2291 Tasting Notes
Another tea from MissB! Thank you so much. :)
There were just two tea bags, so I made up 12 oz for me using both bags. Muahahaha.
It smells delicious. Apple and cinnamon and very nutty. I added a little honey again, because that’s how I’m feeling today.
Sipping it, I REALLY taste the chicory. OMG, this is tasty! IDK that I’d want a lot of this, but wow this cup is good. So much baked apple, chicory, nuts, some cinnamon. Mmm… Probably helps that I’m super hungry right now. :)
So I steeped this absolutely terribly, I’ll admit. But! I really enjoyed the tea!
It was sweet and thick and almost… minty. A nice, sharp, fresh flavour. Someone else called it “pepper” and I can understand that, but it really struck me as mint when I had it a couple days ago.
Thank you, Dexter! I really enjoyed it, and hopefully I enjoy it the next time I have it too. :)
1 tsp-ish, 12 oz, 195C, ~4 hours. Yeah… I know.
I think I got it.
Blackcurrant and Rhubarb “Flavour Infusion”. First tea from the box of DOOM that Sil and MissB have shared. Thank you so much tea friends!!!
It smells super blackcurranty, yay! I’ll add a little honey to this as I’m still recovering.
There is definitely a lot of hibiscus in this both in flavour and in looks. However, I don’t really mind that too much. It might be better aka more balanced as a cold steep, but I’m happy to drink this as-is. I don’t get a lot of rhubarb, but there is SOUR so that could be rhubarb. :)
I think maybe the blackcurrant and vanilla might be more my style, but this is good too.
Thanks so much to MissB, for sharing this. (There’s only one of each Twinings and they’re all mine! ALL MINE! grabby hands)
1 tea bag in 10 oz, 3 minutes at 195F.
:D This is super fun, but it’s taken over my sewing table. As I try, I’m going to pack the rest up for Bear With Me and CrowKettle.
Yay! Glad it made it to you. I can still easily get a lot of these (Twinings) if you want me to send more of the loved ones.
Having this (still from my 50g sample, not the new cake (!!) that I bought) made in my new eensy teensy gaiwan.
Smells like honey. Tastes like honey with a touch of bitter because I’m learning the skill of pouring. Haha. Note to self: flash steep this sucker until it opens up!
I like the sound of tasting like honey. Also, where’d you get the new taiwan? I’m on the hunt for one. I saw a few at Silk Road, both that I like, but I thing I want to look around a bit more first.
I got it at Treasure Green! They had a ~100-120ml white one for about $20 as well. https://instagram.com/p/0O2HtrR5HZ/
Not everything is on their website. :) And they’ll have more in June, I think, once she gets back from her buying trip.
Today I went tea shopping with Dexter and we tried ALL THE TEAS!!! (Yay!!!)
First up, a sheng from The Chinese Tea Shop. I really liked it. Green, fresh, a touch bitter on the tongue. I think we had 5 steeps? Unfortunately I wasn’t paying attention and don’t know which one it was. If I could afford it, I’d probably buy it. It was really nice.
Second up, a shou from The Chinese Tea Shop. I really liked this one too, but it was rather out of my budget at $160 a cake. I think it was this one. Super smooth, very calming. The liquor was really dark in the 2nd and 3rd steeps. Totally would have bought if my budget was bigger. :) http://store.thechineseteashop.com/Pu_Erh_Tea_Cake_Import_Export_Corporation_1990_p/pubc-90-383a.htm
I bought: A Xishi yixing tea pot, a wee cup, a moonlight cake, some white peony, and received a sample of 1000 year old tree yunnan black. Mmm, tea.
At our second stop, Treasure Green, we tried a 2013 Dayi brick (http://treasuregreen.com/collections/pu-erh-tea-cakes-cooked-shou-1/products/2013-dayi-pu-erh-tea-brick-250g) and it was really quite nice, but not nearly as settled as the more expensive shou. I almost bought it, but then I reigned myself in so I didn’t go too far over budget, and picked up some of their “Crescent Moon” and some of the ripe tuocha, as well as the cutest gaiwan. I can’t remember if we tried anything else.
And then we checked out the Urban Tea Merchant and the TWG teas, just for fun.
I’m having this tea as a latte with coconut milk – the thin kind you get in tetra packs for your morning cereal.
I don’t love this “milk” but it does OK with this tea! Also, I can’t really taste it but I can taste enough and I like it. :)
In other news, I got a new phone because it was free and I switched providers because it was way cheaper. Now I’m having troubles setting the thing up, because it’s Android and I’m a former iPhone user! Any one have tips for an LG G3? Mostly to make sure it’s not using all my data in random things? I had that down on the iPhone, but I’m not sure what settings I should be changing on this phone! Also, my LG backup keeps failing. I don’t get it. At least I have enough in my Google account to deal with phone backups.
OMG! And also, how the heck do I put music on this thing? :O
Yay new phone! Sorry I can’t help you with that. Which provider are you with now? I’m thinking of eventually switching to a smaller company like Chatr or Wind since they seem to have better deals than the big wigs.
My taste still isn’t OK. I had this with some sweetened condensed milk this morning (because it was in my fridge!) and…
It tasted like vanilla orange dirt.
I have a random yunnan black from Dexter’s box in my lunch bag. Here’s hoping that one doesn’t taste like dirt. :/
Oh, almost done. I’m gonna be so so sad once this is gone!
I made a BIG POT of it tonight, because regular teas just aren’t doing it for me. I added some honey, and I’m having it along side some cream scones with honey.
I need to start stocking heavy cream again, because they are better made with heavy cream rather than just coffee cream. But they’re still so good drizzled in sweetness.
Trying it again, and today it’s dirt tea.
Maybe I’ll go make something fruity.
Uh oh. I’m still sick (Return of the Snots!) and my beloved assam tasted like fruit and… dirt. :(
Do not want.
Haha. I know! I really wasn’t expecting dirt here. Hoping that tomorrow isn’t Revenge of the Snots and I’m actually able to taste things.