818 Tasting Notes
Hadn’t had this one in awhile and thought I’d bring some to work with me. This time, there was too much chili and heat. I think I ended up getting more chili pieces in this steep, which would explain the overpowering chili flavor. I really like it when it’s predominantly chocolate with a hint of spice. Hmmm, I wonder if I should just pick out some of the chili pieces in my next steep. The description of this tea says it has “the perfect amount of chili pepper,” but maybe it’s not perfect for everyone.
Thought I might have a sipdown on this one, but I still have enough for one more cup. It was okay….I started using a healthier sugar that a coworker bought me for giving her so much tea to try. Ha! I’m such a good coworker. ;) On the sugar, though, it adds like a malty maple flavor, which didn’t really go well with this tea. Oh well. I also have been really dizzy all day, and I’m not sure why. Dehydration? Too much caffeine? My coworker suggested allergies, or fighting off a virus. Hope I don’t get sick!
It’s a winner! I’m so glad I got some of this tea! I should have bought more! It tastes exactly like it should. It’s blueberry with a little of the cakey-ness from pineapple upside down cake, and a streusel topping! The blueberry hits at the front end of the sip, and the streusel stays with you in the aftertaste. YUM!! I have a feeling this little 1 oz. bag won’t last long!!
So good, right? I seriously loved this and was thinking about it all day today too. Tomorrow I’m going to try all my samples of della terra teas because I want to re-order this while the sale is going, but don’t want to miss out on any other teas I might want more of. It’s going to be a highly caffeinated day! What are your favorites from there?
My favorites are s’mores and pineapple upside down cake black teas ( and now blueberry crumble!), although I’ve enjoyed oatmeal raisin cookie, blackberry bramble, and chili chocolate truffle. I also like apple cinnamon rooibos. Have fun!!
I like this! Good thing, because I had to buy 2oz. (no smaller option). I think I steeped it too long though, because I’m getting a lot of astringency. I’ll adjust that next time. It’s a nice white chocolate, but you can definitely taste the white tea base. I’m thinking about experimenting with it to see what fun additions make it even better. Suggestions? ;)
I got my Della Terra order in TWO days! Yes! Of course I was a sucker for their latest promotion. Anyway, this time, it came with a sample of this tea! A pretty generous sample too.
After smelling this tea in the bag, I couldn’t help steeping some up. It’s super sweet, and it has jelly beans in it! I was wondering what would happen to the jelly bean, and yes, it completely dissolved into the tea. No wonder it’s sweet! The hibiscus really tries to ruin it for me. I’m glad I only steeped it for 2 minutes, because that was PLENTY. Overall, this is a fun fruit blend, but I wish there was less, or maybe even no hibiscus.
Funny. I got this with my order and was about to brew it up until my husband read me the ingredients (on a rant about how that’s not “tea”) and heard him say hibiscus at the end and I pulled up and had something else instead. I do not like hibiscus. Good to hear its not too bad. I’ll try it when I get back home. You and I definitely have similar palates!
I’ll have to keep that in mind! I’m waiting excitedly for my order but I don’t expect it until next Weds or so. Maybe later. sigh
This tea was interesting. Another swap from TastyBrew. Thanks, TastyBrew!! It steeped up with a scent of cocoa. I thought, cool! Like laoshan black! Except, it tasted much more subtle. I got both notes of cocoa and some sort of fruitiness. I couldn’t discern what type of fruit, but I don’t have that educated of a palate yet. I didn’t add milk because one of the reviews said that milk killed it, and they were probably right because of how subtle the flavor is. Anyway, I liked the complexity of this tea!
What a weird tea! I got this from TastyBrew…I’m on a roll today with the teas we swapped. Thanks TastyBrew! So, this tea looked like an oolong, both in dry leaf form and when steeped. A dark oolong. It smelled vegetal once steeped, like an artichoke. Let me tell you, this tasted like drinking liquid artichokes, in a good way, if that’s possible. I actually really liked it, and I’ve not been fond of vegetal teas. So weird! It also seemed to taste like a squash or potato with a hint of cinnamon, but only in the aftertaste. Weird, but good!
Got this in a swap with TastyBrew. Thanks, TastyBrew!! I was so excited to try this. I mean, pastry? Sign me up!! It smells amazing, like almonds and sugar…like…..Forever Nuts from DavidsTea! Oh no, not Forever Nuts! I’m not a big fan of that tea. At least here there is a proper black tea base. ;) I can also get almond croissant and butter flavors from this, which is nice, but I had a really hard time not associating this tea with Forever Nuts. I wonder if I had never tried Forever Nuts what I would have thought of this tea.
Wow, this is really nice! I got this from a swap with TastyBrew and it’s got me rethinking white tea. What a great tea to wind down from the day with. I steeped this for 3 1/2 minutes, and I got such a nice subtle blueberry flavor combined with a very likable white tea (very slightly floral…not in your face; delicate). I have to admit, I added a little sugar, which made it nice and sweet! The tea is very light and smooth. I bet this would be great iced. I think we have another winner in my very limited white tea world! Thanks TastyBrew!!