772 Tasting Notes
Well unfortunately this doesn’t taste as heavenly this time around. I forgot about it and although it didn’t oversteep thanks to the breville, I did have to stick it in the microwave. Possibly this is why it tastes slightly burnt, although it was only for 30 seconds. Leaving the rating as is for now.
Well, of my box of cuppa chocolate teas that I got from RoT, this is the one I like the least so far, of the 4 I’ve tried (Still have the velvet one to go). It definitely tastes like chocolate and strawberry, but I’ve never really liked that taste except for an actual chocolate covered strawberry. Strawberry ‘flavour’ just doesn’t taste quite right to me in most places and this is not an exception.
I can see why some people like it and some people hate it though. I wish this wasn’t a rooibos blend because generally I don’t like those very much, though there are exceptions to every rule. This is at least palatable. I think I’ll probably end up giving away the three bags left of this that I have.
Well, I must say that this one smells divine. Like a Mounds bar, which I enjoy greatly whenever I have them, which isn’t often. It’s making me want one now.
Drinking, it’s a little thinner than I’d really like, considering how rich it smells, but it’s still a nice flavour. I like it.
Upon starting to sip this drink, it’s cooled off quite a bit because I forgot about it, and I can definitely taste the banana flavour, a bit fake but okay, and I can hardly taste the chocolate at all.
Okay, so I reheated it in the microwave and I’m drinking it a little hotter and I can taste the chocolate now. This is a pretty good tea when all the tastes are out. I did add milk and sugar, like I normally do to dessert teas.
Drinking this two days in a row it seems. So I’m sitting here eating some cheetos and there’s less than an hour left of work so I shouldn’t make another pot of tea because I’ll never drink it in time so bagged is the way to go. The sweetness of this tea won’t make my cheetos taste weird so there we go! This is as delicious as always.
Well, this is a nice neutral chamomile blend that does indeed seem to be soothing my throat because it hurt a lot this morning when I woke up and it’s better now. I know some improvement is normal over the course of the day, but I do think that this tea is helping.
My first cup I put some honey in and I think I put too much in because the tea tasted quite weird. Second cup has a tiny bit of sugar (because I put sugar in everything, I know I’m bad, bad Starfevre oh well) and it tastes much better. This is a very neutral blend.
Well, it seems I’m catching a cold, right on the tail end of my flu experience. Joy!
I added some (local, organic, unprocessed) honey like the box suggests and it’s REALLY sweet (and I didn’t even add that much honey either). Good thing I like sweet and this is almost even too sweet for me.
I don’t like this tea much for taste because of my feelings on licorice but I’ll brave it due to my scratchy throat. It’s better now than it was this morning, but it’s still very uncomfortable.
I really need to get more sleep, although I doubt I’ll get it because I need to clean the house before the catsitters arrive on Friday and leave for the airport at 4:30am on Friday morning. So much fun.
Well, gotta hand it to Frank, this does indeed taste like rootbeer. I can’t differentiate the butter so much because it’s been forever and a day since I’ve had an actual rootbeer but this brings back memories.
I don’t dislike it exactly. I can see myself drinking more of it. If I were constrained by my choices of tea. I’m not sure I like this enough to drink my whole pack up.