289 Tasting Notes
Thank you Angel and Teavivre for this sample!
I used the whole sample packet in my 12 oz cup, hoping it won’t be too strong!
Wow! It’s not too strong at all! A nice complex cup that’s not too bold. A sniff of those wet leaves is divine- fruity and bakey. This first steep doesn’t have fruity notes that i can pick out, but it has a nice sweetness, especially when it’s cooled off a bit.
Holy carp second steep!! My first sip was intensely sweet, like I had added a spoonful of honey; and yet bready and a little astringent. And incredibly enough it’s continuing through the whole cup! It amazes me how LEAVES can taste like bread and honey! There’s a nuttiness that hits the back of my tongue as well that’s not unpleasant. Later in the cup I’m finally tasting some fruitiness, not sure which fruit specifically.
Third steep isn’t as sweet or fruity; more nutty and roasty. The honey is still there, just not as strong.
I really enjoyed this.
Thank you to Angel and Teavivre for this delicious sample!!
My samples came today, yaaaaaay! This is the first one I picked out to try. It smells amazing, both the dry leaf and the brewed tea. I thought the leaves smelled rather chocolatey, but the brewed tea aroma reminds me distinctly of honey on a warm, soft freshly baked roll. I am currently on the third steep and it still smells this way.
Taste is roasty and sweet. I really like it, and I’m super glad I picked this one first. Another one to put on the shopping list!
This tea has surprised me! Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for a chance to try this!
This is a bagged tea I think I could drink often. It’s like a mellow Earl Grey. I can happily drink this without cream and sugar, even though I always put milk in my Earl Grey. The black tea base is nice and mellow, and there’s a definite honey note. Om nom nom.
2 grams in 12 oz seems to do pretty well, note to self, try 3 next time just to see…
I recently broke down and ordered the citric acid to clean my zojirushi. I had cleaned it 4 times before hand with lemon juice; all the scale was gone but I could still taste funky mineralness. Having now cleaned it with the citric acid, I can still barely taste and smell mineral. I think I’m going to have to buy spring water just for my zojirushi, using water filtered from my britta isn’t cutting it. It’s fine in the tea kettle, so maybe the zojirushi just really picks up the city water taste?
Thankfully, the funky taste is so faint I can still enjoy this tea.
I have really great water here, but I do buy spring water for special tea tasting and delicate tea’s. I don’t worry as much about a flavored tea or a bold assam that I’ve had for awhile (you know what I mean), but my Green’s and White’s and Sheng’s I’m careful.
It’s a decent one to have on hand for running out the door. I’ve had these bags a while; it’s probably a bit stale. It is better than their other bagged variety, more depth in flavor. I’d be interested to try a ‘fresh’ bag but not interested enough to go buy some of this. :P
I am very pleased by the scenting on this tea. It is an especially sweet smelling jasmine. The pearls are very pretty, like all jasmine pearls.
First steep at one minute and the pearls have barely started to open, and the tea is practically clear. I’m already confident this tea is going to yield several good steeps. The aroma of the brewed tea is lovely. First sip is full of delicate jasmine. Lots of flavor but thankfully not too strong. Again, it’s not just the typical floral jasmine but it’s sweet; like powdered sugar has been added. I taste that much more as the cup cools. There’s some vanilla in there too; the last couple swallows are very soft in texture.
2nd steep 1 1/2 min. Still pale in color, but maybe just a tish more green. The leaves are unfurled now and still quite fragrant. There are a lot of buds in there! No bitterness but not quite as sweet this steep.
3rd steep 1 min 40 seconds. Hasn’t lost any flavor.
I think these are my favorite jasmine pearls to date. I have a sample coming from Teavivre with their pearls, I’m eager to compare them!