289 Tasting Notes
This is the first of the three December teas I’m trying. They all sound and smell fantastic! I couldn’t help opening them all and smelling them. Looks like these blends have healthy doses of my favorite spice- cinnamon!
3 min first steep. Dry ‘leaf’ smells like mint and cinnamon, whereas wet it smells like mint and cacao. I wasn’t sure how much of this to use- I used 2 tsp, but perhaps I should have gone for a full tablespoon because first sip doesn’t taste like much. The flavor reveals itself in further sipping however. It really does remind me of peppermint bark- very minty, especially. It isn’t super chocolatey but the undertone of cacao is enough for me. I think sweetened this tea would be positively decadent. In any case I enjoyed this first steep.
7 minute 2nd steep. This steep has much more cinnamon, and just more flavor in general. Nom nom nummy. Both if these steeps were delicious, and I think next time I will go a full tablespoon. I think it would probably be really good with a tea like Laoshan black added as well.
One of my friends who knows of my love for tea brought me a large tin (8 oz!!) of this back from her trip to New York. The secret to this rather generic jasmine green is to use water around the 165 degree range and to steep for no longer than 2 minutes. The directions on the tin to use boiling water and to steep for 5 minutes produces a horribly bitter cup of tea! It took some experimentation to find the magic steeping parameters, but carefully steeping this produces a pleasant cup. I found it mild and good enough for everyday drinking.
Drinking an exquisite cup of this before we leave on our road trip to Las Vegas. I won’t be bringing any tea with me on this trip so this will probably be the only good tea I have for awhile. Unless of course I find a good tea house in Las Vegas! Anyone know of one?
This tea is just wonderful. It tastes more roasted today than the last time I tasted it; mood really makes a difference when tasting tea!
Sipdown! I’ve been saving my last little tuocha of this tea for just the right moment. This isn’t an everyday tea for me but sometimes I really crave this earthy, mushroomy, brothy tea. This is only the 2nd puerh I’ve ever had, so I’m looking forward to getting another in my cupboard to try. Can anyone recommend a good beginner puerh? Besides this one, I’ve also tried another from Teavivre- I think it was called Ripened Aged Puerh? I liked that one too. I may just reorder one or the other.
I liked this way more than I thought I would! A very pleasant surprise. It wasn’t sour or tart. It was very smooth. It wasn’t too ‘berry’ which is a very good thing. I prefer berry flavor to be mild in tea. I really like how they mixed this blend- I drank this yesterday so I’m having trouble recalling the details of why I thought it was so good, so hopefully next time I drink this I can write a more descriptive note.
The first time I tasted this I was sick and all I could taste was cinnamon, which was by no means a bad thing. Now that my sinuses are (mostly) better, I am looking forward to trying this again!
Mmmmm mmmm mmmmmmm, I really like this tea! Lots of coriander and cinnamon flavor. I honestly don’t taste much toasted rice but I don’t care. The delicate oolong taste barely manages to come through the spices, at least on the first few sips. Once again, I’m okay with that…I have really been craving a good cinnamon tea and this really hit the spot. Sometimes I think chai blends have too much in them but never enough cinnamon..so even though this is not a chai, this really fills that craving!
As it cools I can taste more of the oolong, and it’s delicious. This is a tea I would be willing to keep around, especially in the winter months! I have to agree with another reviewer..this tea tastes like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Just better. Lol!
After having this tea for almost a year, I finished up the last bit of this in the package. And guess what? I finally taste the waffle cone! It may be because I’m eating little crackers with this tea that are supposed to ‘go’ with oolong; they are little cylindrical crunchy yummies wrapped in seaweed. Whatever they’re made of, they go great with this tea! This is probably the best steeping I’ve ever had of this tea. I still have one more little sample packet of this left, so that makes me happy!
My daughter has been sick for the past two days, and this morning I woke up with a sore throat. Doh! I tried really hard not to catch it! One of the worst things about being sick is not being able to taste tea properly. I had to try this, though. I am thrilled with what came in this month’s blend package- a genmaicha, a chai, and an herbal. More on the genmaicha later (it’s good!!!). It’s not on Steepster yet and it’s hard to add new teas on my iPad. On to this chai though . I am very happy to see that cinnamon and ginger are at the top of the list of ingredients. A good chai must have copious amounts of cinnamon! Plus, I can still taste cinnamon, even with a cold.
I am so frustrated with my cold! If it tastes this good with a cold it must be amazing normally. My first sip I was a little floored- the Yu Lu Yan Cha really shines in the blend. I did 2 tsp for 2 minutes and I wouldn’t go longer on the first steep. It’s really good! That’s all I can say. :/ I will update when I can taste it with no hindrance to my taste buds!
That’s what I did and I added some honey. Seems that the Verdant herbals and Chai’s steep and resteeps well, love honey…dash of added tea like laoshan black and some cream or milk.