772 Tasting Notes
I’m almost wondering if I got the wrong tea packaged up here. Reading the reviews, this sounds like a tea I would really like and instead I’ve gotten one rather like a lapsang souchong with a great deal of smokiness. Still waiting for it to cool down for a taste.
and it really does taste like a smoky lapsang souchong which I don’t like. I’ll refrain from rating because I kind of suspect that this has been mislabeled and the next person who wants to trade out a less smokey black with me for this can have it.
Trying another one of these. Didn’t like the last one because of the stevia ingredient but I bought this so I’m going to drink at least one glass of it.
Without any additional sweetener beyond the stevia that is already in it, I taste mostly just hibiscus with maybe a slight aftertaste of lime in it. The smell is really nice, I can definitely smell the lime there, but I mostly just taste hibiscus.
With a bit more sugar, the lime flavour comes out a bit more but so does the hibiscus also. If you are looking for a nice hibiscus tea, this is a good one, if you are looking for a lime tea, I’d look elsewhere.
Well, I’m not sure why there aren’t any tasting notes on this yet. Does tealux have a person on here to updates photos and such? I did my best in creating an entry, but I couldn’t get that part up.
Now for the tea. Smelling the dry and steeped tea, it smells vaguely of cherry, sort of fermented cherry, a little bit like cough syrup. Drinking it tastes about like that too. I continue to try out cherry black teas in hopes that one will rise above the rest and make me love it forever…but this isn’t the one yet.
Edited to add: took the second cup of this (not a resteep, just made 2 cups on the first batch) and it’s much less cough-syrupy without sugar. The addition of sugar really adds that. Upping the rating.
Well. This is certainly interesting. Not sure how well I like it but it certainly is a strong taste. Strongly savoury despite the bit of sugar I put in. I almost feel like I should be pouring this tea over potatoes to make some sort of dinner dish, that’s what this tastes like to me.
I think this is a love it or hate it tea and I just don’t love it.
I actually wasn’t expecting to like this one but it’s just so interesting! Mostly floral with a slight hint of citrus and a much bigger hint of mint. This is quite tasty compared to my experience with other ‘slimming’ blends, say from Teavana. I can’t really taste the pu’erh that is supposed to be in here but it just might not have been in the 3 scoops I used to brew this up.
So I have no idea how long this steeped because I forgot about it and then had to heat it back up in the microwave. But it smells good. Chamomile with a little bit of the promised citrus.
This may be just what the doctor ordered. (Also, is anyone else having trouble with the enter bar? I have to press shift+enter to get a new line now and it’s irritating).
I have what is probably the flu but it’s not affecting my taste buds much I don’t think so I’m still tasting the teas that I have at home. Going to be moving on to the more herbal blends though, don’t want to waste a flavoured black that potentially tastes wonderful when I am feeling miserable.
Tasting this, it is a fairly standard chamomile, with a bit of a citrusy taste, not very strong but definitely there. Tasty, but nothing really special. About what I was expecting.
The first thing I feel about drinking this tea is guilt. The very act of swallowing makes me a bad vegetarian, but I just can’t help it! I ordered it without thinking of the marshmallow part and now it’s here and I want to try it, it’s rated so highly!
And now with that over with, I am in fact drinking this tea and it does taste very good. The black base is very present and I wish it was a milder base for the flavours to come out, what is here is okay. I can taste the chocolate in the aftertaste but not so much in the initial swallow but what is really present is the marshmallows! There’s a bit of cinnamon-y strangeness too that I think is the graham crackers but I haven’t had graham crackers that weren’t chocolate flavoured in such a long time that it’s hard for me to tell. And I haven’t had s’mores in years, though a friend of mine and I used to make them in his living room with his fireplace going. That was a lot of fun. Ah, memories.
Together, this tea does taste a lot like what I remember s’mores to taste like, though not quite as sugary as the original but close. This is a very good tea, but my guilt will prevent me from ordering it again, or probably even drinking the rest of my sample.
Well, the look of this tea is fascinating, with all the chunks and bits in it of the various ingredients. I can definitely smell the caramel in the dry tea, though not much of the apple.
Adding sugar and milk to this tea (because it’s a dessert tea, because it’s a black tea, because I just ate a raspberry white chocolate scone and I’m primed for sweetness) so it’s obviously bringing the flavours out more than it would otherwise. It smells perfumey, like some other reviewers mentioned and it tastes a bit perfumey too, and that takes away from the niceness of this tea. I can still taste the caramel and some of the apple though, so it does have it’s redeeming qualities. An okay blend but I won’t be reordering.
Another one from my trade with Tea Sipper!
This tea smells amazing, just coming out of the bag. It steeps to a very light blonde and you can hardly tell that it is tea but for the smell but the taste…! Truly tastes like a sugar cookie both in the taste and the after taste. This is really good. It’s January now but I may have to see if there is still some in the stores or on Amazon.
This tea should have no smokiness. Did you get this in a trade or directly from Nature’s Tea Leaf?
Directly from you guys, sealed package opened immediately prioor to brewing.