2291 Tasting Notes

drank Gin Fizz by Jardin du Thé
2291 tasting notes

Thanks to MissB and Sil for the sample. :) Well. “Sample.”

Dry, this smells amazing. So limey and fresh! Unfortunately, once steeped it has a scent I really don’t care for. I’m not sure if it’s the green tea or the lime peel or what.

Sipping on it, it’s mostly lime and a bit of ginger. I could see this being really good sweetened and chilled, but… I’m not a huge fan of iced tea unless it’s a cold steeped fruity thing.

Tasty, but not quite for me. :) Oh well. I have more teas to try!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank O'Connor's Cream by TeaGschwendner
2291 tasting notes

Drank the last of this today, with a large splash of cream.

I still quite like it, but IDK I think I’m moving away from the chocolate/cream/heavy kind of flavoured teas because it’s so springy. If I have flavoured teas, I want citrus and berries and flowers and toasted rice…

Maybe I’ll have to get more for the fall. :)

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Diyi Cornfields Shu by Verdant Tea
2291 tasting notes

Ohhhhh this is good!

Smells like toasted basmati rice. Tastes like toasted basmati rice.

Om nom nom (I think I’m going to go put on a pot of rice to cook!).

(Flash steeping 3g in my teensy gaiwan that I haven’t measured yet.)

Edit: It started with a garnet hue, like pineapple pomegranate juice or wine, almost. It’s steeping out and is more of an amber colour now. So pretty. So tasty. I must be on steep 8 or 9.


i seriously need to just spend a week with only my puerhs


Yes. Me too. :D Tea-cation. I’m just puttering in the kitchen (also I have to vacuum) and making cup after cup of this… Mmm…….


Mmmmmm this sounds amazing


i did not like it. just swapped 2 oz.


have you tried rice mini tuo from Tao Tea Leaf? I like them both, shou maybe teensy better. but sheng is quite good too. not dusty, leaves are pretty good


I’ve only tried one rice tuo and I don’t remember where it’s from. I dont even know if it was ripe or raw.

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A green tea. Why do many green teas MissB? :) Ahh, well I guess it’s broadening my horizons or something.

This tea. It is SO FLORAL WOW. It does smell really good though. Like a garden or bouquet. And the flavour doesn’t move beyond floral to soapy for me.

Interestingly the tea went from meh, to weirdly grainy (texture) to thick and smooth and syrupy. I might have to try this again.

Thanks so much for sharing MissB!

1.5-ish tsp in 8 oz, 2 min at 175F.

1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Thank you MissB and Sil!

There aren’t a lot of teas left I’m super keen on trying, although I’ll be packing up one serving of each for myself as I divide the remainder. So many greens! :P

Anyways, this is a decent peach tea. I think I prefer peach and ginger, but you know. Plain peach works as well. The base is not bad at all either, and it goes well with milk. It’s a sort of candy-sweet peach flavour. Sort of. Not quite like Fuzzy Peaches, but not quite like a fresh ripe peach or a peach pie, either.

Thanks for sharing! :)

(2 tea bags, 2 minutes, 16oz, 195F.)

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This is the DCTea shou coin thing from O5 Tea.

And… I am not a fan. Nopers. I’m on the 4th “rinse” and it’s finally not too bitter, but it tastes ultra musty and damp earthy. And it is still somewhat bitter.

I did one LONG rinse, to mostly break up the coin. It sat for about 10 minutes. Then 3 flash steeps in my glass pot from DavidsTea. It doesn’t pour super fast, but this is a shou. It should be fine.

I guess I’ll keep steeping and trying. But this cup is going down the sink. :/

205 °F / 96 °C 6 OZ / 177 ML

Boooooooo!!!!! I was hoping these were going to be REALLY good. :((


Haha. Yeah. But your experience could be totally different. I’m using more water than usual with it, which could be why I’m not loving it.


