Earl Grey (full leaf sachet)

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Bergamot, Floral, Lavender, Heavy
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Edit tea info Last updated by sherapop
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 3 g 11 oz / 340 ml

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42 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Oh, oh, oh, oh what a mistake I made last night! I was freezing and I had the big one of this right before class at 7:30pm last night. I DID NOT SLEEP A WINK! It was a very delicious, citrusy,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Has this ever happened to you? “You don’t want that tea? Give it to _____! She’ll drink anything!” Thus, a nearly full box of Earl Grey bags on my desk, minus one suspiciously eyed, hesitantly...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a review for the newer “full leaf” tea sachets that you can find at Starbucks, not a flat tea bag. I got a cup of this at the airport today… Yes, back at the airport. I have seen way too...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was craving bergamot and I had this lying around (untouched for ages) and out of desperation I brewed some up. Now I remember why I left it sitting. This stuff tastes how I imagine lavender...” Read full tasting note

From Tazo Tea

Tazo® Earl Grey includes some of the world’s most sought-after teas, grown in the high-elevation gardens of Sri Lanka and northeast India. Following the original recipe, Tazo adds the essence of bergamot, a citrus fruit with subtle lemon and spicy lavender notes. We think the aromatic result would have curled the Earl’s stiff upper lip into a smile.

About Tazo Tea View company

Company description not available.

42 Tasting Notes

1112 tasting notes

Oh, oh, oh, oh what a mistake I made last night! I was freezing and I had the big one of this right before class at 7:30pm last night. I DID NOT SLEEP A WINK! It was a very delicious, citrusy, lavendery mistake, but a mistake none the less! I am going to get something herbal from now on!

5 min, 0 sec

I must be the only one who can’t taste the bergamot in this blend. I have tried it in Starbuck’s and at home. Tasted more like an English Breakfast tea to me. Glad you enjoyed it.


Oy, sorry you didn’t sleep! I couldn’t sleep either, and I thought the pain killers following my surgery would knock me right out! Not so! I slept from 5 am to 8 am! Fortunately, Sandy was on Skype in New Zealand to keep me company all that time (it was civil daytime for her!) and we even planned a virtual tea party for today…which we had and it was delightful!

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3010 tasting notes

Has this ever happened to you? “You don’t want that tea? Give it to _____! She’ll drink anything!”

Thus, a nearly full box of Earl Grey bags on my desk, minus one suspiciously eyed, hesitantly tested bag.

I will finish the cup, but (apologies to those of you who like this) it tastes like furniture polish.

Correction. Maybe I will finish the cup.


That is totally my life! People are always giving me tea bags, (again, no offense to those who drink tea bagged tea) but I honestly can’t stand tea bags. It doesn’t taste anything like loose leaf.


I had the same tea this morning. Was wanting an earl grey and had only this. Bad idea. Milk and sugar made it okay to finish but I didnt enjoy it. I’ve got to get some loose earls…


Hurrah for furniture polish! :) Every time I have had this, but once, it just tasted like tea. Apparently kept in the store way past is expiration date. Oh, the one time it was ok.


I guess what makes me chuckle is the notion by non-teaists that there are really no quality distinctions as long as it’s tea.


gmathis, I was just sharing that thought with someone yesterday. I always thought tea was bitter and need sugar and milk. Little did I know that there was a difference until I got into loose leaf.


Here’s to broadened horizons!


Its not bad when you have it in latte form with vanilla syrup. So basically not bad when its not tea anymore. :,D


That leaves us with a philosophical question. When is tea no longer tea? :)




Totally agree about the furniture polish. I thought you couldn’t have a bad early grey (differing qualities yes, but never bad) until I tried this one. xD

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2201 tasting notes

This is a review for the newer “full leaf” tea sachets that you can find at Starbucks, not a flat tea bag. I got a cup of this at the airport today… Yes, back at the airport. I have seen way too many airports in the past month, even for me.

