985 Tasting Notes
Tea of yesterday afternoon…..
So far the only tea (ther than the Hot Cinnamons) that has been tasting right with this darned cold. I have a few more to try, but am keeping it to the cupboard stapele for now. I want to be able to enjoy m samples and be sure not to miss anthing!
Steeped by the usual parameters.
Tea of the morning……
Yes, I am still on a Hot Cinnamon Spice kick. I tried some other teas yesterday and the day before, but with all this congestion, they just don’t taste like I remember. I am feeling a ton better, but I am definitely not quite back to normal.
What I love about this tea…it is sweet without additions. (The spicy part is nice, too!) Let’s face it, I am essentially addicted to anything sugary, or fat-laden, and it is very refreshing to find something that I love in the world of beverages that is without any sugar, sweeteners, (or fat…..mmmm…milkshakes!).
Made by the usual parameters.
(Is anyone on IE 9 having issues with the slider bars for Steep Time and Water Temp? I just upgraded and I can’t make them work consistently.)
Tea of the evening…
Yep….2 parts Herbal Hot Cinnamon and 1 part Holy Basil Purple Leaf. Yum. We have a total winner with the best of both.
24 oz teapot, 3 actual tsp Herbal Hot Cinnamon Spice, 1 1/2 actual tsp Holy Basil Purple Leaf, freshly boiled water, 8 minutes. No additions.
I’m glad you’re feeling better. Your tea blend sounds interesting. Not something I’d try, as I’m not big on hot cinnamon, but I bet it helps clear your sinuses… :)
Tea of the early morning……
I am feeling so much better. I still have a cold, but it is so much more manageable. I am not sleeping well, so that is kind of rough, especially since I am not in my 20’s any longer! This was the last road test of this tea before buying a pound. I did decide that since I love this one hot and iced, it would become my tea to fit the light fruity tea profile. I like that it is citrusy and floral at the same time. I did oversteep a little this morning, so there is a slight astringency at the end, but really, it is still totally drinkable!
24 oz teapot, 4 1/2 tsp tea, freshly boiled water, probably close to 9 or 10 minutes (oops!). Lightly sweetened.
Tisane of last night…..
I was having a hard time deciding between the two main teas in this blend last night, so I decided to put them together in one pot. For the first time around, I did an even ratio. I think next time I will reduce the amount of Holy Basil for a ratio of 1 part Holy Basil to 2 parts Herbal Hot Cinnamon.
It was good. I do catch a little of the anise flavor from the Holy Basil, but not much of it. I am really going to like a mix of the two and do so often. I just ordered a pound of the cinnamon tea, and I am sure a restock of the Holy Basil will be in order soon.
24 oz teapot, 3 actual tsp Herbal Hot Cinnamon, 3 actual tsp Holy Basil Purple Leaf, freshly boiled water, 7 minutes. No additions.
Luncheon tea….or maybe more like Elevensies?
Mama has suff to do today. She cannot afford to be sick. Time to load up the rocket! Actually, I am feeling better. I finally found a decongestant that is helping. I can’t remember the last time all I had was a cold….. Why is it that you generally suffer the longest with one as opposed to other ailments that requre antibiotics? I have to be Roadie today for Jazz Band tryouts…that means hauling an electric bass, an electric guitar, and an amp. Wish me luck!
24 oz teapot, 3 perfect tsp Chocolate Rocket, 1 perfect tsp Organic Keemun from the local Asian market, freshly boiled water, 5 minutes. Lightly sweetened.
OY, having just dragged my amp across the living room I can relate. Watch your back, bend those knees, lift with your legs and all that other good stuff! Hope you feel 100% soon!
I hope you feel better soon! Chocolate Rocket is an amazing cure-all… or at least a yummy kick in the pants when you need it.
Tea of the early morning….
I am going through this one so fast. I do sound like a broken record, though. I keep drinking the same 4 or 5 teas while I am sick and this is day 4. Honestly, I can’t taste the subtleties in most teas when my sinuses are this messed up, but I can taste the Hot Cinnamons! Plus, the cinnamon helps to clear out the sinuses a little as well as soothing the throat. I have to buy more soon! The other teas on the list for recovery: I Love Lemon, Herbal Hot Cinnamon Spice, and Holy Basil, with the occasional chai thrown in.
Steeped in the usual way.
First tea of the evening…..
Are we seeing a trend? Lots of spices for me today. This one is so good. And I think I have eaten over a pound of clementines…..
Usual method. Sweetend with manuka honey.
I bought some mandarin oranges today and haven’t been able to keep my hands off of them, so I know how you feel with the citrus. I hope you’re feeling better today!
Sounds like a perfect end to the day. Endless amounts of oranges are one of the few great things about the cold season. Does the manuka taste better than regular multifloral in it?
Tea of the afternoon and last one of the evening…..
Still love this. Tastes really strange with the manuka honey, though. Somehow the spearmint/anise flavor just does not blend with the warm sweet of the honey. Second pot is with Splenda.
Usual method with an 8 minute steep.
Tea of the morning….
This one is so good for a sore throat. I think I had one pot of this today, but it might have been two….. I am so hoping I feel better tomorrow. As I write this in the evening, I am feeling better, but I am upright. Why is it that things go down hill as soon as you lay down?
Steeped by the usual method. Sweetend with Manuka Honey. (This does change the flavor a little…I prefer my usual Splenda.)
You know, my fiancé told me that there’s a bagged tea by Yogi that will pretty much completely knock out any cold you’ve got. I don’t remember the exact name, but it’s Triple Echinacea something-or-other, stimulates immune function… that. I haven’t tried it, but he said he’s tried it for multiple colds/bugs, and every time it helped him get over it. Don’t know how you feel about bagged tea, or echinacea, or herbals in general… but if you’re desperate, it might be worth a shot. :)