985 Tasting Notes
ChOTE….(Chai of the evening!)
I finally have a no caffeine chai in the house! This one is good and spicey. I would say the spice slightly in the forefront is anise. I am wondering if it will be different the next time I cook it up…..
Pan method with 4 minutes before the milk and 3 minutes after.
Tea of second breakfast….
I added a sample of this onto my last order at Harney & Son’s. So far, I find it very similar to Tower of London. I would say it is very close, but minus the honey and bergamot. Good, but since ToL is probably more my speed, I will stick with that one. I am thankful to have been able to try this one. I think it is a good choice for those that are not fans of bergamot. It is more subtle than Black Currant.
Steeped by the norm. Lightly sweetened.
Oh, I have had a raging desire to try this one but have put off ordering since I just got a big order right before they posted this. Plus…there are a couple more new teas coming soon. Have you seen the new website? :)
Oh yes…the Citrus Blend is calling my name! Plus, I am sure to need more Hot Cinnamon soon (I did not know I could drink a tea so fast!)
This one is really good, but it kind of tastes too similar to what I have.
Woah, new flavored teas from Harney? I had no idea! It has been a while since I’ve been to their website. Very cool… I guess I have some new ones to try the next time I’m in Soho!
Tea of the morning….
Finally, a craving for something different. After having that cold where all I wanted was all Hot Cinnamon all the time, this is wonderful. It is cocoa-ey, roasty, and is just hitting the spot today. Mmmmm. Bliss.
Steeped by the norm. Lightly sweetened.
I am dragging a little today….. I decided I needed a stronger tea than I normally drink, and this one fit the bill. It is good and malty, slighly astringent, but tasty! (I have noticed I seem to be going for the bolder teas as of late…) I only have about an ounce of this left and am on the fence about it being on my immediate shopping list. I just have way too much tea. However, the next time I order from a Harney Shop, I will definitely get a few ounces.
3 minute steep, lightly sweetened.
I have heard instances where one drinks a tea while ill that becomes unpalatable once one is feeling better. That is so not the case with this one. I really am starting to think I have a problem. What do they put in this stuff?! I get a craving for tea…and this one is the first one to come to mind. I was heading to knitting group last night thinking I was going to drink something else, but the Herbal Hot Cinnamon was what I ended up drinking, and nothing else would do. I don’t know if I really need help, but I can say I have never gone through a tea so fast…and I feel I am neglecting the rest of my precious tea stash! I know this is not a tea for everyone….but for me it is definitely the tea of the moment. I love the sweet spiceyness with no additions!
Anyway, Thank You Mr. Harney for making this fantastic tea!
Steeped by the usual parameters. No additions.
Tea of the evening courtesy of Uniquity…..
While I am not a huge fan of rooibos at this point, this one is pretty good. The maple flavor goes very well with the base. It is definitely an enjoyable evening treat.
Steeped for 8 minutes by the usual volume and temp.
Note to self - I want to try mapling (how’s that for a new vocabulary word?) up some of my plainer teas this fall. We’ve had a stretch of sweaty Indian summer but cooler temps on the horizon that make experimental sweetening sound pleasant.
Tea of the morning…..
Yum. I have missed this. Because I get up so early, and having been sick, I have been drinking a lighter tea in the morning so that I could crash again. But today is Saturday!
I love Saturdays because I get to sleep in. I know I sound like a slug, but the school day starts way too early in this town (bus at 6:30am). I could leave my kids to fend for themselves in the morning, but I don’t think they would eat a good breakfast on their own. I don’t really care if they skimp on other meals….just not breakfast.
Tea of the afternoon………
I have decided that this is the opportune time to start drinking the teas that aren’t my first choice for a certain type. I usually think this one is a little strong due to the lavendar. It is about perfect for me right now….. I can actually taste this one even with my cold and it is good. The base is smooth and the bergamot and lavendar are definitely present. I guess this one will be held in reserve for the days I need Earl Grey with a punch. You know…Sup-er Earl!
I have decided the tins are a pain because the lids don’t fit well (I have 4 teas in this type of tin, so it is not just one that I am using for my observations). They are pretty, but give me functionality first any day. I say skip them and buy a bag…..
Steeped by the usual parameters.
(Got the sliders sort of working this time…. Don’t you love a browser upgrade that really isn’t one?)
Mmmmmm Anise! I have to get a sample of this in my next Upton order!