I immediately put milk and sugar in this mostly because I wanted something comforting and was too tired and annoyed at having to be my the airport to mess with trying this tea on its own. Nevertheless, this is quite clearly a much better quality tea than the tea bag version. The bergamot was nice and strong, but with good flavor too. Maybe sometime I will try this on its own.

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172 tasting notes

I was craving bergamot and I had this lying around (untouched for ages) and out of desperation I brewed some up. Now I remember why I left it sitting. This stuff tastes how I imagine lavender scented perfume would taste, with a slight aftertaste of soap. On the bright side, I’m re-watching a fantastic documentary called “Wild China”. It shows different regions in China and explores each regions nature, wildlife and culture and let me tell you, it’s a BEAUTIFUL country with amazing people. On my list of top 5 places to visit in the world, China would be number one (with Japan and Canada following). But now I’m rambling a bit. But if you’re bored or looking for something with substance to watch and you have Netflix, you should definitely stream it or rent the discs. It’s a great documentary about a beautiful and culturally rich place (and, of course, the motherland of our precious tea).


I saw that documentary a few months ago, it was wonderful!


I think Netflix still has “All in this Leaf” if you haven’t seen it yet, too!


Saw that, that was cool as well. I understand that the man in that documentary owned Silk Road Tea but I think he handed over ownership to somebody else, I wonder if the business is still run in the same way.


Wild China sounds like a great documentary!


Adding it to the queue now!


Is it the BBC series? We’ve got that on DVD as well. It’s very good because it covers so many subjects. :)

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3294 tasting notes

This was my 2nd cup of tea at breakfast.
I can’t say I’m a fan, but at least the lavender wasn’t too prominent. I love lavender, the smell of it is wonderful, but I don’t care for it in my tea or in my food.
Gratefully I’m home now, where I have a crazy & wonderful selection of teas that I do love!
BTW…did you know that under the ‘companies’ heading, there are 4 listings each for Stash & for Tazo? This applies to several other company listings as well. If I had more time, I’d go in & consolidate all the multiple listings, just because (look out, here comes a rare left brain moment, someone let Ms Theresa out of the closet) it really irritates me! Maybe a group of us could each agree to take a letter of the alphabet, & clean up that letter, consolidating all the companies & reviews that have multiple listings. Any comments?


Duplicate companies can be merged, but it has to be done by Jason because it is somewhat tricky. A while back they had to fix DavidsTea because there were multiple listings for that company. I think they best thing to do would be to email Jason with an example of the listings that show different company names, and eventually he’ll get to fixing it. It can take longer than merging multiple tea listings, which seems straightforward.

For merging listings of an individual tea, you can email Ricky with both of the listings, and I usually say which one I think is more accurate/whatever for him to use as the primary one, while the second one gets deleted after the tasting notes are moved over. Those he usually gets to pretty quickly, within a day or so.

The problem with trying to do it ourselves is that we can’t move tasting notes! But I send things to Ricky all the time. I feel like I must get annoying but he has thanked me for helping clean up the Steepster database. :)

Terri HarpLady

Thanks Sara!
I was thinking we could go in & edit a Tea, changing the company it was listed under, & all the tasting notes would move with it.
Oh well…I’m not gonna worry about it then.


Yeah I suppose that would work for teas that aren’t double listed under two “different” companies. Of course then the “wrong” company name is still hanging out there in the database and you know somebody will use it again. :P


I cleaned up a bunch of duplicate DavidsTeas recently, as many organic ones were duplicated (people really don’t look before they create a new tea, argh!) But yes, Jason is pretty good at taking care of things/merging duplicates if you find them! It bothers me a lot too.


