289 Tasting Notes
I ordered a bunch of this! I’m a bit surprised tasting it this morning as it isdifferent than I remember. I remember the taste being predominantly of bread and honey. This tea is definitely greener, and more Tieguanyin like, than the sample I had. I could tell immediately when I first smelled the dry leaves that this was different than last time. The taste is all Tieguanyin- green, floral, sweet. I love Tieguanyin, but I specifically wanted this tea for the baked taste. Could it be that this year’s harvest is just that different? Maybe this is fresher than the sample I had? Either way, I’m going to enjoy this tea, but I’m hoping some of that bakey flavor comes through more in future steepings. I’m hoping it’s just my taste buds today.
It’s been a long time since I’ve had this tea, mainly because I’ve been on a bit if a black tea kick. This was sent as a sample in one of my last Verdant orders. I’m always thankful to get to try the newest harvests! I know I waited a couple months to actually open it, but it smells and tastes very fresh. The first steep is so pale I was wondering if I somehow hadn’t heated the water enough, but the taste is there, and it is lovely! So nice to have this in my stash again. Also, I’m using my new little glass steeper from Verdant and I LOVE it! I’m using it for everything.
1 tsp per 8 oz.
Argh! I had a whole long note on this one and it closed on me. Essentially, I like this tea, but not nearly as much as Laoshan Black. It tastes mostly grain-y and potato-y to me, not chocolatey or honey-y. :) I steeped it 5 times, and by the 3rd steep it was tasting a little sweeter, but not by much. I did enjoy how smooth this tea went down, however. Really nice.
2tsp, 2 min.
Our house finally sold today!!!!! I am celebrating by drinking this tea, and ordering more of it. :) I have never gone through a single tea as fast as I’ve gone through this one. (not counting samples, of course) I still have a bit left , which I have been hoarding. Tea buying hiatus is now over!! I resisted for several months (with only one order thrown in there somewhere). Quite proud of myself!
This tea is just. So. Great. Can’t wait to compare it to the Imperial Breakfast I ordered- I remember loving that one as much as I love this one.
Exactly my sentiment, Bonnie. More tea! :) Thanks for the congrats. It’s a huge weight gone to have sold the house!
Are you staying in the area or moving somewhere great like Fort Collins Colorado (had to slide in a commercial for my hometown!)?
I received this tea as a sample with my last order. Thank you Verdant!
When I opened the packet, it smelled intensely sweet and creamy, like it was a milk oolong. My excitement level skyrocketed! I followed their instructions of a quick rinse, followed by a 25 second steep, using 1 tablespoon of leaf. That used up the whole packet, so I’m determined to do this right!
The wet leaves smell sooo complex, and different than when dry. It smells almost oak-y, and a bit fruity, and a bit sweet too. Usually when companies compare their tea to wine I don’t expect to taste that myself, but this seriously smells a bit like wine to me. Crazy!
On to taste.
Hmm. This is a bit lighter than I expected, and the flavor seems to really be coming out more as it cools a little. I can taste the oak-y profile I smelled, and the fruity aspect too. I’m not getting as much sweetness as I expected, but perhaps that will come in the next steepings. As I get through about half of the cup the aftertaste hits me. ( Self hug) This is why I love Oolongs. I am starting to taste more sweetness, but it’s a floral sweetness, not so much a brown sugar sweetness. As I finish the cup, the dominant flavor is general roastiness. Overall, I’m a little disappointed in this first steep.
2nd steep, 20 seconds as directed. The floral kicked up a notch! Actually the entire flavor kicked up a notch in this steep. I wonder if I didn’t rinse it long enough at first. (it was maybe 2-3 seconds)
This steep is like the first in flavor, just stronger.
3rd steep, 20 seconds. Pretty similar to the 2nd steep.
4th steep, 45 seconds. Also similar.
I was hoping for more with this tea, as it’s my first aged oolong. But it is a good oolong. I was just expecting something spectacular. :-)
This was much lighter in flavor than I expected. No bitterness, and it’s really smooth. Some sweetness, not overly grassy. The brewed tea is murky, and a few bits escaped the tea bag but that’s fine with me. I would have preferred a little more flavor, but overall it’s a good green tea! Especially for a bagged one!
First time trying Houjicha and I am enjoying it very much. I like roasty teas. This also has some sweetness. It’s actually reminding me of ginseng oolong a little bit. I haven’t had that tea for a while in my steeper, so I don’t think there’s any lingering flavor that’s causing it. But it has the same seaweedy sweetness that I like.
I brewed this as suggested; heaping teaspoon, boiling water, 30 seconds. Yummm!
What I had left of this tea was over a year old, so I decided to cold brew a big pitcher of it to use it up. That’s the main reason I don’t usually make my tea iced- it uses up a lot of tea leaves! This is a good thing however, when cleaning out the tea drawer. :-) I will update note tomorrow when I actually get to drink it!
Edit: Hooo-weee I made this a bit strong! Wow..these leaves had a whole lot of punch left!
I have some of this (older) and it definitely was more along the bakey lines than the TGY lines. Perhaps if you let it age (e.g. sit around) a bit, the flavour will develop?
I hope so – the sample I had was over a year ago, and I remember it like you describe- much more bakey than green.