Genmaicha Extra Green (Pyramid Tea Bag)

Tea type
Food Green Matcha Blend
Not available
Broth, Grassy, Green, Sweet, Toasted Rice, Vegetal, Roasted
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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From Den's Tea

Our Genmaicha teabag delivers the same great taste and freshness as our loose leaf tea. Each teabag is individually wrapped in a foil pouch to insure freshness.

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14 Tasting Notes

141 tasting notes

The roasted and nicely toasted notes of the rice with the smooth vegetal tones from the matcha make for a very pleasant cup!

At first sip of this tea you find a soothing and very mild liquid, although there is no passivity in the flavor at all. The tea is captivating and controls the senses, demanding more indulgence of this fine leaf.

There is some sort of expectation that one may find some small bits of toasted rice hidden away somewhere in the cup; and strangely, the thought of possibly adding milk (of which I haven’t at this point – yet;), it’s such a likeable combination. It also gives me thoughts of eating a bowl of Rice Krispies, I guess this is where the thoughts of the milk come from.

This sample makes me desiring for more, which was unexpected. I guess it’s time to update the shopping list!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Good flavor!

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2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 67 for the year 2014. Another teabag from the work stash; and another case in which this is a sipdown because of form factor only as I know I have more Den’s Genmaicha Extra Green somewhere.

I oversteeped this unintentionally. There’s no instructions on the packet so I had to go look up how I’d steeped this tea before in my Steepster notes. By the time I found it, the bag had been sitting in the water for almost 1.5 minutes, when I’d steeped before at 30 seconds!

Fortunately, my mistake doesn’t seem to have made this unbearably bitter or otherwise ruined it. The tea is a light yellow with a greenish tinge. There’s a light, toasty rice flavor over a smooth slightly vegetal green tea flavor.

I think that genmaicha is growing on me. I can see drinking it more frequently than I may have once thought I would. Rating this the same as the non-bagged version of the same tea.

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600 tasting notes

A review of Genmaicha (Extra Green)Tea in Pyramids tea bags by Den’s Tea
Our Genmaicha teabag delivers the same great taste and freshness as our loose tea.

Ingredients: green tea, genmai, matcha
This extra green Genmaicha is in a pyramid teabag and I place this in my cup and pour the boiled water into the cup leaving to steep for 30 seconds with this first steep.
Tea is slightly darker in color
Tea’s aroma is a lovely popped rice, or those rice cripies treats, or when dieting those rice cakes.
When I taste this tea, I am met with that grainy texture with a nutty taste. Tea tastes naturally sweet with a full nutty flavor of the Genmaicha.

Having sampled several of Den’s Tea, I am reminded of the Genmaicha teas I had purchased last year at a Japanese grocery store and I still have some of those teas left. I can fully appreciate them all the more.

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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1113 tasting notes

Dumped out my bamboo tea and dug around in my desk drawer here at work and found THIS!

I haven’t had any straight genmaicha in a while. Yum! I hope the matcha boost will perk me up since I seem to be getting a case of the afternoon sleepies.

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15575 tasting notes

This was tasty! Much prefer loose tea but this was a nice sample to try.

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289 tasting notes

Mmmmm. Just what I needed. Nutty, buttery, and green.
My 2 year old is a little tea stealer! If I look away she grabs my cup and gulps it down. When I get my tea back, she just smiles and says, ‘Tea. Hot. Good!’ I like the fact that she likes it, but believe me, she doesn’t need the caffeine! And I don’t want her accidentally scalding herself either.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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1737 tasting notes

I have always appreciated Genmaicha, but the popped brown rice is much better in some blends than in others. It matters because the cereal flavor of these blends tends to overshadow the green tea base. Genmaicha is definitely an example of a tea which will not improve with age if left to languish in one’s tea chest, because the cereal can reach the point of smelling and tasting stale. No such problem here, of course.

In the case of Den’s Genmaicha Extra Green Tea in the pyramid bag (a part of the new customer sampler pack), the base tea is bancha, and the rice flavor is quite strong. Drinking a large cup of this blend could probably stave off hunger for a few hours. It really feels like eating food. I like it. I’ve had better, but this is pretty good.

The bancha has been dusted with matcha in this blend, so that means more caffeine, but I still find the popped rice flavor to be dominant.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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592 tasting notes

So I need to stay up late tonight to work on a paper, woohoo :( Anyway, I somehow thought this was the perfect opportunity to try another tea from my Den’s Tea sampler. I really love genmaicha, and I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I think the matcha kinda takes over the flavor at first, but then the toasty brown rice notes come through towards the end. I really am liking this one, and it’s giving me a nice energy boost without overdoing it.

Will I order more of this? If I did not already have tons of genmaicha, I might. But I also kind of prefer genmaicha on it’s own without the matcha. I will consider buying this if I run out of my current supply of genmaicha.

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676 tasting notes

Received this as part of the Otameshi sampler set from Den’s. It comes in one of those pyramid teabags which I cut open and used loose. Right away I could tell this was a step above ordinary bagged genmaicha. The tea smelled and looked very green. The matcha had a vibrant color and freshness.

I didn’t have the nerve to use boiling water as Den’s recommends so instead I steeped it my usual way for 1 minute at 181 F and then 30s at 195 F.

It’s brothy with a sweet matcha flavor and a gentle nuttiness from the toasted rice. Teeming with notes of spinach, grass, and fresh vegetation. This might be too green for some but for me it was perfect.

Flavors: Broth, Grassy, Green, Sweet, Toasted Rice, Vegetal

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML
Cameron B.

I haven’t had anything from Den’s in a long time… I should order from them one of these days.


It’s been a while for me too. Den’s is one of the OG Japanese tea shops.

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1307 tasting notes

This was part of the $3 novice sampler back in March 2013. Yes, I know that green teas shouldn’t sit around for so long. But honestly? This was still delicious. It made for a perfect travel mug tea in the morning, full of roasty goodness. I added some honey when I got to work and the result was glorious. The sweetness of the honey balanced nicely with the grassiness of the green tea and roastiness of the popcorn/rice. I couldn’t really taste the matcha, but I do think it made for a nice little energy boost. This is one of those blends that proves teabags can still make good tea.

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