’ve quite enjoyed my little sample, it’s time to move on to the next one. Well, after the next cup that is. I dunno, I crave it so infrequently(as in once or twice a year) that it hardly seems worth stocking in my cupboard, but then when I do crave it, there is no denying that I want this specific tea. Ah well.
Hey maybe I’ll make it for Dad tomorrow. That counts, right?

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2291 tasting notes


Having it iced. It’s pretty good. Not as nutty as Pistachio Cream. Not as sweet, either.

I don’t know that either of them are a re-buy, and it’s hard to decide between the two teas.

I’ll probably pick up one or the other at a later date, just because it’s nice to have iced.

Edit: Sipping on it more, I definitely taste the macadamia nuts. It feels very rich because of the flavour, and the super fatty nuts that are in the tisane. Hmm. Pretty good, but not what I was really thinking it’d be like.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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6444 tasting notes

I was not planning on finishing this tea anytime soon but now that I have 200 g of my precious Pistachio Cream, I feel it is okay to drink this down. I don’t think I need two different Mulberry leaf teas in my cupboard. So after this cup, I have about one more cup worth of this tea to polish it off.

As for the taste of this tea, it is surprisingly nutty. I did not know what to expect when I first tried mulberry leaves but so far I have been quite pleased with the taste. This tea is nutty, creamy, and smooth. A pleasant tea for any evening :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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1184 tasting notes

I had this with a little steamed vanilla almond milk. It was nutty and so comforting on a cold winter evening!
Steeped with boiling water for 7 minutes


Mmm… Can you really taste the mulberry in this?
I loved eating mulberries as a kid :-)


Not really, because this tea is made up of the leaves, not the berries. It is more nutty and earthy


Thanks :-)

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284 tasting notes

My first herbal tea. When I was little my mother tried to make me drink chamomile once or twice. Yuck. Definitely never had any other herbals since. I’ve had teas with some mint in it before but never straight-up herbal.

So, the color. It’s sort of unpleasant, isn’t it? It’s kinda brownish green. As for the taste, I get the nuts and some spinach. Or spinach and nuts. I’m not sure I like it. I don’t dislike it, it’s not at all unpleasant but am at the moment regretting this choice as an afternoon tea. I don’t need to be quite this relaxed.

Dry nose: sweet macadamia nuts
Aroma: spinach or very faint chamomile (at least to me)
Flavour: nutty spinach.

I guess this is what mulberry tastes like? I’ll have to try others if given the chance just to make sure. But not too soon.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

That was my reaction to this tea too!

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180 tasting notes

I’m in the process of moving (have been for nearly a month now – yuck), so I’m not allowing any new teas into the house. No swaps, no purchases, no orders.. nothing. It doesn’t make for many interesting tasting notes.

Just drinking down teas that I already have – and have therefore already reviewed. Like this tisane: it’s good. Mild, buttery, and I can actually taste macadamia nuts. Or maybe it’s just macadamia “flavoring,” since there didn’t seem to be many nut pieces in my scoop; either way, it’s delish.

Ugh, I hate packing.

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec

Ugh, I feel your pain. We’re still trying to unpack after our last move and it’s just agony. We have too much stuff and there’s no where to put anything!

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