I’ve had 4 more steeps, and it’s finally starting to become more what I like. Smooth. Less of that musty fermenty taste. Still not really sweet, but it does go well with the treacle toffee I’m nomming on.



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I have the Double Ginger, from Amariel, which is just this plus dried ginger bits.

It’s really strong. Super spicy. I steeped it 5 minutes then pulled out the ginger chunks – she warned me it wouldn’t all dissolve, so I did use a basket.

I really like this, but don’t see that it’s much different from the ginger packets I get at the Asian market. I’m not sure that the dried ginger pieces really add a lot of extra flavour… not like grating fresh ginger into it does. (Yes, I’ve done that…)

So while I do like this and will no doubt finish it all rapidly, I don’t think I’d go out of my way to get it.

The caramel houjicha, however. I’m really looking forward to a cup of that one. Mmm, caramel tea. AND I have whipping cream. And maple syrup. :D :D

Thanks so much for sharing, Amariel!

200 °F / 93 °C 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

Oh I lied. As this is sitting here it has reached BURNING FORCE levels of ginger. So amazing.

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Yep, eg from sbux.

I got on the wrong bus and it’s pouring and I’m wearing sandals and a sweatshirt and so so cold and sore and tired.

So I went the long way around so I could transfer to a bus without standing in the rain. And got sbux. The line was huge so tea it was. And she gave me two tea bags for the price of one, so I guess I look kinda crappy. :)

It’s not perfect, but it’s hot and flavoured and comforting.


I hope you home now. Stay warm

Maddy Barone

Man, how miserable, especially when you’ve been sick.


I got home and ate “real food” instead of coffee and tea, then borrowed a friends car to do ALL the grocery shopping (yay Costco?) and now I’m finally home and the frogs are cleaned and all the animals are fed and wow I did a lot. :) Blasting heat in the car was DIVINE.

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Sample from Amariel – thank you!

This tea had a bit of an accident, in that it was involved in a water spill on my counter. I tried drying it out, but decided to steep it up ASAP just in case it was still damp.

It smells fruity and floral. Kind of generic fruity I think, and I can see jasmine blossoms in the dry leaves. Now, I just had some chocolate covered espresso beans, but the tea tastes fruity-floral. I’m not really getting any rhubarb out of it… maybe hints of rhubarb (What does rhubarb taste like other than itself?) but I’m not sure. And I think the reason it’s creamy is because I put cream in it and also the jasmine.

It’s nice, and definitely springy. But it doesn’t have that punch of rhubarb flavour that I was looking for. Not necessarily sour, but that fresh fruity creamy flavour you get in a pie filling.

I will have to pick up a sample of this for Sil when I go to Victoria. See what she thinks. :)

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo barb!

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Of course there are two listings for this tea. It wouldn’t be Steepster without excessive duplications! :P

This sample is from Dexter, thank you! I have enough for one more pot, or a “terrible treatment” in my thermos. Haha.

I really like this one. Especially in later steeps when it starts getting so fruity. It’s still steeping up pretty dark although I’ve done 7 or 8 steeps already. Every time I go into the kitchen I flick the kettle on and do another cup. :) The only downside, and I think this is because it’s such a tightly packed puerh, is that there are lots of “bits” that need to be strained out. The Huron I had yesterday didn’t need to be strained at all, but then again it was a loose tea.

And I think I might prefer this one.

Thanks so much for sharing! Hopefully I’ll be able to come off hiatus at some point this year so I can pick up a cake. :)

200 °F / 93 °C 4 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

haha that’s why i used the ebay one – there were a few more listings from a tea perspective from this store.


This is the one I used last time so I’m sticking with it!


neener neener!


Besides! You have a note on this one too. :P http://steepster.com/Silaena/posts/287127


I don’t want it alphabetically by company under "e"bay – I want it "S"treetshop…


YES! That is very true.


haha i wish we had it as streetshop-ebay

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I mostly drink black tea.

Also: A map of tea places in Vancouver. I’ve been to some of them, but not a lot. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!


Vancouver, BC, Canada



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