818 Tasting Notes
So, I think this is the one TastyBrew sent me as a surprise, especially since she’s reviewed it. This is really good. Great chocolate flavor!! A little thinner than I would like, but delicious! And a great herbal to have later in the day! Thanks, TastyBrew!!!
Enjoyed this in my timolino during my training class today. I felt kind of bad drinking this awesome tea in a travel mug…I like to give my favorite teas special treatment, but I do have a whole new 4 oz. bag! So, this tea is delicious in the travel mug! The flavor stayed robust! Why am I surprised though…quality tea should taste great no matter what, right? ;)
Had this in my timolino for the first time because I had to go to a training class for work, and I needed something portable. I tried this tea out in there because someone, maybe Kittenna, suggested it’s good for the travel mug. It did work pretty well. I’ve found that the timolino makes some of my teas taste thinned out. Anyone else experience that?
I just posted about taking this one to work in my travel mug yesterday, I think. :)
And I don’t have a timolino, but I agree that my teas taste much better in my regular mug. However… I’d rather suffer with thinned out teas at work than no teas!
A bit. I like to brew two timolino’s and then pour into a 6oz cup – stays hot and I can properly sip it. Of course this assumes you have room for another cup
Oh, maybe it was you, Jessie!! I agree…would rather have thin tea than no tea. I wonder why that happens?
Cavocorax – good idea! Kind of like using it as a thermos and pouring into a separate cup!
I think it was probably Jessie, as I’ve only had this one once, though I think it might have been in a Timolino. I definitely do get the “thinner” (muted?) flavour in the travel mug. Even though my Timolino is 12oz., I typically use double the leaf that I would for an 8oz. cup when I’m brewing things up for it.
Been way too busy lately. Not much time for tasting notes. I did have this tea again last night after airing it out for about 2 days. It was better, but it still had the wine-like taste. I also only steeped it for 5 minutes, which is less than before, so not sure if that was a factor. I’m wondering if I should air it out even more? Thoughts?
Oh, Stacy! How do you do this! You are amazing! I just got my 1 oz. bag in the mail today, and really wanted to try this, but didn’t think I should because it was kinda late for more caffeine. Of course, TastyBrew and whatshesaid persuaded me to try some anyway! Hey you two, it’s your fault if I’m up all night! J/k. ;)
The dry leaf smells delicious. Like caramel. I steeped it up, and at first, I thought it wasn’t what I expected. This is because when I think of caramel and vanilla teas, I think sugary. Then I thought, why would I think that? This is Stacy we are talking about! Just like my other favorite tea from her (maple pecan oolong), this tastes so natural, like the leaves naturally taste like caramel and vanilla. I also get a raisin note, probably from the base tea. I also get a little vegetal note…not sure where that is coming from, but I don’t mind it. I added a little sugar, but I think milk would ruin it. Now, that’s a first for me, because I really like milk in my black teas, and if I’m forgoing it for the sake of the tea, that’s something!!
Had to do a resteep because the first cup just wasn’t enough!! I really am going to be up all night!
Yay! A genmaicha! I love genmaicha! I really enjoyed this tea. I don’t have any other genmaicha (except, I think I have a swap from TastyBrew) so this will hold down the fort for now. The dry leaf did have an odd chemical smell, but it was gone once steeped. It tasted mostly of genmaicha, with marshmallow more in the aftertaste. Yum! Happy sweet genmaicha!
I’ve become somewhat addicted to these semi-sweet genmaichas at night time. I started experimenting last night trying to make my own since I have an insane amount of genmaicha. Nothing to write home about yet, but I’m optimistic :-)
I added marshmallows to my Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha last night to make it a little more marshmallow-y. Was pretty good. I’m actually taking tiny amounts of the flavored matchas from red leaf (caramel & creme brûlée) and mixing it in to my plain genmaicha. It works pretty well with the Culinary Teas Genmaicha because theirs is extra roasty flavored.
I stopped by this shop for the first time last week and picked this up. I think ashmanra told me about this company. I didn’t know it existed, and it’s only a couple blocks from my work! Anyway, it’s a very modern, tiny little shop. They have their regular blends and then they have their “fancy pants” blends. Haha! Their teas seem to only come in 2.5 oz. packages. They don’t have a huge selection, but they did have 3 different chai’s. They have Chai Me (herbal), Chai This, and Chai That. I picked up Chai That because it had star anise in it. I think it’s supposed to be the spicier of the two black chai’s. I was a little disappointed in the packaging, because inside the box, the tea is in kind of a thin plastic bag with one of those curl-down ties, but once you open it, it’s not as secure.
The dry leaf of this tea smells great! There only seems to be one little star anise in my little bag though. Once steeped, it still smells great! However, the taste was disappointing. I thought the spice blend was pretty flat, meaning I couldn’t discern high or low notes. Oh well, it was fun to try, but apparently not the blend for me.
Tried another cup of this from the sample TastyBrew surprised me with. She suggested adding honey, so I did. I think it was definitely better, but unfortunately not a favorite. I’m glad I got to try it though! I can see how some get whoppers from this. Me and chocolate teas….I don’t know…we’re not the friends I wish we were!
Funny, I really like this one. But you have to really love strong roasty teas. I couldn’t drink it every day, but I probably have it about once a week.
I ended up buying 2oz because the 1oz was sold out, but I’m nervous about trying it too. I guess I could just mix it with a black tea if it ended up being too strong for later infusions…
My mom got us some of this to split in her last Harney’s order. I picked it up last weekend, when we had tea for her and my grandmother’s birthdays. Tea was so fun…had scones, cupcakes, and chocolate covered strawberries! Delicious! We also drank a bunch of my favorites, because my mom hadn’t tried them yet. We had blueberry crumble, ceylon star, and maple pecan oolong! Yum! We drank them in cute little teacups, which, for me, was not enough tea! I need my large 12-16 oz. mug! Crude, yes, but, I get more tea!
So, this tea….I think my expectations were too high. I really thought it would taste like Nutella. My mom warned me that the smell was better than the taste, and she’s right. It was good, but not as great as I was expecting. I’m also finding that I don’t like a lot of chocolate teas, which is a bummer because I really like chocolate! I can taste both the chocolate and the hazelnut, but wish the flavor was stronger. Maybe I need another cup to really appreciate it. I’ll try that! ;)
Well, my grandma can’t drink caffeine, so she drank vanilla comoro, and tried a teaspoon of each tea. But my mom seemed to really like blueberry crumble and Ceylon star….she even asked for another sample of the latter.
Glad you liked it! I make this super strong and let it steep forever. It’s also a great thing to add to other teas you want chocolatey. I added some to a later steeping of cinnamon swirl bread one time and it was super yummy. it’s a fun one to play with.
Ooh, that sounds yummy!!