2291 Tasting Notes

drank Smoked Maple Banana by Butiki Teas
2291 tasting notes

Oh man, this is so good. I can taste the sweet AND the smoke right now, even though the snot monster is threatening to overtake my life.

I added a little sweetened condensed milk, because it’s what I have in the fridge right now. I need to go get some milk, but I got back from shopping an hour ago and collapsed into my chair. So tired.

On the plus side, I got what I needed while I was out, PLUS tried a Cartem’s gluten free donut. Which was sadly only ok.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

The snot monster needs to take a chill pill and go away.


I KNOW. I’ll be taking Nyquil tonight for sure.


Aww, feel better soon!


Thanks! :) I’m sure I will.

Maddy Barone

I feel your pain. I’m almost over my nasty cold. Just some junk in the throat that makes me cough. Hopefully you’ll be good again in a few days.

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I added another 1/2 tsp leaf to the leaves I steeped yesterday, and used an 8 oz cup instead of a 12 oz cup.

Mmm… My taste isn’t 100% back, but! It’s sweet honey carby yum. And I can feel the caffeine, which is good because I spilled my coffee all over my desk.

Thanks so much Dex! I really think I like this one.

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec

Awesome – I like that one too. :))


Finally, we agree on a tea! :D :D (Well, it’s not quite that bad…)

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Haha. Whoops.

I tried 1 tsp of leaf in 12 oz water, steeped 6 minutes. This one… well, it smells delicious this way but it’s kinda weak. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m not feeling well and my taste buds are off, or if it’s because I shouldn’t have steeped this tea this way.

It smells rich and carby and a little spicy.

It tastes.. like thick, slightly sweet, hot water.

I’ll have to try this one again. Thanks so much for the sample, Dex! The leaves on this one are ultra cute. :)

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

IMHO I think that’s under leafed. I would use more than that. 1.5-2 tsp/14oz when I’m Western brewing. Then maybe not quite 6 minutes – LOL but whatever works for you. :))


i think it’s under leafed as well, actually. But it worked the other day for the other one I tried, so I thought I’d try it today as well! Thankfully your samples are more than generous so I can play with this a bit. :)

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drank Ginger Pear (Organic) by DAVIDsTEA
2291 tasting notes

Finally I’ve tried this.

And of course the perfect time to try new teas is when you’re sick (yep I said it) and can’t really taste a whole lot.

It’s fine. There was hardly any white tea, but I like the flavours of the bits that are in it. I could never justify spending white tea prices on a tea that’s mostly heavy fruit bits.

(The quince is actually quite nice in this, though. Very quincey…)

And I added honey.

160 °F / 71 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I quite like this one too, and grabbed it as a free one due to the cost. I hope you have enough so you can try it again when you’re feeling better. :)


I’m not actually a fan of pear, so I might finish it later.


There was something in this that bothered me, but I really wanted to love it.

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Made this at 3 am with honey.

So good, but also there’s scratchy weird stuff in it that hurt my throat. I don’t get it.

Still, it’s one of my favourite “feel better” teas.


I found my latest bag of this more scratchy than the first iterations too! Not sure if there is an added ingredient or if I just noticed it more this time haha, still tastes good at least :D


I’m kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I bought this tea… a long time ago. Like March 2013 a long time ago. O.o

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drank Elixo by Domo
2291 tasting notes

I’m not sure if I’m sick or if I’m reacting to the fire yesterday http://www.vancitybuzz.com/2015/03/port-metro-vancouver-fire-chemical-cause-respiratory-problems-today/

So I’m at home drinking ALL THE GINGER TEAS. All of them.

This one now. I pulled it out of my hiking stash (which isn’t included in my tea list, shhhhhh) and I still love it. I just wish it wasn’t so expensive, or I’d definitely stock it more regularly.

Also, I burned my tongue on this tea. Whoops.

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 4 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Oh, man! That’s scary! I hope you’re feeling better… That’s horrible. :(


It was freaky leaving work – the whole Burrard inlet was blanketed in “low laying cloud” that was all smoke from the fire. O.o Usually it’s like this: https://kevinlouie.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/img_2589.jpg


That is absolutely gorgeous…and to think it was blanketed with chemicals. :(


Ugh, terrible. :(

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I accidentally oversteeped this yesterday, but it turned out tasting super delicious. Unfortunately, something about it hit me wrong and I wasn’t feeling super great after.

And yesterday Vancouver had a huge hazmat situation and my house is in the affected area. And today I feel like I have strep, only I don’t – but my throat is raw and blech.

So everything negative coming together like that, all happening after I started drinking this tea at work… Well. Needless to say I won’t be hunting it down.

But! It does taste really good! The long steep brought out a lovely spiciness. I’ll have to try it with other yunnan black teas.

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

I hope you’ll be ok, OMG!


I think it’ll be fine! I have a friend who was pretty much right there with much more sensitive lungs, and he’s doing OK.


Hope you feel better!

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drank Guurl Grey by T-We Tea
2291 tasting notes

What with the jasmine blossoms and citrus peels, I thought this tea was going to be over the top floral soapy… but it’s not!

It’s actually a super mild earl grey with some additional floral notes. Not bad, but not really enough, either. As in, it’s not distinct enough or different enough to find a permanent place in my cupboard.

That being said, I really enjoyed the mug I had this morning. Yum!

Thank you for sharing, MissB!

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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I used about half my 10g sample in my “120” ml easy gaiwan. And I’m pouring it directly into two cups, so one cup is steeped longer than the other. Haha. I’m feeling super lazy tonight. I had two cups out, so two cups it is.

I’m guessing that the taste means it was wet stored. It tastes damp. Like wet forest, but not super fresh with pine and clean air. It’s not resinous either. It’s actually pretty smooth yet quite mild. Not that the flavour isn’t strong, just that it’s well blended together so there’s nothing bringing itself strongly to my attention. So far I’m enjoying it, but I’m not sure that this is a flavour profile I adore. Perhaps I’m learning to like a little more bite in my puerh.

And now I have a cat forcefully cuddling me so I can’t reach the kettle.

5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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Woop woop! Sipdown.

1 cup was like 3 gulps. And GONE.

I was surprised at the rooibos floating in my strainer. I didn’t really notice it the last time. I kind of tasted it this time, but it works well with the fake chocolate and sweet candy raspberry flavours.

So.. I liked that tea. I’m not sure if I’d buy a bunch, but I liked it.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I mostly drink black tea.

Also: A map of tea places in Vancouver. I’ve been to some of them, but not a lot. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!


Vancouver, BC, Canada



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