289 Tasting Notes
First of all, a big thank you to Teavivre for the huge samples! I have been anxiously waiting to try their milk Oolongs. I love milk; and I love oolong. How could this not be the best thing ever?!
A first sniff of the leaves is wonderful; it’s more caramelly than I expected. The steepings were the same. The caramelly, creamy goodness stayed through three steepings. The golden infusion smelled amazing the whole way through. I would consider this a dessert tea, it was so sweet! Now to try the unflavored version..
I am still developing a taste for black teas, so I won’t actually put a number rating on this one. I can tell its very high quality, and I appreciate it’s smoothness. It has nummy cocoa notes. I have been resisting milk and sugar because I really want to appreciate the tea alone; it really is a good tea!
I keep this tea on hand for company that doesn’t like tea. :P it’s delicious with cream or milk and sweetener, and always a winner for people that don’t like plain tea. I am not the biggest fan, and I don’t know if it’s this specific blend or the actual rooibus that turns me off because I have no Idea what plain rooibus tastes like. It smells so good that I keep trying it and the result is always the same. It has a weird aftertaste. Again, I don’t know if thats what rooibus is like. So I won’t actually rate this one.
The scent of the leaves is very strong, so I steeped for only a minute and half, opposed to their suggestion of two to three minutes. The leaves are small and broken, and at first i think the flavor isnt affected. Initially, I taste very little bitterness.
As the tea cools i can taste more bitterness,which knocks off points for me. The bitterness starts off very subtle but builds until its a bit unpleasant. Next time I will only make a cup at a time instead of a pot, so it has less time to cool. And next time I will try steeping for only a minute or so.
To enjoy this tea, drink it fast right after its steeped, for a very short time.
This is my first gunpowder and I really like it! The smokiness really stands out in both aroma and flavor. Since this is my first one I’m not sure about the quality; the leaves after steeping look small and broken but not really bad. I bought this in bulk at a local grocery store and I am under the impression it wasn’t very fresh; I am a little ashamed to say I still like it! =) Now I’m really looking forward to trying more gunpowders!