772 Tasting Notes


Once upon a time this was my favourite tea in the world and it still holds a fond place in my heart. Plenty of bergamot in this, to the point of nearly overpowering the tea base. Lovely aroma and pleasant taste. For a bagged tea, this is a decent one.

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This is another nice tea from Steep City Teas. So far I’ve been a fan of all of theirs I’ve tried, although that’s only 3 teas so far. I still have another to try also.

This blend is delightfully fruity. I can’t pick out the individual pomegranate and cranberry flavours in the brewed tea but instead they blend together to make a new combination flavour that is ever so slightly tart. I can’t comment on the natural sweetness because, as always, I added a teaspoon of sugar to the 14 oz mug I’m drinking this in. Also my travel mug. I have to drink this in the next 4 minutes in order to leave for work on time so I’ll make this the end of my note. I hope everyone on Steepster has a wonderful Thursday.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Starfevre, thanks for the comments. This tea is also delicious iced! One of our best iced teas we make on the road. So happy that you are enjoying our teas.

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This is a really pretty tea. I like the artwork on the package too. Anyway.

I mostly pick up the earl grey flavour when I drink this. I normally like a pretty strong earl grey (hello double bergamot stash tea) so this is okay, but I’m not really picking up much of the other flavours, beyond a slightly stronger than normal fruitiness from what is presumably the blackberry (or blueberry? Other reviews are confusing). This is not my favourite tea, but I like it well enough and I haven’t had an earl grey that I liked in a while. Mostly earl grey creams which I have found that I don’t like so much.

and WOOT, this is my 100th review!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Congrats on 100~

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Today I am drinking this again and I am picking up a hint of woodsiness along with the caramel and hazelnut blended flavours. I still like this, though I’ll probably be looking to give some of this away because I have like 5 ounces of it and I will never drink this fast enough before it starts going stale.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Fujian Baroque by Adagio Teas
772 tasting notes

Second Steep of yesterday’s leaves, but still tasty. I didn’t exactly drink them hot because I turned the Breville on and then went on my treadmill for an hour (50 minutes of it actually exercising, 10 minutes trying to figure out why it kept turning off)(did not figure it out). So both my mug and my travel mug from that pot were about room temperature when I drank them but this is still tasty at room temperature.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Finally getting around to writing a tasting note on this one. Leaving a rating because I did not create this blend, I just picked it out of the refuse of the multitude of blends to spread around.

This is bitter and sweet in the best of ways. I do add sweetener like the description suggests, to bring out the flavours more and counteract a bit of the bitterness inherent in this blend. Mostly I taste the vanilla with a hint of coconut here, not much of the chocolate, though I did have a Della Terra chocolate tea just previously so maybe my chocolate tastebuds are burnt out. I like this blend and will consider getting more of it when I run out, due to drinking and sharing with Tea Sipper, who I think likes this blend even more than I do.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

oh whoops. I don’t know why I thought this was blended by you! I’ll go change my tasting note…


I do have two blends that are blended by me. I can send you some of them.

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Felt like a sweet tea this afternoon for lunch so I put on a pot of some of this. It’s still cooling to tasting temperature, as opposed to burning temperature, but I still can’t resist taking little sips of this until it’s cool enough to drink. I like this one warm and also after it’s sat out and let itself cool down completely, they taste differently both ways but I like them both. I usually get a little bit of both out of each cup of tea because I really don’t drink tea very fast unless I’m really concentrating on it.

So yes, chocolate, cherry, deliciousness.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Cranberry by Adagio Teas
772 tasting notes

I have to say I’m kind of surprised by all the reviews saying that the cranberry flavour in this is faint because it comes across to me STRONGLY, especially in the aftertaste where I wish it wouldn’t linger so long and get sour on my tongue.

There’s the slightest hint of astringency to this and it does have quite a bit of the tartness you would expect of a cranberry tea. I don’t drink this very often because of the strong flavour, have to be in the mood for it, so consequently I have quite a bit of this left even though Thanksgiving is quite a bit behind us by now, it being February.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Cucumber White by Tazo
772 tasting notes

So there was a free box of this in the kitchen area at work so I took a couple of bags to try, although white tea is usually not my preference.

I can taste the lime in this but the rest of the flavour is pretty unpleasant. Bitter and sour. And I don’t think it’s just because white is not my normal cup of tea (pun intended). It’s possible I steeped it for too long, but I don’t know that that would have helped very much. I steeped it at as low a temperature as my water heater goes so it can’t be that. I don’t know. I don’t like this tea and I will not be having it again. I’m contemplating pouring out this mug.

ETA: Added another spoonful of sugar and that cut down the bitterness. Still, there’s now so much sugar in this blend that it’s basically unrecognizable now so I’ll not up the rating too much.

140 °F / 60 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Fujian Baroque by Adagio Teas
772 tasting notes

I’m up super early this morning because I couldn’t sleep and I just wanted a simple, uncomplicated tea to drink. This one fits the bill.

I’m getting the bread-y taste from the first time I tried this and it is good. I’m going to be really sad when I finish up this package. I had to transfer it to a tin this morning because it was getting too low to scoop from the bag.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Single, vegetarian, asexual, 5 cats. Airplane Engineer. I drink most of my tea with a bit of sugar and all the ones with a black tea base with a little bit of milk too. I’m super sensitive to bitterness and spiciness so I tend to avoid those.


Renton, WA, USA

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