This is the DCTea shou coin thing from O5 Tea.
And… I am not a fan. Nopers. I’m on the 4th “rinse” and it’s finally not too bitter, but it tastes ultra musty and damp earthy. And it is still somewhat bitter.
I did one LONG rinse, to mostly break up the coin. It sat for about 10 minutes. Then 3 flash steeps in my glass pot from DavidsTea. It doesn’t pour super fast, but this is a shou. It should be fine.
I guess I’ll keep steeping and trying. But this cup is going down the sink. :/
Haha. Yeah. But your experience could be totally different. I’m using more water than usual with it, which could be why I’m not loving it.
I’ve had 4 more steeps, and it’s finally starting to become more what I like. Smooth. Less of that musty fermenty taste. Still not really sweet, but it does go well with the treacle toffee I’m nomming on.
Boooooooo!!!!! I was hoping these were going to be REALLY good. :((
Haha. Yeah. But your experience could be totally different. I’m using more water than usual with it, which could be why I’m not loving it.
I’ve had 4 more steeps, and it’s finally starting to become more what I like. Smooth. Less of that musty fermenty taste. Still not really sweet, but it does go well with the treacle toffee I’m nomming on.