2291 Tasting Notes
Weird that no one else has tasting notes. Where were they filed?
Anyways, I have this big package from MissB that says “Christmas Spiced Tea” on the bottom, so this is what I’m guessing it was.
It was… way more delicate than expected. Even with the bazillion cloves I got in my mug, it wasn’t too clovey. Nice and gentle, went really nicely with milk. There’s lots of safflower (fake saffron, the really orange bits) in this tea, which makes it really pretty.
I think I quite like this one, and will be keeping some. Thanks, MissB!
Almost finished this one! I don’t think I’ll want to revisit for a while, although it’s not too bad today. The chocolate is just not so great beside Crio Bru and various cacao shell options that are out there. But! I’m finally tasting the hazelnut today! Whoa!
One cup left. :)
I am so sorry I sent this to you without trying, Dex. OMG this is terrible.
6th rinse and it’s not drinkable at all. Smells and tastes like wet rotting leaves in the forest. Not that I’ve eaten wet rotting leaves out from under a log, but you get the idea.
This is seriously disappointing.
I’m going back to my moonlight cake.
No worries – I’ve sent out tea without trying them. This is something I THOUGHT I was interested in – now I KNOW I’m not. :))
Made the last of this with coffee this morning, and it was SO GOOD.
So good, in fact, I’m making a flourless chocolate fudgey cake right now because mmm chocolate.
This is the White2Tea 2012 Guafengzhai Old Arbor Orb. I’ve split the sample in two so I can share it with Dexter.
Steeping 4-5g in my teeny gaiwan. 2 rinses, rest, flash steeps.
1 – It smells honey sweet, but has quite a bitterness on the tip of the tongue. Bitterness like fresh garden herbs, not bitterness like oversteeped Assam.
2 – Much the same.
3 – Much the same.
4 – Much the same.
And on, and on.
It’s not bad, but I’m not loving it. Part of this might be my disappointment with the club selection, so YMMV.
Oh man… OH MAN. If this didn’t have licorice root in it, it would be PERFECT.
It’s ultra tart and hibiscusy, definite raspberry and cranberry flavours – like jam, really. But then the licorice sweetness builds and builds and by the end of the cup it feels like I need to scrape it off my tongue.
So disappointing, Twinings! This could have been awesome.
Thanks so much, MissB, for sharing!
From MissB. Thank you again!
So this is a tea that I think needs more leaf and less water. I did 1 bag in about 8 oz, but it doesn’t have the punch I was expecting from the assam base.
It does smell really nice. Nutty and chocolate, just like the name. :) The chocolate is nice and natural, and the nuts are pretty true – walnut and almond, I think. There’s a bit of bitter walnut skin taste in the steeped tea.
I’d keep the other two bags to try over leafing this tea, but I think it needs to be shared.
Thanks so much!
Another tea from MissB! Thank you. :) There will be quite a few more of them over the weekend as I’m packing things up for CrowKettle and Bear With Me.
This was actually pretty good with some milk added. A little citrusy, reminded me of Mandarin Spice or whatever it was from Celestial Seasonings. Only WAY more delicate and with a black base. Even though these Christmas teas from Twinings are heavily flavoured, I quite like them with some cream.
Thanks, MissB! I’m keeping some of this one. :)