And yeah, if you can change companies to something consistent (i.e. there are no double-listed teas), that’s a perfect way to deal with some of it! Unfortunately, Steepster won’t let you name two teas from the same company the same thing (unless you’re sneaky and put a space at the end of the name ;) )

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421 tasting notes

I needed a pick me up this afternoon and my stash at work only has herbal tea…that wasn’t going to work. So I hopped on over to the campus bistro thing and got this. As it steeped I swear it smelled like fruit loops…yes the cereal. After the first sip I knew I needed to doctor this up with some sweetener and skim milk. I usually don’t add much of anything to my teas, but this needed it in a big way.

Thankfully we’ll be passing a real Starbucks tonight where I can get a Green Tea Latte mmm…


Have you tried a GTL (not the “Jersey Shores” version lol) w/ mocha and peppermint syrups? Sooo good! I often add white mocha and vanilla as well. No classic for me.


I get the GTL with vanilla and soy…SO good!


That would be too sweet for me. I can feel my teeth rotting just thinking about it lol.


It isn’t as sweet as you might imagine. I can still really taste the green tea of it too.


I’ve tried it before, so yeah I can imagine. Although that was also back in the day when they put melon syrup in it (I just didn’t know it).


Have you had it iced? That’s how I have them and the ice helps to cut all that sweet.


No. I just don’t like matcha cold unless it’s in juice or lemonade. And I’ve learned I do not like it w/ just plain milk (vanilla isn’t extremely flavored so I still consider that plain lol)- only w/ the addition of chocolate which actually cuts the sweetness.


See I’ve never had it hot. So I’ll have to try that the next time we stop at a Starbucks or when the matcha I ordered arrives.

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557 tasting notes

This is the box of Earl Grey that my junior got me for a gift. I have been putting off actually trying some because I don’t really like the Tazo brand. So, I have decided that if I don’t like this one, then I will just pop the box into my teacher’s tea basket when I get back to school.

It smells like an Earl. I think it smells a little stronger than Numi’s Aged Earl or Twining’s Earl or Lady, but it doesn’t smell bad. It is very astingent. I can feel my mouth get dry as I take a sip. It tastes like perfume. Yeah. Mouth drying perfume. I think I can see how it might taste good as a latte because the milk would tone down the flavors. But, I don’t normally drink milk with my Earl Grey. And if I did, I would want to start with a better Earl.

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34 tasting notes

So, I had a minor outpatient surgery yesterday to get a cyst removed. So I’m drinking Earl Grey tea and relaxing. I’m listening to Soul Surfer by Bethany Hamilton, on Overdrive. It’s a nice Summer evening. Perfect for drinking tea. I love Earl Grey tea anytime.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 15 sec

Hope you are healing well


I think I will do fine. It feels a little odd though. The cyst is gone.

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230 tasting notes

Maybe it is the books I am reading (everyone is drinking tea and wine in them) or the fact that I purchased this for my husband – his insesent whinning about how I have all this tea and I am not sharing made me purchase some of this Earl Grey; man! men can be such babies when they are left out! LOL

When I popped open the tin, I nearly decided to not give this tea a chance, so overwhelming was the scent of lavendar that I was worried this tea would taste soapy. Lavendar is always a scary scent in foods and teas, too much heat makes it soapy and yet too little heat will not always steep the tea correctly.

This tea steeped fast, and turned a dark burnt caramel or chocolate colour.

I noted a lot of malty floral scents, but no lavendar… strange.

It tastes REALLY bitter, which makes me a little sad, because I don’t have any cream and I find sugar and honey ruin the taste. … Maybe if I had some agave, it would help?

We’ll see what happens as it cools some more.

2 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes

I had a very busy day, and didn’t have time to stop and think … much less brew a cup of tea. So after dropping my youngest off at her dance class, we went to Starbucks and got a cup of Earl Grey to help ward off the lack-of-caffeine headache that was starting.

It’s OK… certainly not the best Earl Grey I’ve had. Even a bit bitter and I didn’t let it oversteep.


Can you tell there is bergamot in this? Had it more than once and I can’t detect the bergamot.

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