I am very pleased by the scenting on this tea. It is an especially sweet smelling jasmine. The pearls are very pretty, like all jasmine pearls.
First steep at one minute and the pearls have barely started to open, and the tea is practically clear. I’m already confident this tea is going to yield several good steeps. The aroma of the brewed tea is lovely. First sip is full of delicate jasmine. Lots of flavor but thankfully not too strong. Again, it’s not just the typical floral jasmine but it’s sweet; like powdered sugar has been added. I taste that much more as the cup cools. There’s some vanilla in there too; the last couple swallows are very soft in texture.
2nd steep 1 1/2 min. Still pale in color, but maybe just a tish more green. The leaves are unfurled now and still quite fragrant. There are a lot of buds in there! No bitterness but not quite as sweet this steep.
3rd steep 1 min 40 seconds. Hasn’t lost any flavor.
I think these are my favorite jasmine pearls to date. I have a sample coming from Teavivre with their pearls, I’m eager to compare them!