772 Tasting Notes
I have no idea why there is no entry for this tea until now, when they are going out of business. Did this company really only last for so short a period of time? Most of their teas only have a few ratings on them, if any. Strange.
Anyway, this tea looks and smells awesome. The smell is particularly potent right out of my one pound bag. There are so many large! caramel drops in this and the tea steeps up all murky because of it. I added milk and sugar because this is a dessert tea and I’m craving something really sweet.
This tastes of burnt caramel and vanilla all right. Very strong flavours. This will be a great tea for me when I want something sweet and POW in your face!
Didn’t feel like cleaning any more pots today before heading home from work so put a couple of bags of this in my mug to steep. Tastes as good as ever and I like having it as a standby for when the rest of the pots of tea go wrong (like today). Hopefully tomorrow’s tea will be more successful.
This is the rest of my trade from Novi, who sent me basically a full package of this, which I wasn’t expecting. Hopefully I’ll like it better than the peach debacle of earlier this morning. It certainly smells nice. I haven’t had cotton candy in ages, but it vaguely brings about reminiscent memories of baseball games and parking lot fairs when I was younger and also the circus when I was much younger.
Interestingly enough, I don’t actually like this. It was a bit of okay when it was hot, I could get the aftertaste of a bit of cotton candy, although the ‘front’ of the sip tasted just like tea. When I let it cool down, a strange bitterness came out and smothered the sweetness, even though I had put extra sweetener in this besides, and made the whole pot just very unpleasant to drink.
Got this in a trade from Novi although she sent this to me almost a month ago and I just got around to opening it, oops.
I have to say, this smells pretty terrible. Almost like an alcohol type scent to it, that type of oily smell. I’m kind of afraid to try drinking it. I’m almost certain I don’t want to drink this whole pot.
Well the taste isn’t as terrible as I expected, but it’s extremely artificial tasting. And the oily/alcoholy feeling is back in the back of my throat and I don’t like that at all. I’m sure it’s from the ‘flavouring’ that they added. This is pretty gross and I’m not going to finish it. Thanks for the swap and I’m glad I got to try it, but blech.
This is the first of the giant bag of samples from my order from The Persimmon Tree so here goes nothing! I ordered a bunch of stuff that was rather out there for my tastes so I’m not sure I’ll like any of them, but I was feeling adventurous I guess.
So as a caveat, I am not really familiar with lychee. Didn’t really have an asian supermarket nearby growing up in either country I spent time in and my parents’ taste and cooking was pure Americana/Canadian.
In the smell of the brewed tea I’m getting a faint fruity spiciness, I guess is not the word I’m looking for, but it’s the closest one I can find. Not getting much peach. The taste of the (too)hot tea is fruity and floral and pretty exotic to my taste buds. It’s not bad though, not in the slightest, just new. This isn’t a tea that I’ll buy again, but I’m glad to have tried it.
This tea is amazingly delicious. Or perhaps not so amazingly, because I knew what I was getting into from the great reviews of it already on Steepster.
My package came yesterday, and I’m still having trouble with the fact that I’ve actually gotten mail from China now. With Chinese symbols on it even! I only recognize a couple of them from my studies of Japanese (like the symbol for tea, which is strangely not on all of the descriptions for the various teas).
Anyway, this tea is so delicious. It’s sweet and honey and malty and other things I’m not good enough to identify but all around very very good. I’m going to enjoy drinking this, this evening, 2 or 3 steeps it looks like it comes out to for brewing Western style. I don’t have a gaiwan yet and I’m really rather impatient besides so Western style is how I roll.
This is my blended tea so I’ll not be rating it. If anyone wants a sample, please feel free to leave a comment.
This is a very pleasant blend of chocolate and peppermint. The chocolate is somewhat muted and not an overpowering flavour and the mint is nice and not too strong but definitely the most present flavour.
I like this blend, but I’ll readily admit that it isn’t the most exciting tea ever. It’s just nice.
Got this one from Tea Sipper I think. All my samples are in a pile so I’d have to go back through my messages to be completely sure.
I sipped some of this before stirring the teaspoon of sugar in and the tangy cranberry flavour came out but there was a bitter aftertaste to me. Post sugar, the bitterness is muted, but still there. I am picking up mostly cranberry with hints of citrusy sweetness. This is an okay tea, but I’m glad that I only have a sample to drink through.
Thank you Isaila for sending me this sample a couple of months ago. I’m just getting to it now.
This tea smells like a cake. A wonderful cake. It is so sweet and nice that I just anticipate that the flavour will be awesome.
Tasting this, I get less cake than I do icing. I’m okay with icing sometimes, although the pure-sugar stuff you get on the cheap cakes at the grocery store is really awful. This is better icing than that. I am getting a little bit of the ‘cake’ feel from it though, so I think this is a really well done tea. Might have to pick some up later, if it’s still available.
The package said to steep this tea for 3-5 minutes at boiling, so I steeped it for 3:30 minutes at that temperature, and I’m afraid I may have oversteeped it. I’m getting the maple flavour, it was strongly present in the scent of the dry tea and is much more muted in the brewed tea but I can still taste it. The tea base, however, is strangely bitter, even after I added a bit of sugar (which brought out the maple flavour like POW!). I hope I remember to read my own review of this the next time I make it so that I remember to steep this for less time, maybe a minute or half a minute less, to try to avoid the bitterness. Otherwise, this is pretty tasty, although I am also amused, like another reviewer, that the maple syrup comes from New England (Represent!) while the tea is called Canadian Dream.
I think Ovation was around for many years, but they had SO many blends that not all of them got put in the database. I think most companies, unless they have a small selection or update tea entries themselves, don’t have 100% of their stock uploaded here!
ah, that makes sense
Sounds awesome — I can’t wait to try some!!