289 Tasting Notes
Mmmmm. Just what I needed. Nutty, buttery, and green.
My 2 year old is a little tea stealer! If I look away she grabs my cup and gulps it down. When I get my tea back, she just smiles and says, ‘Tea. Hot. Good!’ I like the fact that she likes it, but believe me, she doesn’t need the caffeine! And I don’t want her accidentally scalding herself either.
Finishing off the last of this very generous sample today! It’s got me hooked, I want this tea in my cupboard always!
It is 97 degrees outside right now but I am still drinking hot tea! We’ve got the AC cranked, I actually feel like going and putting on a sweater! Lol. I think going outside for about 10 seconds will help. This may be blasphemous to some, but I am really looking forward to brisk fall weather!
This is a good oolong! It’s toasty sweet. That’s what I’ve decided the term is for that distinct flavor- toasty but not really roasty, sweet but not honey sweet. Toasty sweet. It’s also nutty; not really buttery or creamy. Every once in a while I think I taste some floral but it disappears pretty quickly. I like!
I’m running a bit of an experiment. I’ve had tummy troubles for several months now and my husband is blaming it on how much tea I drink. It’s the only thing ive changed in the last few months! So I am paying strict attention to how I feel during or after drinking tea. Here’s hoping its not the tea. :’(
Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for this sample!
I am enjoying this today! The aroma is surprisingly sweet; the flavor is nicely rounded. Not bitter. I actually wouldn’t mind having more of this in my cupboard, it’s a nice standard black tea.
This was more tart than I was expecting, but was still an enjoyable cup. I am finding myself liking hibiscus/roselle less and less, so I probably won’t buy this tea, but it was a good introduction to roselle and is a good one to have on hand for company that can’t handle caffeine. (I seem to have a lot of those friends! ) I didn’t try it sweetened; the next time I have some I will post the difference!
Thank you to Angel and Teavivre once again for their very generous sample sizes!
Tonight I did a tasting of this tea and Silk Road Teas Jasmine pearl tea, to see if I could pick a favorite. I’m still not sure. Teavivres pearl won me over in the aroma category; it was sweeter, even though neither were overpowering in any way. Silk roads pearl was a little heavier on the jasmine ( but still not actually heavy, just heavier than Teavivres) in flavor, so at first I was leaning towards that one. But Teavivres has a sweeter aftertaste. Overall, I like this tea and I am very happy to get the chance to try some! Thank you to Angel and Teavivre! I am looking forward to spending more quality time with this tea sample. :)
Whoa..I can hardly get past this teas’ smell to actually take a sip. Apparently I’m not a fan of black currant! When I make myself take a sip I am pleasantly surprised, it is nice and juicy. Even tho the taste is enjoyable, I can’t rate it highly because it’s so odiferous. The smell actually brings me back to feelings of morning sickness (read: all day sickness for months) during pregnancy. Not a happy place! Lol!
Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for the chance to check this out! Even tho it’s not my favorite I’m glad I got to try it!