985 Tasting Notes


ChOTE….(Chai of the evening!)

I finally have a no caffeine chai in the house! This one is good and spicey. I would say the spice slightly in the forefront is anise. I am wondering if it will be different the next time I cook it up…..

Pan method with 4 minutes before the milk and 3 minutes after.


Mmmmmm Anise! I have to get a sample of this in my next Upton order!

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Yayyyy! I finally have some in my cupboard in amounts bigger than a sample. Mmmmmm.

Usual pan method.

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Tea of second breakfast….

I added a sample of this onto my last order at Harney & Son’s. So far, I find it very similar to Tower of London. I would say it is very close, but minus the honey and bergamot. Good, but since ToL is probably more my speed, I will stick with that one. I am thankful to have been able to try this one. I think it is a good choice for those that are not fans of bergamot. It is more subtle than Black Currant.

Steeped by the norm. Lightly sweetened.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Oh, I have had a raging desire to try this one but have put off ordering since I just got a big order right before they posted this. Plus…there are a couple more new teas coming soon. Have you seen the new website? :)


Oh yes…the Citrus Blend is calling my name! Plus, I am sure to need more Hot Cinnamon soon (I did not know I could drink a tea so fast!)
This one is really good, but it kind of tastes too similar to what I have.


Woah, new flavored teas from Harney? I had no idea! It has been a while since I’ve been to their website. Very cool… I guess I have some new ones to try the next time I’m in Soho!


I have this one coming in my Harney order on it’s way now! I’m so excited :)

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drank Gong Fu Black by Zhi Tea
985 tasting notes

Tea of the morning….

Finally, a craving for something different. After having that cold where all I wanted was all Hot Cinnamon all the time, this is wonderful. It is cocoa-ey, roasty, and is just hitting the spot today. Mmmmm. Bliss.

Steeped by the norm. Lightly sweetened.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I know what you mean. I usually start my day with Assam or Ceylon, but some mornings I crave a good China black … and there’s none better than this one!

Charles Thomas Draper

It is a very good tea….

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I am dragging a little today….. I decided I needed a stronger tea than I normally drink, and this one fit the bill. It is good and malty, slighly astringent, but tasty! (I have noticed I seem to be going for the bolder teas as of late…) I only have about an ounce of this left and am on the fence about it being on my immediate shopping list. I just have way too much tea. However, the next time I order from a Harney Shop, I will definitely get a few ounces.

3 minute steep, lightly sweetened.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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I have heard instances where one drinks a tea while ill that becomes unpalatable once one is feeling better. That is so not the case with this one. I really am starting to think I have a problem. What do they put in this stuff?! I get a craving for tea…and this one is the first one to come to mind. I was heading to knitting group last night thinking I was going to drink something else, but the Herbal Hot Cinnamon was what I ended up drinking, and nothing else would do. I don’t know if I really need help, but I can say I have never gone through a tea so fast…and I feel I am neglecting the rest of my precious tea stash! I know this is not a tea for everyone….but for me it is definitely the tea of the moment. I love the sweet spiceyness with no additions!

Anyway, Thank You Mr. Harney for making this fantastic tea!

Steeped by the usual parameters. No additions.


I’ve never negatively associated a tea with being sick — only with feeling better while being sick.


I guess it is one friend who drank lots of Earl Grey while sick and it kind of ruined her taste for it for a time….. I tend to agree more with you!

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drank Oh Canada! by DAVIDsTEA
985 tasting notes

Tea of the evening courtesy of Uniquity…..

While I am not a huge fan of rooibos at this point, this one is pretty good. The maple flavor goes very well with the base. It is definitely an enjoyable evening treat.

Steeped for 8 minutes by the usual volume and temp.

Boiling 8 min or more

Note to self - I want to try mapling (how’s that for a new vocabulary word?) up some of my plainer teas this fall. We’ve had a stretch of sweaty Indian summer but cooler temps on the horizon that make experimental sweetening sound pleasant.


Mmmmm. I agree! I have a handful that would be so much better maplized! …Or is that maplified!


I’m not fond of rooibos myself, but I am trying to branch out to find some that I like. I smelled this and Creme Caramel yesterday. I might have to give one of them a try…maybe as a tea to go. I bet it is awesome as a latte.

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Tea of the afternoon…..

Yeah. I am addicted. And I just got a pound of this yesterday. All to myself. :D

Made the usual way…no additions.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Tea of the morning…..

Yum. I have missed this. Because I get up so early, and having been sick, I have been drinking a lighter tea in the morning so that I could crash again. But today is Saturday!

I love Saturdays because I get to sleep in. I know I sound like a slug, but the school day starts way too early in this town (bus at 6:30am). I could leave my kids to fend for themselves in the morning, but I don’t think they would eat a good breakfast on their own. I don’t really care if they skimp on other meals….just not breakfast.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Earl Grey Choice by Zhi Tea
985 tasting notes

Tea of the afternoon………

I have decided that this is the opportune time to start drinking the teas that aren’t my first choice for a certain type. I usually think this one is a little strong due to the lavendar. It is about perfect for me right now….. I can actually taste this one even with my cold and it is good. The base is smooth and the bergamot and lavendar are definitely present. I guess this one will be held in reserve for the days I need Earl Grey with a punch. You know…Sup-er Earl!

I have decided the tins are a pain because the lids don’t fit well (I have 4 teas in this type of tin, so it is not just one that I am using for my observations). They are pretty, but give me functionality first any day. I say skip them and buy a bag…..

Steeped by the usual parameters.

(Got the sliders sort of working this time…. Don’t you love a browser upgrade that really isn’t one?)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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My motto: Drink the good tea!

Tea enthusiast, trying to keep up my cardio for the zombie apocalypse. I have come to accept that I am a western brewing black tea drinker as that is where my ‘tea heart’ lies. I started on loose leaf as a way to have my dessert and not suffer the caloric issues. Once I tried it, I was hooked.

I drink what I like, which is mostly China blacks, a few traditionally scented blacks and Earl Greys, plus a flavored tea here and there. I don’t mind spending a bit on premium varieties on occasion, but an expensive tea has to deliver. My favorite places to order are Harney & Sons and Upton Tea Imports. TeaVivre is great for Chinese tea.

My ratings are pretty subjective. If it falls under 70, I may not take the time to post about it unless I had something specific to say. If it is 70-80 I like it, but I will probably not rebuy. Favorites are over 80 and up, but sometimes the less expensive or more easily obtainable version of a similar taste will win out for my cupboard space.

Usual teapot steeping method: 24 oz teapot, 3 perfect scoops of tea (4 1/2 actual tsp), freshly boiled water, 4 minutes. Lightly sweetened.

Usual mug steeping method: 15 oz mug, 1.5 perfect scoops of tea (just over 2 actual tsp), freshly boiled water, 4 minutes. Lightly sweetened.

Usual pan method: 1 1/2 cups water, 2 perfect tsp chai (3 actual tsp). Simmer for 3 minutes. Add 2/3 cup skim milk. Simmer for 2 more minutes. Strain and sweeten.

Usual pitcher method:
5 or 6 Perfect Spoons of tea (this means about 7-9 actual tsp), freshly boiled water, brewed essentially double-strong in my 24 oz teapot for 4 minutes. Fill my Fiestaware Disc pitcher (about 60 oz.) halfway with ice. Add brewed double-strong tea to the pitcher. Stir it a little and enjoy. No additions.

(*SRP is my Sample/Stash Reduction Plan starting on April 12, 2012. I got so far, but just decided it was too fussy to keep track.)



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